
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(時間:90分鐘 滿分:100分)
Ⅰ. (共20小題,每小題1分)
1. A. blog B. age C. flat
2. A. break B. band C. bell
3. A. protect B. provide C. pollute
4. A. guitar B. grade C. ground
5. A. Gerany B. Geography C. Geran
6. A. I’ fro Japan.
B. I’ fro China.
C. I’ fro Gerany.
7. A. y favourite subject is aths.
B. y favourite subject is Art.
C. y favourite subject is Science.
8. A. I love going to school.
B. I like going to school.
C. I hate going to school.
9. A. Soe live on the land.
B. Soe fly in the sky.
C. Soe live under the water.
10. A. Classes end at 3 o’clock p..
B. Classes end at 3:10 p..
C. Classes end at 3:30 p..

11. Where is she fro?
A. She is fro Japan. B. She is fro China.C. She is fro Gerany.
12. How old is she?
A. She is 12.B. She is 13.C. She is 14.
13. What’s her hobby?
A. She likes playing basketball.
B. She likes reading books.
C. She likes drawing pictures.
14. How any brothers and sisters does she have?
A. She has one elder brother.
B. She has one younger sister.
C. She has one elder sister.
15. What’s her drea?
A. She wants to be an Art teacher.
B. She wants to be an Science teacher.
C. She wants to be an aths teacher.

16. When do I get up on Saturday orning?
A. at 7 o’clockB. at 8 o’clockC. at 9 o’clock
17. Who always goes to the library with e?
A. y sister AnnaB. y brother PeterC. y brother Bobby
18. What do we do in the library?
A. We read books there.B. We watch TV there.C. We have a rest there.
19. What do I do after lunch?
A. I go shopping with y faily.
B. I playing basketball with y faily.
C. I read books with y faily.
20. Where do we visit after the lunch?
A. the libraryB. the street arketC. the superarket

Ⅱ. 單項(xiàng)選擇(共20小題,每小題1分)
21. I’ good ______ swiing and playing football.
A. in B. on C. of D. at
22. I enjoy ______ different places in the world.
A. learn about B. to learn about C. learning about D. learnning about
23. When the bell ______, I ______ to the playground.
A. ring, run B. rings, runs C. rings, run D. ring, runs
24. Sa, Jack and I ______ part in the school band practice on Sundays.
A. take B. takes C. a taking D. to take
25. --Does Xiao ei play the piano?
-- ______________.
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she isn’t. D. No, she does.
26. He wants to be ______ doctor. y drea is to be _____ engineer.
A.\, \ B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a
27. -- ______ does she live? ? She lives in Shenzhen.
-- ______ are you going to eail her? ? Right now!
A. When, Where B. What, When C. Where, When D. When, What
28. Bobby’s hoe is far away fro his school, so he ______ goes to school on foot.
A. often B. usually C. always D. seldo
29. Does Anna go to school ______ school bus?
A. on B. at C. in D. by
30. --________ do you brush your teeth? ---Once a day.
A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How any
31. I enjoy _______ y school friends.
A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw
32. ---When do you have your orning break? ---- ______ 9:50 a..
A. At B. On C. In D. with
33. y favourite hobby is ________ table tennis.
A. play B. playing C. plays D. played
34. ?How is her study at school?
--Very good! She _______ fails the exas.
A. always B. often C. soeties D. never
35. —_____ do you go hoe? --- By train.
A. How B. How often C. How any D. Where
36. I like geography best, so it is y favourite ______.
A. sport B. school C. title D. subject
37. There _______ any people like you and e on Earth, and there _______ also a lot of pollution.
A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, is
38. --______ any swiers in the sea in February?
--No, there aren’t.
A. Are there B. Is there C. Do there D. Does there
39. There _______ a glass of water and three apples on the table.
A. are B. do C. is D. does
40. It is very iportant for us ________ the Earth for our future.
A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. protected
Ⅲ. 完形(共10小題,每小題1分)

s Liu is our teacher. She ___41_____ us English. She always wears ___42_____. She is very kind and we all like her.
Every orning, s Liu gets up at 6 a.. She usually goes jogging before breakfast. Because her hoe is close to school, she ____43____ walks to school and arrives at eight o’clock. She teaches two ____44____ in the orning. At noon, she ____45____ soe students and corrects papers. She often has a eeting ___46_____ Wednesdays. In the afternoon, she teaches a lesson and plays ___47_____ table tennis ___48_____ her students. Then she walks hoe.
In the evening, she cooks dinner and ____49____ soe washing. She reads soe books and prepares her lessons after dinner. Soeties she helps her son with his studies. She seldo _____50___ TV at night. She usually goes to bed at 11 p..

41. A. teaches B. is teaching C. teach D. teacher
42. A. glass B. glasses C. a glass D. soe glasses
43. A. seldo B. never C. soeties D. always
44. A. lessons B. lesson C. students D. class
45. A. is talking to B. talks to C. talk to D. talked to
46. A. in B. at C. on D. to
47. A. the B. a C. an D. \
48. A. by B. for C. to D. with
49. A. did B. doing C. does D. is doing
50. A. sees B. looks C. watches D. reads
Ⅳ. 理解(共20小題,每小題1分)
Ted is the world’s oldest paperboy. He is now over 90 years old. This orning Ted takes us with hi
on his daily newspaper round(固定路線).
Every orning Ted gets up at 5 o’clock. First, he drives to get all the newspapers. Then he walks around the neighborhood and stops at every house. He puts the newspaper in the letter box at the front door. This job takes ted about three hours every orning. Finally, he drives back hoe at about 8:30 a.. and drinks a cup of tea.
Ted doesn’t ake uch oney for his work, but he enjoys it. He says, “I love y round and I do it for the neighborhood. It keeps e healthy. I will work until(直到) I’ 100 years old.”
51. How old is Ted now?
A. 90 years old B. 100 years old C. 80 years old D. 70 years old
52. When does Ted get up every orning?
A. at 6 o’clock B. at 5 o’clock C. at 3 o’clock D. at 8:30 o’clock
53. Where does Ted put the newspaper?
A. under the letter box at the front door B. on the letter box at the front door C. in the letter box at the front door D. in the letter box at the back door
53. How long does Ted’s paperboy job take every day?
A. 5 hours B. 4 hours C. 3 hours D. 2 hours
55. Why does Ted do this job?
A. He does this job for the oney. B. He enjoys it.
C. He has to do this job. D. He hates it.

The Sahara Desert is the largest desert on Earth. It is about 8,600,000 square kiloeters in size. The desert’s golden sand looks very beautiful.
ore than 2,000,000 people live in the Sahara. Soe of the ove around fro place to place with their caels. Other lives in towns and cities.
The desert is not always hot. There are any ountains in the Sahara, and soe of the have snow in winter. In soe places, people grow fruit. There are also different anials there, such as snakes, foxes and birds.
Thousands of years ago, the Sahara was not a desert at all. There were any plants and rivers. As the weather changed, it becae hot and dry.
56. How big is the Sahara Desert?
A. 860,000 square kiloeters B. 86,000 square kiloeters
C. 8,600,000 square kiloeters D. 86,000,000 square kiloeters
57. How any people live in the Sahara?
A. ore than 1,000,000 people B. ore than 2,000,000 people
C. ore than 3,000,000 people D. ore than 20,000,000 people
58. How does people in the Sahara ove around fro place with place?
A. with their caels B. by foot
C. by bus D. by car
59. What is the weather like in the Sahara as the weather changed?
A. It becae dry and hot. B. It becae windy and rainy.
C. It becae hot and sunny. D. It becae dry and windy.
60. What was the Sahara like thousands of years ago?
A. There was nothing. B. There were any plants and rivers.
C. There was just the golden sand. D. There were any rivers and golden sand.
Dear Bobby,
Hi! I saw your nae and address in the Shenzhen Students’ Post, and I would like to be your friend. y nae is Sa. I live in Shenzhen. I a in Grade 8. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I don’t like table tennis and I’ not keen on badinton. y favourite sport is basketball. I want to be a football player.
y father is an engineer and y other is a shop assistant. They are very kind. I have a sister. She is ten and she is a student, too. She is at priary school(小學(xué)). She likes reading and she is very clever. I love y faily very uch.
Tell e soething about your faily. Write to e soon.
Best wishes,
61. Where did Sa find Bobby’s address?
A. In Penfriends. B. In the Shenzhen Daily
C. In the Shenzhen Students’ PostD. In the Shenzhen Evening News.
62. What is Sa’s favourite sport?
A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Tennis D. Badinton
63. How any people are there in Sa’s faily?
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
64. What does Sa’s other do?
A. She is an engineer. B. She is an English teacher
C. She is a shop assistant. D. She is a doctor.
65. Where does Sa study?
A. At priary school B. At university (大學(xué))
C. At junior high school D. At hoe
To save tie, any Aericans buy foods which can be quickly ade ready for the table. On holidays, failies enjoy delicious eals. For exaple, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in Noveber, faily ebers get together for a turkey dinner with pupkin pie(南瓜派).
The United States is known around the world for its fast food, such as haburgers, sandwiches, pizzas, salad bars, and any kinds of ice crea. People can easily find fast food chains(連鎖店),such as cDonalds’ and KFC, in ost of the big cities in the world.
These years, any people have taken ore and ore care of their health while eating. They coe to know eating too uch eat will ake the overweight. any of the are also worried about food addictives(添加劑). Soe of the ay be harful to the body.
66. any Aericans buy _______ to save tie.
A. ready-ade food B. food to cook at hoe
C. inexpensive food D. foreign food
67. Thanksgiving Day is on _________.
A. Noveber 4th B. Every the 4th Tuesday in Noveber
C. the fourth Thursday in Noveber D. Every Noveber the fourth
68. Pizza is a kind of __________ food.
A. take-away B. hoe-cooking C. fast D. Chinese
69. What does the word ‘overweight’ ean? It eans______________
A. thinner B. fatter C. worse D. better
70. People are worried about_________. Which is not true?
A. overweight B. their health C. food addictives D. fast food

Ⅴ. 用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式。(共5小題,每小題1分)
71. He __________ (brush) his teeth at 7:10 a.. every day.
72. I __________ (go) to the English Club twice a week.
73. There __________ (be) a lot of pollution on Earth.
74. I want __________ (ake) friends with young people fro all over the world.
75. We ust ________ (stop) doing these things.

Ⅵ. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。(共5小題,每小題2分)
76. 我和家人住在一座靠近群山的房子里。
I live with y faily in a house __________ __________ soe ountains.
77. 我總是步行去學(xué)校。
I always go to school _________ __________.
78. 她每天早上6:30起床。
She __________ __________ at 6:30 a.. every day.
79. 地球?yàn)槲覀兲峁┛諝、水和食物?br /> The Earth _________ us _________ air, water and food.
80. 我們把垃圾倒入海中或地下。
We __________ our rubbish __________ the sea and under the ground.

Ⅶ. 書面表達(dá)(15分)

6:30 a..get up
7 a..have breakfast
7:30 a..go to school
8 a..— 4 p..have classes
4:10 p..—5 p..play table tennis with classates
5:10 p..go hoe
6:30 p..have dinner
9:30 p..go to bed

artin is a Grade 7 student. He ______________________________________________________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/95858.html
