
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

take vt., vi. took [tu:k], taken [teIkEn], taking [teIkIN]

得到;獲得 You have to take it as you find it.對(duì)這個(gè)你只得將就些算了。

拿;握。蛔プ The mother took her child by the hand.母親拉著孩子的手。

取走,拿走 Take this shopping home.把這件買的東西拿回家。

The foods here are all free - take any you like.這里的食品都是免費(fèi)的,你們隨便吃吧。

He'd take a candy from a baby.(美)(非正式)他是個(gè)貪得無厭的下流坯。

Who has taken my chocolate?誰拿了我的巧克力?

容納;裝Its wide roads, which can take fourteen lanes of traffic, have been kept away from living areas.


These village cottages take in paying guests during the summer holidays.


The suitcase wouldn't take another thing.這個(gè)衣箱再裝不下別的東西了。

帶走;送 You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.(諺)


The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would.


帶給;端給 Take him a cup of tea.端一杯茶給他。

乘,坐,搭(車、船)Shall we go by bus or take a cab? 我們是乘公共汽車去還是乘出租汽車去?

to take a bus to work乘公共汽車上班 to take a train乘火車

獲得;得到 to take (the) first place獲第一名

購買 We take two news-papers a day.我們每天買兩份報(bào)紙。

吃;喝;服用;吸入 Take your medicine.把藥服下。

進(jìn)行;作;為 taking a walk散步

If you don't take / get more exercise you'll get fat.你如果不多鍛煉就會(huì)發(fā)胖。

The state government has decided to take a 50% cut of oil profits.


We must take a long hard look at their suggestion.他們的建議我們要好好研究一番。

to take a look around在附近看看

測(cè)出,量出 Take your temperature. 量一量你的體溫。

減掉,去掉 If you take 4 from 10, you have 6.十減去四剩六。

理解;領(lǐng)會(huì) How do you take this passage?這段話你怎么理解?

發(fā)誓;懂得;了解 Do you take me?你懂我的意思嗎?

攻讀,修(課) Did you take history at school?你在學(xué)校上過課嗎?

吸引;著迷 really taken by the little dog對(duì)小狗著了迷

持續(xù),花費(fèi)(時(shí)間)How long does the flight take? 這個(gè)航班要飛多久?

Just a minute, it won't take me long to change.等一下,我很快就可以換好衣服。

This new pain-killer doesn't take long to act on the pain?


需要 That work will take a lot of doing.這件事是不容易做好的。

It takes two men to do this. 做這項(xiàng)需要兩個(gè)人。

花費(fèi)(錢) It takes a lot of money to buy a house.買一所房子要花一大筆錢。

能接受 This machine only takes 5-pence coins.這部機(jī)器僅能夠放進(jìn)5便士的硬幣。

照像,拍照 At first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below.起初伯德和他的助手們能夠拍下許多橫亙于下的群山的照片。

This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.這次他設(shè)法爬進(jìn)了基特羅火山口,以便能拍到照片,測(cè)量溫度。

I had my picture taken this morning.今天早晨我照了像。

起作用;奏效 Did the vaccination take?種痘有反應(yīng)了嗎?

使生病;染病 He was taken ill.他生病了。

寫下;記錄 He took my name and address.他記下了我的名字和地址。

跳越;跨越 The horse took that last fence well.那匹馬最后一欄跳得好。

接受(出價(jià)) I won't take less than $5000 for my car. 我的汽車低于5000美元不賣。

【習(xí)慣用語】 take to one's heels倉皇逃跑 (= take to one's legs)

【詞性變化】 take n. 電影鏡頭;電視鏡頭

Six takes before the director was satisfied. 拍了六個(gè)鏡頭導(dǎo)演才滿意。

交易金額;贓款; 所得金額和贓款的分成


take aback使吃驚;使嚇呆

take after相似 She takes after her mother.她長得像她媽媽。

take back 撤銷;同意收回;同意回來

take for當(dāng)作;誤認(rèn)為

We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan.


take in收留,收容(某人);包括;囊括;包含

You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.


改短(衣服);縮減尺寸; 了解;領(lǐng)悟 to take in a doctrine了解一種主義


take off脫掉(衣服)

I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party.我對(duì)他安排社交聚會(huì)的方式表示佩服。

Take off your clothes; they're very wet. 脫掉你的衣服,衣服濕透了。

模仿(別人的神態(tài));(飛機(jī))起飛 The plane took off at three o'clock.飛機(jī)三點(diǎn)鐘起飛了。

The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land.


take on雇用;聘用; 開始顯現(xiàn);變得有;與人較量

Why don't you take on sb. your own size?你怎么不跟和你一樣高的人較量?


take out拔掉;去掉; 帶(某人)出去;跟(某人)出去; 申請(qǐng)取得;獲得

Have you taken out insurance? 你參加保險(xiǎn)了嗎?

【習(xí)慣用語】take sb. out of himself給某人解悶;為某人消愁

take it out of sb.使某人精疲力盡

The long journey seems to have taken it out of mother.長途跋涉似乎把媽媽給累垮了。


take out on向別人發(fā)泄自己的情緒

take over 接任 初中化學(xué);接管;接收

take to喜歡; 沉溺于;養(yǎng)成…習(xí)慣 to take to drinking沉溺于飲酒

去;到 The criminal took to the woods.罪犯逃到了林子里。

take up開始從事;專注于He took up art while at school.他在學(xué)校時(shí)開始對(duì)藝術(shù)感到。

繼續(xù);接下去 to take up one's story接著講故事


take up with與(人)交往

近義詞:assume bring capture carry choose convey gain gather get guess hire infer involve lease need obtain pick out receive require select stand suppose swallow

反義詞: bring give

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/47138.html

相關(guān)閱讀:above 與 over的用法區(qū)別