
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. be behind with [in] 拖欠,拖延,不能如期完成。如:

He is never behind with [in] his work. 他從不拖拉。

He was behind in [with] his rent. 他拖欠了房租。

He helped a classmate who was behind with his homework. 他幫助一位沒(méi)有按時(shí)完成作業(yè)的同班同學(xué)。

2. be behind in doing sth 做某事不落在后面。如:

The boy is behind in handing in homework. 這孩子沒(méi)能按時(shí)交家庭作業(yè)。

He was never behind in offering suggestions. 他提建議從來(lái)不落在別人后面。

3. from behind 從后面。如:

He held her from behind. 他從后面抱住她。

They attacked us from behind. 他們從后面攻擊我們。

注:有時(shí) behind 是介詞,其后可接賓語(yǔ)。如:

He came out from behind the door. 他從門后出來(lái)。

4. fall [drop] behind 落在后面。如:

I’ve fallen behind in work. 我工作落后了。

Some students dropped behind in their studies. 有的在上落在后面。

5. leave sth behind (某人)走后留下(掉下)某物。如:

What have we left behind? 我們走后留下什么了?

He left his umbrella behind. 他離開時(shí)沒(méi)有把雨傘帶走。

6. stay [remain] behind 留下,在別人后面留下。如:

He alone remained behind. 只有他一個(gè)人留下沒(méi)走。

I had to stay behind after school. 放學(xué)后我還得留在學(xué)校。


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