米歇爾含淚發(fā)表告別演講 幾度哽咽

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Michelle Obama has delivered her final remarks as First Lady ? making an emotional defence of the nation’s diversity and telling her young audience “the country belongs to you”.米歇爾?奧巴馬發(fā)表作為第一夫人的最后一次演講,激動(dòng)地捍衛(wèi)美國(guó)的“多元化”傳統(tǒng),她對(duì)年輕觀眾說(shuō):“美國(guó)屬于你們。”

Speaking at the White House during an event to honour school counsellors, she said she hoped she had made people proud in the role.米歇爾在白宮表彰學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員的活動(dòng)中發(fā)表演講,她說(shuō)她希望自己做到了讓大家以這份職業(yè)為榮。The outgoing First Lady hosted 50 school counsellors as part of her Reach Higher Initiative, which has championed advisors across the country and encouraged students to pursue post-secondary education whether at a professional training programme, a community college or university.性格開(kāi)朗的米歇爾招待了50名學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員,他們都參與她主導(dǎo)的“做更好自己倡議”,這份倡議鼓舞了全國(guó)的學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員,鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生參加中等以上繼續(xù)教育,不論是職業(yè)培訓(xùn)、社區(qū)學(xué)院還是大學(xué)。This year’s winner, Terri Tchorzynski, from the Calhoun Area Career Centre in Battle Creek, Michigan, introduced Ms Obama as the “First-Counsellor-in-Chief” and praised her work in education.今年的獲勝者是來(lái)自密歇根州巴特爾克里克市卡爾霍恩地區(qū)職業(yè)培訓(xùn)中心的Terri Tchorzynski,她稱(chēng)米歇爾是“總輔導(dǎo)員”,盛贊她為教育所做的貢獻(xiàn)。After thanking the counsellors for their work, Ms Obama spoke directly to young people saying: “Know this country belongs to you.在對(duì)各位學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員表示感謝后,米歇爾直接向青年人喊話:“記住:美國(guó)屬于你們。”In a sometimes emotional speech, she added: “Our glorious diversity…is not a threat to who we are. It makes us who we are”. She ended tearfully, saying thank you, and hoping she “made you proud”.演講中,米歇爾不時(shí)情緒激動(dòng),她說(shuō):“我們偉大的多元化傳統(tǒng)…,不會(huì)威脅我們,是多元化締造了我們!苯Y(jié)尾的時(shí)候,她滿含熱淚,表達(dá)感謝,希望自己讓大家感到光榮。The winners were selected by the American School Counsellor Association. Prior to being joined by the First Lady in the East Room, the school counsellors and several other guests attended a panel featuring Education Secretary John King Jr, former Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Friday Night Lights actress Connie Britton.年度最佳輔導(dǎo)員的獲勝者由“美國(guó)學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員協(xié)會(huì)”評(píng)選。米歇爾進(jìn)入白宮東室出席活動(dòng)之前,各位學(xué)生輔導(dǎo)員和其他嘉賓參加了由教育部長(zhǎng)小約翰?金、前部長(zhǎng)阿恩?鄧肯和電影《勝利之光》的女演員康妮?布里頓主導(dǎo)的討論會(huì)。School Counsellor of the Year is an annual White House tradition started in 2019 by Ms Obama.年度最佳輔導(dǎo)員評(píng)選由米歇爾在2019年創(chuàng)立,形成慣例每年評(píng)選。This will not be Ms Obama’s final public appearance however. She is scheduled to be a guest on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon next Wednesday.這次講話不會(huì)是米歇爾最后的公開(kāi)亮相,按計(jì)劃,下周三她還將做客吉米?法隆主持的“今夜秀”節(jié)目。
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1154914.html

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