
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

When it comes to homophones, or words that sound the same but are spelled differently, it can be rather difficult to tell the two words apart. When do you use which word? This post explains the difference between who’s and whose.

Who's v. Whose
Both these words deal with people. The difference is what situations they show.
Who's definition
Who's is the contraction for who and is.
Who's 是who和is的縮寫
Every time you use this word, you must be asking or talking about someone. You should be able to substitute who is to any use of who's. If the sentence still makes sense, then you have used it correctly!
每次使用這個(gè)詞的時(shí)候一定是在詢問或談?wù)撃橙。Who's的使用方法與who is相同。如果替換這兩個(gè)詞后句意不變,那么你使用的就是正確的!
Most commonly, who's is used to ask a question. Note that using a contraction is usually standard in English speaking, but is not formal enough to use in a written piece.
Who's the person in charge of organizing the food and drinks for this party?
Who's knocking at the door?
Likewise, you can use it in statements.
I have a friend who's interested in the open position at your company.
I can't believe who's walking around the neighborhood this late at night.
Whose definition
Whose is used to show possession.
The list of equivalent words for whose includes my, his, her, our, your, etc. If you are asking whether something belongs to someone, you can use whose. Substituting any of the possessive pronouns for whose should make for a sentence that makes sense.
whose可以用來表示包括my, his, her, our, your等詞所表示的一些所屬關(guān)系。如果詢問某樣?xùn)|西是否屬于某人,可使用whose?捎孟鄳(yīng)所有格代詞代替用由whose組成的句子。
Whose books are these that have been left all over the floor?
I do not know whose trash that is, but it has been there for the past week.
In addition, whose can be a transition word to join an adjective phrase to a person or group of people. Whose and that both serve this purpose, and you use whose when the adjective is talking about a subject that is a person.
I just met a man whose daughter is studying for her college entrance exams, just like I am!
The student whose parents do not have enough time to care for him or her is likely to do poorly in school, even if the family is of high socioeconomic status and hires tutors for the child.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1194655.html
