
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
1.目的狀語從句:引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句的連詞或詞組一般有:so that以便,in order that以便,in case免得;以防,for fear(that)惟恐;以免,lest & for fear that惟恐;以免;為不使;now that & given that因為:
Ask her to hurry up with these letters so that I can sign them.讓她把這幾封信趕快打好我好簽字。They have died that liberty might live.他們死了使自由得以保存。I posted the letter today in order that you’d get it tomorrow.我今天把信發(fā)出,以便你明天能收到。I wrote down the date of his birthday lest I should forget it.我把他生日寫下來以防忘掉。Shut the windows for fear(that)it may rain.把窗子關(guān)上以防下雨。He took the gun in case he met any wild animals.他帶上槍以防遇到野獸。She said she wanted tea ready at six so she could be out by eight.她說她要在六點時讓下午茶準備好,以便她八點能出去。

2.結(jié)果狀語從句:表示結(jié)果的狀語從句可由that,so that,such that等詞引起,放在主句之后:It’s 30 hot here that it makes me thirsty.這里這么熱,使我都感到口渴了。Daddy has a stick so he won’t slip.爸爸有根拐棍因此不會滑倒。The park just opened,so it won’t be very crowed yet.公園剛開門,因此還不會太擁擠。She was so exhausted that she slept at once.她是那樣疲憊,她馬上就睡著了。The connection’s so bad(that)I can hardly hear you.線接得那么糟,我?guī)缀趼牪磺迥愕穆曇。He told such funny stories that we all laughed.他講了這個滑稽的故事,我們大家全笑了。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1133426.html
