
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
East China's Zhejiang Province was a "Jurassic Park"with a wide variety of dinosaurs during theCretaceous period, according to findings of a six-year survey.根據(jù)一項(xiàng)長達(dá)6年的調(diào)查的結(jié)果顯示,中國東部的浙江省曾經(jīng)是一座“侏羅紀(jì)公園”,在白堊紀(jì)時期,該地區(qū)生存著各種各樣的恐龍。

A total 82 dinosaur fossil sites, with at least sixdinosaur species and 25 types of fossil dinosaureggs, were confirmed during the survey by a jointteam of experts from the Zhejiang Institute ofHydrogeology and Engineering Geology and Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, between 2006and 2019.在2006年至2019年的這段調(diào)查期間,浙江水文地質(zhì)工程地質(zhì)研究所與浙江自然自然博物館所組成的聯(lián)合專家小組發(fā)現(xiàn)了82個恐龍化石遺址,其中至少包括6種恐龍和25種恐龍蛋化石。The research recently won a second-class award from the Ministry of Land and Resources.Scientists identified eight new species among the fossils. The survey covered an area of11,000 square kilometers in Zhejiang.該項(xiàng)研究最近獲得了國土資源部二等獎。科學(xué)家們從這些化石中鑒定出了8個新物種。該調(diào)查覆蓋了浙江省內(nèi)1.1萬平方公里的區(qū)域。Scientists have used various research techniques ranging from geology, paleobiology tochronostratigraphy, combined with site inspections and excavations in their study, making it themost comprehensive research on dinosaur fossils in the province to date.科學(xué)家們使用了地質(zhì)學(xué)、古生物學(xué)和年代地層學(xué)等多種研究方法,結(jié)合研究中的現(xiàn)場調(diào)查和發(fā)掘,完成了浙江省目前最為全面的一份恐龍化石研究。"It has been proved that a large quantity of dinosaurs lived in Zhejiang during the Cretaceousperiod, about 65 million to 145 million years ago," said Jin Xingsheng, deputy curator ofZhejiang Museum of Natural History. "Compare with other southeastern provinces, Zhejiang hasthe largest amount of dinosaur fossils."浙江自然博物館副館長金幸生表示:“目前已經(jīng)證明,在白堊紀(jì)時期,也就是距今約6500萬到1億4500萬年前,有大量恐龍生活在浙江。和其他東南部省份相比,浙江省的恐龍化石數(shù)量最多!盩heir discoveries also give evidence to the general thought that a comet or asteroid impactcaused the mass extinction of dinosaurs.他們的發(fā)現(xiàn)也給認(rèn)為是彗星或小行星撞擊地球造成恐龍大滅絕的觀點(diǎn)提供了證據(jù)。Scientists found that sedimentary rocks, where most dinosaur fossils were unearthed, weresanwiched between two layers of volcanic rocks, indicating vegetation was lush and suitablefor dinosaurs in the early and middle Cretaceous period.科學(xué)家們發(fā)現(xiàn),沉積巖(恐龍化石大多從這一巖石層中出土)被夾在兩層火山巖石之間,這表明白堊紀(jì)早中期植被很茂盛,適合恐龍生存。The evidence showed a catastrophe in the late Cretaceous period might have ended the ageof prehistoric creatures.證據(jù)顯示,白堊紀(jì)晚期的一場災(zāi)難結(jié)束了這些史前生物的時代。Scientists believed the hit of an asteroid was the most likely reason as it can result in a series ofsudden climate changes such as volcanic eruptions, crustal faults and generate radioactivesubstances that cause the dinosaurs to die out.科學(xué)家們認(rèn)為小行星撞擊地球是造成恐龍滅絕最有可能的原因,因?yàn)槟强梢栽斐梢幌盗械臍夂蛲蛔,例如火山噴發(fā)、地殼斷層和產(chǎn)生放射性物質(zhì)等等,從而導(dǎo)致恐龍滅絕。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1108675.html
