
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

  【—人教版初中一年級上冊英語第四單元文化背景教材】通過某些事物的在哪里等相關詢問的介紹。下面就是老師大家?guī)淼膶Φ谒膯卧?Where's my backpack? 文化背景的相關介紹。

  Unit 4 Where's my backpack? 文化背景知識介紹

  1. Although the students pictured in this book have a great many possessions, not all Americans do. Although most families can afford a television, many do not have computers, computer games or CD and video tape collections. It is not uncommon for young people in the United States to work after school in order to help with family expenses or to save money to buy things they want for themselves.

  2. There are many different types of housing available to Americans depending on whether they live in the city, a suburb, or the country. Some wealthy people have second homes where they stay on vacation. The following are some types of housing.

  housing in the city: apartment, townhouse

  housing in the suburbs: house, duplex / two-family house, mobile home

  housing in the country / mountains / seaside: house, farmhouse, ranch, cabin, cottage

  A typical American home includes the following rooms: the kitchen, dining room, living room, bathrooms and bedrooms. There is usually one kitchen, one dining room, and one living room. However, there is often more than one bedroom and bathroom. The parents usually have the master bedroom, which is the largest bedroom and often includes a bathroom and a large, walk-in closet.

  In many cases, young people have their own bedrooms, which they decorate in various ways. It is popular to put posters and pictures on the walls of places, people, or things they like.

  Additionally, many young people post awards they receive from school. If children have collections of stuffed animals, dolls, models, and so on, these are often placed on shelves in their rooms.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/218649.html
