初三英語教案:Smile and Say Hello

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

Unit 1 Smile and Say Hello


Unit 1 Smile and Say Hello









1. take place 發(fā)生

2. live upstairs 住樓上

3. be afraid of 害怕……

4. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

5. open one’s heart 敞開心扉

6. the answers to these questions 問題的答案

7. walk with his head down 低頭走路

8. look away from others 把視線從別人身上移走

9. pretend to do sth 假裝做某事

10. do one’s best to do sth. 竭盡全力做某事

11. with a smile 微笑著

12. smile at sb. 沖某人微笑

13. the window of the heart 心靈之窗

1 4. raise your head 抬起頭

15. as long as 只要

16. as well as 還,而且

17. give your warm hands to them 向他們伸出溫暖之手

18. good luck to you 祝你好運

19. look into sb. 正視,直視某人

20. have a good time 過得愉快

21. Beijing Foreign Language School 北京外國語學校


1. Both the speakers are studying history at the University of California. 兩位者在加州。

2. Ann Roylor works for a children’s magazine and she is interested in child education.


3. Excuse me, is this seat taken? 打擾一下,請問這里有人 坐嗎?

4. Nice day, isn’t it? 好天氣,不是嗎?

5. But I do know that it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peaceful one


6. I am not telling you to spend too much energy making others happy or pretend to be friendly.


7. You should treat them not only with kindness and respect, but also with a smile and eye contact. 你就不僅應該以友善和尊重對待他們,而且要有微笑和視覺的接觸。

8. When you smile at a person, you are doing your best to show your kindness to him.


9. The eyes are the window of the heart? 眼睛是心靈之窗嗎?

10. Let’s make friends, shall we? 讓我們交個朋友,好嗎?

11. It may seem hard to do these at first. 也許一開始做這些有點.難。

12. As long as you try it, you will find some nice changes in yourself.


13. When you give your warm hands to them, you’ll find how frie ndly and thankful they are.


14. You may feel you don’t know what to say when you first meet people.


15. It’s easy to talk about the weather, your pets, your school lessons, and especially your hobbies.


16. Remember to be a good talker as well as a good listener.


17. Good luck to you and have a good time with your new friends!



1. Do you often notice that many of us have little eye contact with strangers? Are we afraid of them? What keeps us from opening our hearts to strangers?

譯文:你注意到我們當中的許多人很少與陌生人有眼光交流嗎?是我們害怕他們嗎? 是什么阻止我們向陌生人敞開心扉?


1) many of us 我們當中的許多人

2)have little eye contact with 與……有一點點眼光的交流

contact 接觸,聯(lián)系

例句:When you talk to other people, you should have eye contact with them.

A. be in contact with 和……接觸,有聯(lián)系

B. be out of contact with 脫離接觸,失去聯(lián)系

C. bring into contact with 使接觸,使與……聯(lián)系

D. throw in contact with 使接觸, 使與……聯(lián)系

E. come into (in) contact with 接觸,碰上

F. have contact with 接觸到,和……有聯(lián)系

G. lose contact with 和……失去聯(lián)系,離開

H. make contact with 和……接觸(聯(lián)系)

3)be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕……

afraid, frightened, terrified and fearful的區(qū)別:


afraid 不能作定語(其它三個詞都可以作定語), 它多用于對某一事物經(jīng)常或一貫的懼怕, 泛指一種“恐懼”, 如:

I’m afraid of a dog. 我怕狗。

frightened 指一種“強烈的、突然的恐懼”, 其經(jīng)歷時間較短, 如:

He was frightened out of life. 他嚇得要命。

terrified 指感受到“很強烈的、突如其來的恐懼”, 如:

The terrified children ran home. 受驚嚇的孩子跑回家去。

fearful 指“擔心可能發(fā)生的結果”, 如:

She was fearful of falling. 她怕摔倒。

4) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

同義詞:stop sb. from doing sth. 使……不做某事, 阻止……做某事

prevent sb. from doing sth. 使……不做某事, 阻止……做某事

5) open one’s heart 敞開心扉

2. Actually, I don’t know the answers to these questions myself, but I do know that it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peaceful one if he always walks with his head down or looks away from other people.

譯文:實際上,我自己也不知道該如何回答這些問題。 但我的確知道,如果某人總是低頭走路或是將視線從人們身上移開,那么我們很難發(fā)現(xiàn)這個人是快樂或平靜。

知識點:1)the answers to these questions 問題的答案

2)walks with his head down 低頭走路

3)looks away from other people 將視線從別人身上移開

4)it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peaceful one


5) joyful

a joyful event 喜事

a joyful heart 愉快的心情, 歡心

a joyful look 高興的樣子

a joyful news 喜訊

joyful atmosphere 歡樂氣氛

3. I am not telling you to spend too much energy making others happy or pretend to be friendly. I think if you hope to make friends with ot hers, you should treat them not only with kindness and respect, but also with a smile and eye contact. When you smile at a person, you are doing your best to show your kindness to him. Do you know that the eyes are the window of the heart? When you raise your head and look into his eyes, you are saying: “Hello, let’s make friends, shall we?”

譯文:我并沒讓你花太多的精力去使別人快樂,或是假裝友好。 我建議你:如果你希望和別人交朋友,你就不僅應該以友善和尊重對待他們,而且要有微笑和視覺的接觸。當你對某人微笑時,你在盡自己最大的努力向他表示你的友善。你知道眼睛是心靈之窗嗎? 當你抬起頭直視對方的眼睛時,你在說:“你好!讓我們交個朋友,好嗎?”

知識點:1)tell sb. to do sth. 告訴某人做某事

2) spend too much energy making others happy 花太多的精力去使別人快樂

3)pretend to be friendly 假裝友好

pretend not to hear 假裝沒聽見

pretend ignorance 假裝不知道

pretend to be asleep 假裝睡覺

He does not pretend to be a genius.


4) hope to make friends with others 希望和別人交朋友

5) not only …but also 不但……而且


He not only easily accepts other people’s opinions, but he is also patient.

She not only sings beautifully but also dances wonderfully.

6)smile at sb. 沖某人微笑

7) do one’s best to do sth. 盡最大努力做某事

8) show sth. to sb. 向某人展示……

9) the window of the heart 心靈之窗

10) raise your head 抬起頭

11) look into 窺視, 瀏覽, 觀察

look into a mirror 照鏡子

look into the distance 眺望遠方

look into the population problem 調(diào)查人口問題

look into sb.’s background 調(diào)查某人的背景情況

12) Let’s make friends, shall we? 讓我們交個朋友,好嗎?


① Let’s go swimming, ________?

② Let us clean the classroom, ________?

③ Please open the window, ___________?

④ Don’t run around the classroom, ___________?

4. It may seem hard to do these at first. As long as you try it, you will find some nice changes in yourself. You will begin to see that most people are just like you — they have families, friends, troubles, likes, and dislikes as well as fears. When you give your warm hands to them, you’ll find how friendly and thankful they are.

譯文:也許一開始做這些有點難 , 但只要你努力去嘗試,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)自身會產(chǎn)生一些可喜的變化。你會開始看到很多人像你一樣— 他們有家庭、有朋友、有煩惱、有喜歡的和不喜歡的,還有恐懼。當你向他們伸出溫暖之手時,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)他們是多么的友好和懷有感激之情。

知識點:1) It may seem hard to do sth. 做某事似乎有點難

2) give your warm hands to them 向他們伸出溫暖之手

3)how friendly and thankful they are 他們是多么的友好和懷有感激之情

4)as long as 只要,如果


As long as it doesn’t rain we can play outside.

You can go to play with your friends as long as you promise to be back at eleven o’clock.

5. You may feel you don’t know what to say when you first meet people. It’s easy to talk about the weather, your pets, your school lessons, and especially your hobbies, but remember to be a good talker as well as a good listener.



1)you don’t know what to say 不知道說些什么

2)It’s easy to talk about the weather 很簡單,說說天氣

3)remember to do st h. 記住做某事

4) as well as… 還,而且


Action as well as thought is necessary. 行動和思考同屬必要。

Harry has knowledge as well as experience. 哈利有知識,并且有經(jīng)驗。

He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既種菜也種花。

She is kind as well a s clever. 她不僅和善而且。

6. Good luck to you and have a good time with your n ew friends!


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/148496.html
