
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

一、How uch 與How any
1、how uch + ……?對價格提問“….多少錢?”,
此外,how uch +不可數(shù)名詞+ ….?對數(shù)量提問 “多少….”。
2、how any+復數(shù)名詞…..?對數(shù)量提問 “多少….?”
(1)-- How uch is the book? ? It’s only five yuan.
(2)-- How uch water is there in the bottle? -- Half a bottle.
(3)-- How any apples are there有 in the bag?
? There are five apples in the bag.
二、a few ; few; a little與little
few “很少,幾乎沒有” + 可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)
a few = soe “幾個”+ 可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)

little “很少,幾乎沒有” + 不可數(shù)名詞
a little “一點” + 不可數(shù)名詞
如:a few apples = soe apples ; a little water = soe water
There is a little有一點 water in the bottle.
There is little幾乎沒有water in the bottle.
There are a few有幾個 apples in the box.
There are few幾乎沒有 apples in the box.
1、ay I speak to …?可以和……通電話嗎?
2、-- Who is this/that?誰。 -- This is …speaking.我是….
3、Hold on , please/ Wait a oent ,please.別掛斷,請稍等。
4、Is that ….?是….嗎?
5、Can I leave a essage? 我可以留口信嗎?
6、Can I take a essage? 我可以捎口信嗎?
7、Sorry, he/she isn’t in. 對不起,他/她不在家。
8、Sorry, I’ afraid you have the wrong nuber.
1)用“分+ past+ 時”,表示“幾點幾分” 如:
8:23 twenty-three past eight
2)用“60-分 + to時+1”表示“幾點差幾分” 如:
3:55 five to four ; 5:40 twenty to six
3)直接表達,即“時+ 分”,如:4:10 four ten ;
12:50 twelve fifty ; 2:30 two thirty
1. look after=take care of 照顧,照看

2. look the sae 看起來一樣 …look like… 看起來像…
3. You are welcoe. = That’s OK (all right). =Not at all
4. try on 試穿 try it /the on(正確) try on it/the(錯誤)
5. pick up 撿起來pick it/the up (正確) pick up it/the(錯誤)
6. What’s up? =What’s wrong? = What’s the atter?
7. ay/Can I help you? =What can I do for you?你想要點什么 ?
8. What do you think of….?=How do you like…?
9. Are you kidding? 開玩笑吧?
10. be free = have tie 有空,有時間
11. call sb. back 回復電話給…..
12. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(別)干某事
13. How(What) about doing? 做….,怎樣?
14. What tie is it? =What is the tie? 幾點了?
15. It’s tie (for sb.) to do sth.. 該(某人)干某事的時候了。
16. It’s very kind of you to help us. 你幫助我們,真好。
17. tell sb. about sth. 告訴某人某事
1. y shoes are worn out用舊, what about__________(you)?
2. How uch _______ (be) this skirt?
3. How uch __________(be) these apples?.
4.__________ (who) bicycle is this?
5. Here is _____________(you) change(零錢).
6. I would like three____________(kilo) of salt.
7. Let’s try _________(they) on.
8. His friends have two ____________(radio) .
9. How any _________(ubrella) do you need?
10. Could you tell __________(we) about that?

11.Help __________(you)to soe chicken,kids
12. Look! They are __________(we) cousins.
13. I’ll give ___________(he) the essage
14. ________ they______( have) dinner at hoe?
15. We often __________(read) English in the orning.
16. Your classroo is big but __________(we) is sall.
17. She would like=wants ________( do ) the washing this afternoon.
18. Can I ___________( have) a look at your pictures?
19. Look at those _____________(photo).
20. Could I tell __________(she) your address?
21. How any ___________ (zoo ) are there in Haikou?
22. Ji’s sister ________(like) onkeys best.
23. It’s tie ___________(go )to bed no
24. Could you please show/give this pen to __________(he)?
25. Let ___________(they) help us.
26. You can’t _______(sing)here, the baby is sleeping在睡覺
27. I can see three ____________(baby) in the photo.
28. Let hi _________( help) you.
29. Could you help her_________(study) English?
30. Could you help her w________ her English?
( ) 1. How do I look ____ this dress?A. on B. forC. in D. with
( )2. Would you like to try _______ another pair?
A. on B. for C. in D. with
( )3. ---_____________? -- I a just looking, thanks.
A. What can I do for you B. Could you do e a favor
C. ay I take your order D. What would you like
( ) 4. ilk ______e,please . A. on B. for C. in D. with
( )5 . I a _________ a jacket for y son.
A. looking at B. looking after
C. looking for尋找 D. looking like
( )6. Could you help e, we need ______tie any people.
A. a little B. little C. uch D. a few
( )7. ----__________? --- Two hundred yuan.
A. How uch is this apple B. How is your dog
C.How uch is that recorder D. How do you like this recorder
( )8.---What is she? ---____________?
A. Fine, thanks B. A waitress女服務員
C. She’s Jane D. She’s thin and tall.
( )9. You can buy a_______ in a clothes shop.
A. hat B. recorder C. fridge D.VCD player
( )10.This is _____ ubrella. A. .a B. the C. an D./
( )11. Please tell e ________ it.
A. on B. about C. in D. with
( )12. ---____________ ? --- I a having an English lesson.
A. What are you doing B. What are you
C. What do you like D. What would you like?
( )13. ---ay I speak______ Ji? ---Sorry, he isn’t______.
A. to , on B. with, in C. /, in D. to, in
( )14.---Hello! Is _______ Jack speaking? A. he B. you C. that
( )16. Let’s discuss it ______ toorrow orning.
A. on B. in C. this D. /
( )17. ----Hello! _______ Kangkang, Who’s that?
A. I a B. This is C. That’s D. This’s
( )18.Could you ask her ___________ e back this afternoon?
A. call B. calls C. to call D. calling
( )19.-- What are they doing? -- They ___________.
A. have supper B. has lunch
C. are having a eeting 正在開會 D. having diner
( )20.Let’s ________ swiing toorro
A. go B. going C. to go D. goes
( )21. Please call her _______ 65556788.
A. to B. back C. at D. about
( )22.Don’t ________ in the sun在太陽下.
A. look B. look at C. read看書 D. reading
( )23. Jerry often __________ dishes at hoe.
A. is washing B. wash
C to wash D. washes
( )24.Why not go out for a picnic _________ Sunday orning?
A. in B./ C .on D. with
( )25. Sixty inutes is _______ hour.
A. an B. a C. / D. the
( )26. ---____________ --- Sounds great!
A. What about you? B. Let’s go to the zoo.
C. What’s your favorite book? D. What would you like?
( )27. The boy is acting _____ a onkey.
A. at B. like C. of D. likes
( )28.Is it tie _______ us to have supper?
A. to B. of C. for D. with
( )29. ____ the bus, they are talking and laughing.
A. of B. Under C. In D. On
( )30. ______is this pair of shoes?
A. How uch B. How any
C. How old D. How long
( )31.-- _________ do tigers live? -- Sorry, I don’t kno
A. How uch B. How any
C. How old D. How long多長
( )32.Oh, it’s ten o’clock. It’s tie _____________.
A. to go to bed B. to have supper
C. have lunch D. to go to school.
( )33. ______What’s the tie?
A. Sorry B. Excuse e C. Hi D. I a sorry
( )34.---________ is Baby onkey’s hoe? ---It’s over there.
A. Which B. What C. Where D. Why
( )35. The dog is playing________ a ball.
A. to B. with C. at D. about
( )36. -- ________ bags of ilk do you want? --- Two.
A. How uch B. How C. How any D. How about
( ) 37. What does your sister look like?
She is tall and thin ______ big eyes.
A. with B. and C. or D. in
三. 同義句互換. 1. What’s your favorite food?(改為同義句)
What food do you _________ best最?
2. What tie is it? What _______ _______ ________?
3. What’ wrong? What_______ _______?
4. It’s three thirty. It’s________ ________ three.
5. It’s tie for lunch. It’s tie_______ ________ lunch.
6.It’s a quarter past two. It’s _______ _______.
25. She has a new bike.(改為否定句)
She ____ ____ a new bike.
26. They are English.(同義句轉換) They are ____ ____.
27. y sister is eleven.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ is your sister?
28. To has big eyes.(改為一般疑問句)
____ To ____big eyes?
29. They are their apples.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ are these?
30. The dress is only 30 yuan.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ is the dress?
31. ay I help you?(同義句轉換) ____ can I ____ ____ you?
32. How do you like this book?(同義句轉換)
____ do you ____ of this book?
33. I want soe fish.(改為否定句) I ____ want ____ fish.
34. Do you have tie now?(同義句轉換) ____ you ____ now?
35. John has a nice dog. (改為一般疑問句)
____ John ____ a nice dog?
36. Lucy would like soe apples.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ Lucy ____?
37. Speak Chinese in class.(改為否定句)
____ ____ Chinese in class.
38. He often goes to Yangyang’s hoe at eight o’clock.
What ____ does he often ____ to Yangyang’s hoe?
39. What tie is it?(同義句轉換) ____ the tie?
40. It’s twelve forty-five.(同義句轉換)
It’s ____ ____ ____ one.
41. Thank you. You help e.(合成一句)
Thank you ____ your ____.
42. ike has six books. (改為否定句)
ike ____ ____ six books.
43. The boy is John. (對畫線部分提問) ____ the boy?
44. y penfriend lives in England. (對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ your penfriend ____?
45. Does ary have a round face?
(作否定回答) ____, she ____.
46.Does he want to buy his son a toy?=buy a toy _____his son?
47.y uncle works on a far
your uncle _______ ?
48.They are cooks. are they?
=What____ they do?=What are _______ jobs(工作)
49.This is y cap. cap is this?
50.y favorite ovie star is the an in red.
your favorite ovie star ?
51.It is yellow . is it?
52.She is tall. What does she ?
53.Why not have soe fish?
_______ _______ having soe fish?
54.Jack looks like her.
Jack and she ______ _____ _______.
55.Would you like soe ilk? Do you soe ilk?
1. It’s a box .
2.That’s an eraser.
3. This woan isn’t a Chinese.
4 .Does he have any chicken .
5.The baby doesn’t have long hair.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/95315.html
