
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
The following dishes, labeled Chinese food, are very popular in some western Chinese restaurants, but ask anyone in China and you’ll get a blank look, unless they’ve studied or worked outside the country.下面這些“中餐”是一些西方中餐館里人們常點的菜,但是如果你問任何一個中國人,除非他們曾經(jīng)在國外學(xué)習(xí)或工作過,不然他們肯定不知道你在說什么。Beef and broccoli1、牛肉炒西蘭花。Chinese eat beef, Chinese eat broccoli, but they never eat beef and broccoli together. On the other hand, we love fried broccoli -- just the flowering green vegetable fried in soybean oil, sometimes with an added hit of chili. As for beef, we Chinese would prefer it stewed with potatoes or tomatoes.中國人吃牛肉,中國人也吃西蘭花,但是他們絕對不會把牛肉和西蘭花放在一起炒。另一方面,我們喜歡油炸西蘭花??在大豆油中炸這種開花的綠色蔬菜,有時還加上一些辣椒(哪里的吃法?)。至于牛肉,我們中國人喜歡和西紅柿和土豆一起燉。General Tso’s chicken2、左宗棠雞。Whenever non-Chinese try to discuss Chinese cuisine, they can’t avoid this dish. General Tso’s chicken is beloved by many of our western friends, but it really has nothing to do with Chinese food. By "Chinese food" here, I mean the food popular at least in one part of China. After all, it’s often difficult for a food to be loved across China thanks to its vast land and food variety.每當(dāng)外國人試圖談?wù)撝袊藭r,他們就不得不提到這道菜。許多西方人都非常喜歡左宗棠雞這道菜,但是它和中餐真的沒有半毛錢的關(guān)系。這里的“中餐”,我指的是至少在中國某個地方很受歡迎的食物。畢竟,由于中國地大物博、菜肴品種眾多,很難有一道菜被全國人都喜歡。The sweet chicken dish’s origins have been frequently discussed online and I won’t bother to detail it here. What I can assure you is that natives in Hunan, General Tso’s hometown, have never heard of and will never be interested in this so-called Hunan dish.這道甜甜的雞肉菜肴的起源已經(jīng)在網(wǎng)上被討論多次了,這里我就不必再贅述。但是我可以向你保證,在左宗棠的故鄉(xiāng)湖南,不會有本地人聽說過或者喜歡道所謂的湖南菜。Chop suey3、炒雜碎。I think the first non-Chinese who served this dish may have been fooled by his or her chef. The chef in the Chinese restaurant may just scramble to put the leftover bits and pieces in kitchen together when someone had ordered a dish the chef knew nothing about.我認為第一個點這道菜的外國人可能被廚師耍了。當(dāng)有人點了一道廚師沒有聽過的菜時,中餐館里的大廚就把廚房里的剩菜剩飯全都一股腦兒來了個大雜燴。Or maybe we can say, the chef really knew something. We Chinese do have our kind of mixture cooking -- people in northeastern China often stew pork, potato, eggplant and corn together. The point about the dish is to stew them. Besides, we never put eggs into it.或者也許我們可以說,這個廚師真的有兩把刷子。我們中國人的確有這種亂燉??東北人經(jīng)常把豬肉、土地、茄子和玉米放在一起燉。這道菜的要點是燉。另外,我們絕不在里面放雞蛋。Crab wontons4、蟹肉餛飩。We have our version of crab wontons, which are completely different from your deep-fried dumplings filled with crabmeat and cream cheese. Ours are not fried, but steamed. Our fillings include pork and crab. And most importantly, without cheese in it, but a rich savory broth that oozes out at the first bite. It’s a Shanghai food I would recommend.中國的確有蟹肉餛飩,但是卻和你們那種包著蟹肉和奶油芝士再油炸的那種東西完全不一樣。我們的蟹肉餛飩不是油炸的,是蒸的。餛飩里的餡料有豬肉和蟹肉。最重要的是,里面絕不包奶酪,咬第一口時會滲出許多美味的肉汁。這是我推薦的一道上海菜。Egg rolls5、雞蛋卷。Egg rolls are thick, deep-fried rolls of dough filled with meat and vegetables. Even for our Chinese people, they are too greasy. Similarly, we have spring rolls, and just as its name implies, they should be eaten now, in the spring time. Spring vegetables like bean sprouts and Chinese chives can be put in thin dough rolls (not fried ones). Sliced carrots and chopped omelets can also be added as fillings.雞蛋卷是用面皮包著肉和蔬菜,裹成厚卷,然后油炸而成。但是即使對中國人來說,這道菜也太油膩了。類似的,我們有春卷,而正如這道菜的名字所暗示的那樣,應(yīng)該在春天吃。用薄面皮把豆芽菜和韭菜等春天的時令蔬菜卷起來(不是油炸的)。切片的胡蘿卜和剁碎的煎雞蛋也可以作為餡料。Fortune cookies6、幸運甜餅。Chinese surely have a faith in something fortuitous, like the number eight, which sounds like "wealthy" in Chinese. But nothing like fortune cookies. In fact, we often have fruits for dessert, such as slices of watermelons and oranges, cherry tomatoes, among others.中國人當(dāng)然會迷信一些東西,例如數(shù)字8,因為“8”在中文里和“發(fā)”諧音。但是卻沒有像幸運餅干這樣的東西。事實上,我們經(jīng)常把水果當(dāng)甜點,例如西瓜、橘子、圣女果和其他水果等。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1135300.html
