
be better off是什么意思_be better off在線翻譯_雙語例句

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
be better off  
be better off 基本解釋


更富裕; 生活更好; 后接without; 意為“沒有…生活反而更好”

be better off 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 境況富裕;更富有:be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 | be better off 境況富裕;更富有 | be bound for 準備到...去;開往

2. 生活優(yōu)裕起來,境況好起來:be beside oneself 極度興奮,對自己的感情失去控制 | be better off 生活優(yōu)裕起來,境況好起來 | be pleased with 對...感到滿足

3. 處境較好,情況好轉(zhuǎn):be beside oneself忘乎所以 | be better off處境較好,情況好轉(zhuǎn) | be born in出生于......

4. 生活優(yōu)越起來,境況好起來:be beside oneself 極度興奮,對自己的情感失去控制 | be better off 生活優(yōu)越起來,境況好起來 | by accident 偶然

be better off 雙語例句

be better off的意思

1. If the cards are stacked against you, there might be nothing you can do and you would be better off throwing in the towel and finding an easier target elsewhere.

be better off是什么意思

2. If you need great 3D display performance, you`ll be better off going with a MacBook Pro.
如果您需要偉大的三維顯示的表現(xiàn),您將更好地起飛前往與MacBook Pro的。

3. The more we can internationalise the game, the better off we will be, he said.
如果你喜歡 jubilation 的文章,可以點此關注他/她的動態(tài)。

4. So unless you can make it look natural and graceful you might be better advised to back off.

5. I could never shake the feeling that I would be better off not around any more.

6. That you might be better off with a slow programmer instead of an average speed one?

7. Would he be better off to let it be repossessed?

8. We recommend that you take the license taxi and ask the driver for invoice when you get off, and it would be better if you could remember plates of the cab.

9. Finally, if it`s that bad, you might be better off just buying a new router!

10. One on one 一對一 I think we would be better off meeting one on one, by ourselves with no one else i n the room.

11. And sulfonation temperature has a certain effect on the activity of SPC, the higher the temperature, the feebler the activity, thus when petroleum coke is sulfonated in low temperature, its activity will be better than in high temperature; Moreover, alone with the sulfonation temperature ascending, the number of acid-site of SPC gradually increase, but the activity wears off, it also shows that weak acid catalyst is more sutible for hydration reaction of EO; In addition, the effect of reactive temperature on the activity of SPC is greatest, when reactive temperature going up, the activity of SPC is speedily enhanced, but when temperature exceeds a certain range, the activity of SPC will reduce; And the activity of SPC will become stronger alone with reactive pressure rising, but when pressure exceeds a certain value, selectivity of EG will decrease Also, increasing airspeed will weaken the activity of SPC.

12. Will you be better off without me?

13. He has a list of questions to fire off and you had better be ready to answer them.

14. The calculation of the cylinder closing force Off force analysis was the force of Where Qt --- packing friction, N Qj --- medium static pressure, N Qf --- stem cross-section of the media thrust, N Qm --- valve to be sealed when the sealing surface than the pressure force, N Qg --- closed cylinder output force, N Qk --- open cylinder output force, N qMF --- sealing surface must be specific pressure, MPa dm --- sealing surface mean diameter, mm df --- Stem diameter, mm f --- packing coefficient of friction bt --- filler width, mm P --- valve design pressure, MPa fm --- sealing surface friction coefficient To achieve an effective sealing valve must be Qg-Qf-Qt + Qj ≥ Qm That Qg ≥ Qf + Qt + Qm-Qj Closing force is not the bigger the better, must actually higher than check of the sealing surface pressure q, and make it less than the allowable pressure Where Qm'--- acting on the sealing surface of the actual seal edge, from the real thrust of the cylinder minus the associated resistance to draw, MPa, Through the above calculations to determine the off spring preload for the spring determine the basis for selection.
3.1、氣缸關閉力的計算關閉狀態(tài)受力分析得各力為式中Qt???填料摩擦力,N Qj???介質(zhì)靜壓力,N Qf???閥桿截面的介質(zhì)推力,N Qm???閥門達到必須密封比壓時的密封面作用力,N Qg???氣缸關閉時輸出力,N Qk???氣缸打開時輸出力,N qMF???密封面必須比壓,MPa dm???密封面平均直徑,mm df???閥桿直徑,mm f???填料摩擦系數(shù) bt???填料寬度,mm P???閥門設計壓力,MPa fm???密封面摩擦系數(shù)要實現(xiàn)閥門的有效密封,必須 Qg-Qf-Qt+Qj≥Qm 即 Qg≥Qf+Qt+Qm-Qj 關閉力也不是越大越好,還須校核密封面實際比壓q,并使其小于許用比壓式中Qm'???作用于密封面的實際密封力,由氣缸實際推力減去相關阻力得出,MPa,通過以上計算可確定關閉狀態(tài)的彈簧預緊力,為彈簧選型確定依據(jù)。

15. Crawling back to you - backstreet boys everybody knows that i was such a fool to ever let go of you but baby i was wrong and yeah i know i said we'd be better off alone it was time that we moved on i know i broke your heart i didn't mean to break your heart but baby, here i am banging on your front door my pride's spilled on the floor my hands and knees are bruised and i'm crawling back to you begging for a second chance are you gonna let me in?
爬行回到你- Backstreet 男孩大家知道我是這樣傻瓜曾經(jīng)放棄你但小我錯誤并且我呀知道I說我們會是更好單獨是時間,我們搬走了我知道我傷了你的心我沒有意味傷您的心但寶貝,這里我是猛擊在你的前門我的自豪感的溢出在地板上我的手和膝蓋被挫傷并且我爬行回到你乞求為第二次機會您去讓我進來嗎?

16. Backstreet Boys 專輯:Never Gone Crawling Back To You - Backstreet Boys Everybody knows that I was such a fool to ever let go of you But baby I was wrong And yeah I know I said We'd be better off alone It was time that we moved on I know I broke your heart I didn't mean to break your heart But baby, here I am Banging on your front door My pride's spilled on the floor My hands and knees are bruised And I'm crawling back to you Begging for a second chance Are you gonna let me in?
Never 去爬行回到您- Backstreet 男孩大家知道我是這樣傻瓜曾經(jīng)放棄您但小我錯誤并且我呀知道I說我們會是更好單獨是時間,我們搬走了我知道我傷了您的心我沒有意味傷您的心但嬰孩,這里我是猛擊在您的前門我的自豪感的溢出在地板上我的手和膝蓋被挫傷并且我爬行回到您乞求為第二次機會您去讓我進來嗎?

17. Audio files and can be free to the supported formats Internet free download, download compilation, editing easier Series is very convenient Controls one of the original car stereo panel external cigarette lighter, speaks of the original car stereo controls, but the Control, can support multi-function for control of inconvenience, such as the replacement of modified CD machine To the steering wheel, operating an impact on driving safety first, the original multi-direction The whole disk may fail to facilitate Appearance MP4 compact disc box hosts, such as the United States are generally required to replace the cigarette lighter then converted CD Concept can be placed in glove boxes, or devices to take power, destruction of the original car nose, you may want to cut Instrument panel storage box, without compromising the interior harmony, video broken beam, and and the original Harm the overall appearance original equipment interior trim ring uncoordinated Original sound original external power head power supply, turn off than replace the modified CD -Bit auto-power, turn off automatically power off from there nose, you may want to cut Dynamic power, safe and reliable security risk then break beam power, save In the security risk Video support many video formats do not support is limited to VCD/DVD Enjoy network video formats supported by Excellent anti-seismic seismic seismic better anti-jamming, anti-interference seismic poor, anti-stem The worst disturbance Good Other USB port available for mobile phones, no And other equipment charge
對比項目雅途樂MP4數(shù)碼碟盒 FM發(fā)射車載MP3 CD/VCD/DVD碟盒原理將解碼過的音視頻將外部音頻信號將CD/VCD/DVD 信號直接通過專用轉(zhuǎn)化成FM電波,碟盒解碼過的信線束傳輸?shù)揭繇懼饔绍囕d音響的收號通過專用線束傳機音播放頭接收信輸?shù)揭繇懼鳈C播放號播放音質(zhì)微電腦芯片高保真 FM發(fā)射和接收信 CD/VCD/DVD數(shù)解碼,線束連接,號轉(zhuǎn)換產(chǎn)生損耗,據(jù)輸入,原裝音原裝音響效果,杜信號易受外界干擾響效果好絕干擾,音質(zhì)媲美CD ,噪聲大,音質(zhì)差容量支持大容量SD/MMC 車載MP3自帶內(nèi)存 CD/VCD/DVD光、U盤、讀卡器、MP3 和U盤等,存儲擴碟正常容量,/MP4、移動硬盤,海展相對方便較難擴展量存儲擴展價格幾百元幾十元-幾百元幾百元-數(shù)千元內(nèi)容網(wǎng)絡電影、視頻、僅限MP3、WMA等僅限于CD/VCD/DVD MP3、WMA等,且可音頻文件,可自由所支持格式網(wǎng)絡自由下載,編下載,編輯較易輯非常方便控制完全原車音響面板外接點煙器,操原車音響控制,但控制,可支持多功作控制不方便,如更換改裝CD機能方向盤,操作安影響駕駛安全頭,原多功能方向全方便盤可能失效外觀 MP4碟盒主機小巧美一般都要接點煙如更換改裝CD 觀,可放在手套箱或器取電,破壞原車機頭,可能要剪儀表臺儲物盒,不損內(nèi)飾和諧氣氛,影斷線束,且和原害原裝內(nèi)飾響整體美觀裝內(nèi)飾不協(xié)調(diào)電源原裝音響機頭原裝外接電源,熄火不如更換改裝CD 位自動供電,熄火自能自動斷電,存在機頭,可能要剪動斷電,安全可靠安全隱患斷線束接電,存在安全隱患視頻支持眾多視頻格式,不支持僅限VCD/DVD 輕松享受網(wǎng)絡視頻所支持格式抗震抗震抗干擾極好抗震較好,抗干擾抗震較差,抗干最差擾好其它 USB口可供手機無無及其它設備充電

18. Degree of erosion of the balance of light, and eliminate the effect of Mi bolt is better, when I found lesions on the skin fell off, but because of bad side has only used a box, because I always plug their own, and the extinction Mi bolt a bit dry, not easy to put inside, with expansion in the hospital to release the drug should be better.

19. Regulation we have, the better off we're going to be.

20. Suboptimal allocation----An allocation that could be rearranged so that one or more people could be made better off food while no one was made worse off.

be better off 單語例句

1. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. It will also be a country where people are better off and enjoy a markedly improved quality of life and a good environment.

2. Imagine how much better off he'd be if he could just steer clear of the Swedes.

3. The sooner this happens, the better off we will all be.


4. It may be just a minute or two, but you should feel quite a bit better after getting it all off your chest.

5. But the constitution's critics say the European Union is better off without it and the euro would not be undermined.

6. The better off the lowest 10 percent of a society, the better would be the living conditions for the rest of the community.

7. Even for the better off, access to health care and the affordability of homes can be big financial worries.

8. be better off的意思

8. But given the current dire economic situation we are now in, common sense dictates that we'd be better off not throwing good money after bad.

9. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

9. Morris at UBS says Time Warner would be better off without AOL.

10. The dominance of Jones has led some experts to think Qi would be better off concentrating on medley.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1168429.html
