
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

  各位熱愛英語的同學(xué)們,的小編經(jīng)過縝密的整理和分析,為大家?guī)砹伺=蛴⒄Z9A Unit 1 基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練,有興趣的同學(xué)趕緊過來看看。更多英語信息盡在。

  牛津英語9A Unit 1 同步基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練


  1. 被分為

  2. 星座

  3. 有時候

  4. 放棄

  5. 照顧別人

  6. 注意

  7. 與…爭論

  8. 保守秘密

  9. 有幽默感





  1. However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.

  It’s nice of you to bring me the newspaper.

  2. 掌握It’s + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. (注意of 和 for用法的區(qū)別)以及這個句型的否定結(jié)構(gòu)

  1) 你幫助我學(xué)英語真是太好了。It”s you me with my English.

  2) 保持健康對我們是很有必要的。It”s us healthy.

  3) 對于學(xué)生們來講,不按時交作業(yè)是不禮貌的。

  It’s impolite for students hand in their homework on time.

  3. You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.

  A. 掌握enough to do 與so…that從句的轉(zhuǎn)換


  Andy is a leader.

  Andy is he can be a leader.

  B. 掌握enough修飾形容詞副詞和名詞的不同用法。

  1)Daniel很自信能通過考試。Daniel is to pass the exam.

  2) 很多西部地區(qū)的孩子沒有足夠的錢上不起學(xué)。

  Many children in the west don’t have to go to school.


  1. It’s + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. (注意of 和 for用法的區(qū)別)

  2.enough to do / too…to do句型轉(zhuǎn)換及與so…that引導(dǎo)的結(jié)果狀語從句之間的轉(zhuǎn)換。

  1) Kitty給我們每個人兩件禮物,她真大方。

  Kitty is each of us two presents.

  Kitty is she gives each of us two presents.

  It is generous Kitty each of us two presents.

  2) 對于中學(xué)生來說,學(xué)好英語是很重要的嗎?

  Is it Middle School Students English well?


  Jim is look after himself.

  Jim is look after himself.

  Jim is he look after himself.

  3. 句子的成分

  1)當(dāng)Millie聽到這個消息時,看上去很開心。When Millie heard the news, she looked .


  When I told Millie the good news, she looked at me.

  3) Peter總是給他的朋友買許多禮物。(注意:雙賓語)

  Peter always .

  Peter always .

  4)Simon正把足球傳給Peter. Simon the football Peter.

  Simon the football.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/202801.html

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