
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
  Do you have an adventurous spirit and some serious money to burn? A company called Orion Span wants to organize your next vacation ? to outer space.

  你有冒險(xiǎn)精神和燒錢欲望嗎?一家名為Orion Span的公司希望組織下一個旅行?外太空。

  For just $9.5 million, Orion Span will take you on a 12-day journey 200 miles above the Earth’s surface to Aurora Station, what it’s calling "the first luxury hotel in space." The company expects to open the hotel in late 2021 and host its first guests in 2022. When operational, the hotel will host six people at a time, including two crew members.

  “獵戶座”O(jiān)rion Span將以僅950萬美元的價(jià)格,在地球表面以上200英里的近地軌道上高速飛行12天,這就是所謂的“太空中的第一家豪華酒店”。該公司預(yù)計(jì)于2021年底開業(yè),并于2022年接待其第一批客人。在運(yùn)營時(shí),酒店將一次接待6人,其中包括兩名機(jī)組人員。

  During their stay … travelers will enjoy the exhilaration of zero gravity and fly freely throughout Aurora Station, gaze at the northern and southern aurora through the many windows, soar over their hometowns, take part in research experiments such as growing food while in orbit (which they can take home with them as the ultimate souvenir), revel in a virtual reality experience on the holodeck, and stay in touch or live stream with their loved ones back home via high-speed wireless Internet access.


  "The hotel will orbit Earth every 90 minutes, meaning those aboard will see an average of 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours," the company wrote.


  Interested? Orion Span is accepting deposits for those wishing to book their stay. The "fully refundable deposit" will set you back $80,000.

  感興趣嗎?Orion Span正希望客人進(jìn)行預(yù)訂和預(yù)存款業(yè)務(wù)!翱扇~退還的押金”將向您返還80,000美元。

  Before embarking on your journey to space, you’ll go through a three-month certification program. The first phase will be completed online, then you’ll head to the company’s Houston facility for in-person training.


  Orion Span’s ambitions don’t end with operating a luxury hotel in space. "We will later sell dedicated modules as the world’s first condominiums in space," CEO and Founder Frank Bunger said in a statement. "Future Aurora owners can live in, visit, or sublease their space condo."

  Orion Span的雄心壯志并沒有以在太空中經(jīng)營豪華酒店而結(jié)束。“我們未來將出售專用模塊作為世界上第一批太空公寓,”首席執(zhí)行官兼創(chuàng)始人Frank Bunger在一份聲明中表示。“未來的Aurora所有者可以住,參觀或轉(zhuǎn)租他們的空間公寓。”

  Meanwhile, another company trying to make space tourism a thing, Virgin Galactic, recently completed the first "supersonic, rocket-powered flight" of its Unity spacecraft. According to CNBC, it was the company’s first powered flight since 2019’s fatal Spaceship Enterprise crash.

  與此同時(shí),另一家試圖進(jìn)行太空旅游的公司,維珍銀河集團(tuán)最近完成了Unity飛船首次“超音速火箭動力飛行”。據(jù)CNBC稱,這是該公司2019年Spaceship Enterprise崩潰以來的首次動力飛行測試。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1158255.html
