
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(一) 動詞是謂語動所表示的動作或情況發(fā)生時間的各種形式。動詞有16種時態(tài),但是常用的只有9種:一般現(xiàn)在時、一般過去時、一般將來時、現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時、過去進(jìn)行時、現(xiàn)在完成時、過去完成時、過去將來時、現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時。下面分別介紹。
1、 一般現(xiàn)在時的用法
1) 表示經(jīng)常性、習(xí)慣性的動作;表示現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)、特征和真理。句中常用 often, usually, every day 等時間狀語。例如:
a. He goes to school every day.
b. He is very happy.
c.The earth moves around the sun.
2) 在時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句中,用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來。例如:
a. If you come this afternoon, we’ll have a meeting.
b. When I graduate, I’ll go to countryside.
3) 有時這個時態(tài)表示按計劃、規(guī)定要發(fā)生的動作(句中都帶有時間狀語),但限于少數(shù)動詞,如:begin, come, leave, go ,arrive, start , stop, return, open, close等。例如:
a. The meeting begins at seven.
b. The rain starts at nine in the morning.
4) 表示狀態(tài)和感覺的動詞(be, like, hate, think, remember, find, sound 等)常用一般現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。
a. I like English very much.
b. The story sound very interesting.
5) 書報的標(biāo)題、小說等情節(jié)介紹常用一般現(xiàn)在時。
1) 表示過去某時間發(fā)生的事、存在的狀態(tài)或過反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作。
a. He saw Mr. Wang yesterday.
b. He worked in a factory in 1986.
2)表示過去經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作 , 也可用 “used to “ 和“would + 動詞原形”。 I used to smoke. During the vacation I wouldm in the sea.
注:”used to “ 表示過去常發(fā)生而現(xiàn)在不再發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。“would + 動詞原形”沒有 “現(xiàn)在不再……”含義。另外“to be used to +名詞(動名詞)”表示“習(xí)慣于…..”
a. I am used to the climate here.
b. He is used tomming in winter.
一般將來時表示將來的動作或狀態(tài)。其表達(dá)形式除了 “ will 或 shall + 動詞原形 ”表示即將發(fā)生的或最近打算進(jìn)行的事。
It is going to rain.
We are going to have a meeting today.
2)“be to + 動詞原形” 表示按計劃進(jìn)行或征求對方意見。
The boy is to go to school tomorrow.
Are we to go on with this work?
3) “be about to + 動詞原形” 表示即將發(fā)生的動作,意為 be ready to do sth. 后面一般不跟時間狀語。 We are about to leave.
4) go , come , start, move, sail, leave, arrive ,stay 等可用進(jìn)行時態(tài)表示按計劃即將發(fā)生的動作。I’m leaving for Beijing.
5) 某些動詞(如come, go ,leave, arrive, start, get , stay 等)的一般現(xiàn)在時也可表示將來。
The meeting starts at five o’clock.
He gets off at the next stop.
1) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作,由“to be + 現(xiàn)在分詞” 構(gòu)成。另外, “系動詞 + 介詞或副詞” 也表示進(jìn)行時的意義。What are you doing? The bridge is under construction.
2) 表示感覺、愿望和狀態(tài)的某些動詞(如have, be , here, se, like 等 ) 一般不用進(jìn)行。
1) 過去進(jìn)行時過去某一時刻、某一階段正進(jìn)行的動作,由 “ was (were) + 現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成。
In 1980 he was studying in a university.
He was reading a novel when I came in.
6.現(xiàn)在完成時的用法現(xiàn)在完成時由 “have + 過去分詞其使用有兩種情況:
1) 現(xiàn)在完成時所表示的動作在說話之前已完成,但對現(xiàn)在有影響。句中沒有具體時間狀語。
He has gone to Fuzhou.
He has been to Fuzhou.
2) 現(xiàn)在完成時所表示的動作開始于過去,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,也許還會持續(xù)下去常用 for 和since表示一段時間的狀語或so far , now, today, this wek (month, year ) 等表示包括現(xiàn)在內(nèi)的狀語。
He has studied English for 5 years.
He has studied English since 1985.
Now I have finished the work..
注意:表示短暫時間動作的詞(如come, go , die, marry, buy 等)的完成時不能與for, since 等 表示一般時間的詞連用。
I’ll go o your home when I have finished my homework.
If it has stopped snowing in the morning, we’ll go to the park.
1) 過去完成時由“had + 過去分詞”構(gòu)成。過去完成時的動作表示過去某一時刻或某一時刻或某一動作之前完成的動作或狀態(tài)。句中常用by, before, until, when 等詞引導(dǎo)的時間狀語。
By the end of last year we had built five new houses.
I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university.
2)過去完成時的動詞還可表示過去某一時刻之前發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)持續(xù)到過去某個時間或持續(xù)下去。Before he slept, he had worked for 12 hours.
過去將來時表示從過去的某個時間看來將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。過去將來時由 “should 或 would + 動詞原形” 構(gòu)成。第一人稱用should, 其他人稱用would.
They were sure that they would succeed.
9.現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時的用法現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時由 “ have (has)+ been + 現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成,表示現(xiàn)在以前一直進(jìn)行的動作。有些動詞(work, study, live, teach 等) 用現(xiàn)在完成時與用現(xiàn)在完成時意思差不多。
I have worked here for three years.
I have been working here for three years.
I have been writing a letter.
注意:表示短暫動作的動詞(finish, marry, get up, come, go 等)不能用這種時態(tài)。
(二) 動詞語態(tài)
1. 當(dāng)句子的主語是動作的執(zhí)行者時, 謂語的形式叫主動語態(tài)。句子的主語是動作承受者時,謂語的形式叫被動作語態(tài)。被動語態(tài)由助動詞be + 過去分詞構(gòu)成,時態(tài)通過be 表現(xiàn)出來。
1) 一般現(xiàn)在時:You are required to do this.
2) 一般過去時:The story was told by her.
3) 一般將來時:The problem will be discussed tomorrow.
4) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:The road is being widened.
5) 過去進(jìn)行時:The new tool was being made.
6) 現(xiàn)在完成時:The novel has been read.
7) 過去完成時:He said that the work had been finished.
8) 過去將來時:He said that the trees would be planted soon.
2. 一些特殊的被動結(jié)構(gòu)
1) 帶情態(tài)動詞的被動結(jié)構(gòu):The problem must be solved soon.
2) 帶不定式的被動結(jié)構(gòu):The room is going to be painted.
The homework needs to be done with care.
3) 短語動詞的被動:
a.(不及物)動詞+介詞:若這類短語動詞是及物性的,則可用于被動語態(tài)中,如:laugh at, look after, talk about, think of 等。若這類短語動詞是不及物性的則不可用于被動語態(tài)中,如:book up, look down. 等
b.(及物)動詞+副詞:bring about, carry out, find out, make out, put away, put off, take up, turn down, turn out, wipe out等
c. 動詞+副詞 +介詞:do away with, face up to, give into ,look down upon, make up with等
d. 動詞+名詞+介詞:catch sight of, keep on eye on, make a fool of , pay attention to , put an end to , set fire/light to , take notice of 等
4) 帶復(fù)合賓語的動詞在改為被動語態(tài)時,一般把主動結(jié)構(gòu)中的賓語改為主語,賓語補(bǔ)足語保留在謂語后面。We always keep the classroom clean.
(比較:The classroom is always kept clean.)
The children need looking after.
The windows wants /requires repairing.
This point deserves mentioning.
b.有些及物動詞后須加副詞 (如:well, easily等), 有些可不加,如:act, clean, cut, draw, lock, open, play, read, sell, shut, strike, wash, write 等。
The cloth washes/ sells well.
The door won’t shut. The play won’t act.
c. 形容詞worth后直接加動名詞時,如:The book is worth reading twice.
The fish is not fit to eat.
d. 某些感官動詞(如:feel, look, prove, smell , sound, taste, wear等) 與形容詞連用時:The water feels very cold.
The dish tastes delicious.
6) 以下動詞構(gòu)成的句子不能改為被動句:
a. 動詞leave, enter, reach 等的賓語是表示處所、地點(diǎn)(國家、團(tuán)體,組織、軍隊)等。
b. 表示狀態(tài)的動詞,如:become, benefit, cost, contain, equal, fit, fail, have, lack, last, mean, suit, look like等。
c. 下列不及物動詞及短語:appear, belong to , break out, die, happen, lie, occur, rise, take place, agree with, belong to, consist of , have on, keep up with 及一些固定詞組,如 keep words, lose heart, make a face等。
d. 賓語是反身代詞,相互代詞,同源代詞,不定式,動名詞,抽象名詞等。
據(jù)說…… 希望……
據(jù)推測說… 必須承認(rèn)……
必須指出… 眾所周知……
有人會說….. 大家認(rèn)為…..

there be 小結(jié)
1. 基本結(jié)構(gòu) :There be +主語 + 地點(diǎn) /時間狀語。如: There is a computer in the room. 房間里有一臺!here are two TV plays every evening. 每晚有兩場電視劇。
2. 主謂一致: 要采取就近一致原則,和* 近be的主語一致。如: There is a pen, two rulers in the box. 盒子里有一只鋼筆,兩把尺子。There are two boys and a teacher at the school gate. 門口有兩個男孩,一個。
3. 主語后的動詞形式:在there be 句型中,主語與動詞是主動關(guān)系時用現(xiàn)在分詞;是被動關(guān)系時用過去分詞。如: There is a purse lying on the ground. 地上有一個錢包。There are five minutes left now. 現(xiàn)在還有5分鐘。
4. 反意疑問句。反意疑問句應(yīng)與there be對應(yīng),而不是依據(jù)主語。如:There is a radio on the table, isn't there? 桌子上有一臺收音機(jī),是吧? There are more than fifty classes in your school, aren't there? 你們班有50多名,是吧?
5. there be 與have的替換:there be表示所屬時可與have替換!here is nothing but a book in my bag. =I have nothing but a book in my bag. 包里只有一本書。
 6. there be后接不定式時常用主動形式表示被動意義。如:There is a lot of work to do. 有許多要做。注意:當(dāng)該句型主語是something, anything, nothing等不定代詞時,后面的不定式用主動形式或被動形式,意義各不同。 There is nothing to do. 沒有事可做!here is nothing to be done. 沒有辦法(束手無策)。
7. 與其它詞連用,構(gòu)成復(fù)合謂語。如:There may be a rain this afternoon. 今天下午可能有雨。There used to be a cinema here before the war. 戰(zhàn)爭之前,這兒有一家電影院。
 8. 變體 there be結(jié)構(gòu)中的be有時可用live, stand, remain等代替。如:Once there lived a king who cared more about new clothes than anything else. 從前有位國王喜歡新服勝過別的任何東西!
9. 習(xí)慣用語:There is no good /use (in) doing sth. 做某事沒有好處/用處;There is not a moment to lose. 一刻也不能耽誤。例如:There is no good making friends with him. 和他交朋友沒有什么好處!e is very ill. Send him to hospital. There's not a moment to lose. 他病得厲害,把他送到醫(yī)院去,一刻也不能耽誤。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/52351.html

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