
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)



  方法一: 用關(guān)系代詞,還是關(guān)系副詞完全取決于從句中的謂語動詞。及物動詞后面無賓語,就必須要求用關(guān)系代詞;而不及物動詞則要求用關(guān)系副詞。例如:

  This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.

  I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.


 。ㄥe) This is the mountain village where I visited last year.

 。ㄥe) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.

  (對) This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.

 。▽Γ I'll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.

  習(xí)慣上總把表地點(diǎn)或時間的名詞與關(guān)系副詞 where, when聯(lián)系在一起。此兩題錯在關(guān)系詞的誤用上。

  方法二: 準(zhǔn)確判斷先行詞在定語從句中的成分(主、謂、賓、定、狀),也能正確選擇出關(guān)系代詞/關(guān)系副詞。

  例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

  A. where B. that  C. on which  D. the one

  例2. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held.

  A. where  B. that  C. on which  D. the one

  答案:例1 D,例2 A

  例1變?yōu)榭隙ň洌?This museum is ___ you visited a few days ago.

  例2變?yōu)榭隙ň洌?This is the museum ___ the exhibition was held.

  在句1中,所缺部分為賓語,而where, that, on which都不能起到賓語的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表語,又可做從句的賓語,可以省略關(guān)系代詞,所以應(yīng)選D。

  而句2中, 主、謂、賓俱全,從句部分為句子的狀語表地點(diǎn),既可用副詞where,又因 in the museum詞組,可用介詞in + which 引導(dǎo)地點(diǎn)狀語。而此題中,介詞on 用的不對,所以選A。

  關(guān)系詞的選擇依據(jù)在從句中所做的成分,先行詞在從句中做主、定、賓語時,選擇關(guān)系代詞 (who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行詞在從句中做狀語時,應(yīng)選擇關(guān)系副詞 ( where 地點(diǎn)狀語,when 時間狀語,why 原因狀語) 。


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/133713.html

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