超六成學(xué)生感覺身負重壓 10個妙招讓你減壓

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Young people should have everything to be happy about, but as the generation with the least responsibility we actually experience the most stress. A 2019 survey by the Nightline Association found that 65% of students feel stressed。年輕人理應(yīng)朝氣蓬勃,天天向上,而年輕人雖然肩負著最少的社會責(zé)任、卻承受著最大的心理壓力。美國電視節(jié)目《夜線》協(xié)會一項2019年的研究調(diào)查顯示,65%的學(xué)生族感覺身負重壓。
Students juggle
part time jobs with university, worry about assignments and stress about the future and how to make the next step. Trying to manage all these things at once can leave you feeling overwhelmed。設(shè)法權(quán)衡兼職工作和大學(xué)課程,擔(dān)心不能完成課程作業(yè),為未來如何規(guī)劃而擔(dān)憂……學(xué)生們在應(yīng)對這種種事情時常常感到壓力重重。
It might not seem like it when you're feeling down, but living a more stress free life is possible. There are some really easy ways to beat stress effectively:當(dāng)你情緒低落的時候??盡管你可能不太相信??其實你有機會選擇一種壓力較少的生活方式。下列的建議能夠幫你輕松而有效的去除壓力:
1. A varied and healthy diet飲食多樣,搭配健康
Eating fresh ingredients and lots of fruit is really important. Juices filled with vitamin C, such as orange or grapefruit juice, are said to be good for your immune system so can help with stress。食材新鮮,多吃水果是很重要的。據(jù)稱橙汁或葡萄汁一類的果汁含有豐富的維他命C,因而能夠提高免疫力,減緩壓力。
When you're busy and tired it can be tempting just to grab another pizza or ready meal, but cooking from scratch can be therapeutic as well as being healthier。當(dāng)你很忙或很疲倦的時候,就會想要吃披薩或快餐,但自己下廚做飯更有益于健康,也有益緩解心理壓力。
2. Exercise鍛煉
Doing sport at least once a week is the best way to reduce stress. It helps your body produce endorphins, which make you feel good. Even daily walks of 30 minutes can help reduce stress levels but it's even better to work out intensively. Even if you don't feel like it at the time you will feel the benefits afterwards。每周至少鍛煉一次,這是減少壓力的最佳方式。鍛煉能促使你的身體產(chǎn)生安多芬,這種物質(zhì)能讓你感到身心舒暢。即使只是每天步行30分鐘就能夠幫助減緩壓力,高強度的運動效果更好。當(dāng)時你可能感覺不出效果,但隨后你會感到運動帶來的好處。
Joining a sports club could also help with stress as the regular contact with other people should help improve your mood。參加健身俱樂部,定期與他人一起鍛煉,這樣也能使你心情愉快,減少壓力。
And why not try yoga? It's a great way to ease your mind and relax your muscles。為什么不試試瑜伽呢?這是一種平靜心靈,放松肌肉的好方法。
3. Meditation冥想
It might sound simple, but sitting quietly for 10 minutes a day can really help with stress levels. If you've never tried meditation before, it's worth a go。這聽起來似乎很簡單,但是每天靜坐10分鐘確實能夠減緩壓力。如果你之前從沒有嘗試過冥想,不妨一試。
Good breathing techniques can put you in a more relaxed state as they send oxygen surging through your bloodstream, helping to calm you down and beat the stress。有效的呼吸技巧能夠幫助你吸入更多氧氣,將更多的氧氣輸送到血管中,從而放松心情,降低壓力。
4. Take breaks regularly有張有弛
Short breaks between working can help you switch off. But longer breaks are important too。學(xué)習(xí)中時不時休息一下能讓你暫時切斷緊張狀態(tài)。當(dāng)然更長時間的休息也很重要。
How about taking the weekend off to relax? Make time for fun and for yourself even if this means that you have to schedule time away from your work. You'll hopefully come back to your work feeling fresh。何不好好度個周末放松一下呢?你需要花時間讓自己享受一下,即使要從學(xué)習(xí)上抽取一點時間。很可能你再次投入學(xué)習(xí)的時候會狀態(tài)好得多。
5. Get a pet養(yǎng)個寵物
It is said that spending time with animals is good for your health. If you pat a dog for a couple of minutes, your body releases hormones that make you feel happy and can decrease the amount of stress in your system。據(jù)說和動物相處對人的健康有益。當(dāng)你花數(shù)分鐘時間愛撫你的小狗時,身體會產(chǎn)生荷爾蒙,從而讓你感覺愉快,降低身體系統(tǒng)中的壓力感。
6. Sleep (and sign off Facebook)睡覺(并且從臉書網(wǎng)上下線)
Sleep is always the best medicine and some people find that small 20-minute naps can help increase productivity。睡眠永遠是治療壓力最好的良藥。有專家發(fā)現(xiàn),花20分鐘小睡一覺就可以增加人的工作效率。
As students we tend to spend too much time on social media sites and answering emails, texts and phone calls. Sociability is fun ? but too much of it, and too much computer time, can lead to more stress。作為學(xué)生,我們往往花大量時間上社交網(wǎng)站,回復(fù)郵件,回復(fù)短信,接電話等等。與人交流的確是一種樂事,但是太多的社交,太長時間上網(wǎng)可能會導(dǎo)致更多的壓力。
Failing to switch off from work because of your electronic gadgets will only make you even more stressed。沉湎在電子設(shè)備上的社交中,而得不到休息,這只會讓你更感到壓力。
7. Quit smoking戒煙
Some people say they smoke to relax, but researchers on the European Board for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco suggest that nicotine suppresses the hormone serotonin, which fights stress. Another good reason to quit。有人說他們吸煙是為了放松,但是歐洲尼古丁和煙草研究委員會的研究者發(fā)現(xiàn),尼古丁會抑制荷爾蒙血清素的生產(chǎn),而后者正是對抗壓力的。又一個戒煙的好理由。
8. Try to see the positive side試著看到事物好的一面
If you missed a deadline, try to appreciate what you learned from this mistake: now you know how to plan ahead. Things might seem bad, but if you try, there is usually something positive to be learned。如果你錯過了截止日期,試著為你從中吸取的教訓(xùn)而欣慰:現(xiàn)在你知道怎樣預(yù)先計劃事情了。也許事情的確很糟糕,但如果你愿意,總能從中找出正面的教訓(xùn)經(jīng)驗。
9. Listen to music聽音樂
Listening to music can help calm you down and put you in a better frame of mind. If you're feeling stressed, putting on some calming music while you work could really help。聽音樂能幫助你放松神經(jīng),找到更好的心情模式。當(dāng)你在學(xué)習(xí)時感到壓力時,聽一些舒緩的音樂會大有幫助的。
10. Laugh大笑
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and it's really true. Laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow which automatically reduces stress。人們說笑一笑,十年少,這絕對是真理。大聲笑可以增加人體的氧氣攝入和血流量,從而自動減緩壓力。
Not taking life too seriously can help everyone live a better and easier life. Make time for yourself, log out of Twitter and take breaks. It's about time that we students accept that we can achieve just as much in life without all the stress。不要帶著太過糾結(jié)的生活態(tài)度,這樣你才能生活的更好,更輕松。抽點時間給自己,放松一下,從推特上下線。從現(xiàn)在開始,我們學(xué)生應(yīng)該放松壓力,坦然接受生活中我們能得到的一切。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1215826.html
