

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶



octopus 基本解釋


octopus 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 大章魚:ilent Predators)...建筑工地喚醒了地下成群的響尾蛇人蛇大戰(zhàn)...少見的臺灣生物災(zāi)難電影極度深寒(Deep Rising)...深海大章魚血洗游輪史前大章魚(Octopus)...美國潛艇遭遇大海怪 ...素日美好的生活畫卷被這個龐然大物撕得粉碎,

octopus 雙語例句


1. Semelparous organisms and others that die suddenly following reproduction e. g. salmon, octopus, marsupial mouse (Brown Antechinus, etc. also represent instances of organisms whose design incorporates a life span limiting feature.

2. Jet black to pale red in color, eight arms lined with suction cups and rows of soft fleshy spines known as cirri., like an octopus.


3. A cross between a spider and octopus; the legs help re-position the camera to a favored nook.

4. Several layers of sounds competed for available airwaves: the high-pitched warble of the latest J-Pop anthems; a distorted entreaty, relayed by megaphone, to partake of an unmissable discount on panty-hose; competing storefront jingles advertising cakes, CDs, and takoyaki fried octopus balls; and, wafting from Shochiku-za, the accelerating clatter of wooden blocks that is the trademark sound of kabuki.

5. Optional Food: rice, indica rice, corn, wheat, soybeans, peas and other grain legumes; chives, parsley, garlic, radish, lily and other vegetables; mutton, dog meat, beef, chicken and eel, carp, silver carp, octopus, shrimp and other meat; oranges, coconut, pineapple, litchi, longan and other fruits.


6. Venue: Hall Hongtao, F.3, Hyatt Regency, TianjinContent: 10 UK publishers from Anness Publishing Ltd, Endeavour London Ltd, Octopus Publishing, the London Book Fair, etc. talk and communicate with 10 excellent Chinese publishers on bilaterally concerned topics. Organizer: BIBF, London Book Fair


7. Also popular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spiny lobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goose barnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfish and molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops.
也很受歡迎的沙丁魚(尤其是當(dāng)烤作為sardinhas assadas ),章魚,魷魚,墨魚,蟹,蝦和對蝦,龍蝦,龍蝦,和許多其他甲殼類動物,如偏執(zhí)狂和鵝偏執(zhí)狂,鱈魚,竹莢魚,鰻,鱸魚,劍鞘和多種其他魚類和貝殼類和軟體動物,如蛤,貽貝,牡蠣,periwinkles ,和扇貝。

8. Alsopopular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spinylobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goosebarnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfishand molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, andscallops.
也很受歡迎的沙丁魚(尤其是當(dāng)烤作為sardinhas assadas ),章魚,魷魚,墨魚,蟹,蝦和對蝦,龍蝦,龍蝦,和許多其他甲殼類動物,如偏執(zhí)狂和鵝偏執(zhí)狂,鱈魚,竹莢魚,鰻,鱸魚,劍鞘和多種其他魚類和貝殼類和軟體動物,如蛤,貽貝,牡蠣,periwinkles ,和扇貝。

9. Objective To investigate the clinical significance of the Octopus 101 GKP kinetic and static automated perimetry in the diagnosis of the primary open angle glaucoma.
目的 評估Octopus 101 GKP動靜態(tài)自動視野計在原發(fā)性開角型青光眼診斷中的應(yīng)用價值。

10. ABSTRACT:Objective To investigate the clinical significance of the Octopus 101 GKP kinetic and static automated perimetry in the diagnosis of the primary open angle glaucoma.
目的 評估Octopus 101 GKP動靜態(tài)自動視野計在原發(fā)性開角型青光眼診斷中的應(yīng)用價值。

11. We also have other products just like octopus pill, karaage, squid rings, crab meat, mahimahi, tilapia, heat chicken products, heat pork products, heat beef products and so on...

12. CEPHALOPODS: The new fishing season for octopus in Morocco started on 1 May 2002 and new prices should be fixed on 15 June.

13. I don't like the texture of octopus.


14. After that, they went to the outdoor pool and saw a big octopus.

15. Lunch at Nibong Tebal of Penang State, enjoy classic Teo Chew cuisine, taste steam pomfret, crab porridge, braised octopus, classic meat roll, Chinese chives fried dry beancurd all 7 fabulous dishes..
12:30PM 午餐在檳州高淵享用潮州老菜,嘗潮州蒸斗鯧,螃蟹粥,白灼八爪魚,傳統(tǒng)肉卷,韭菜炒豆干等七道精彩菜肴。

16. I was still fast asleep when Fon came all over me like an octopus and her body kept pressing and squeezing me …. Man`s natural reaction was coming up very strongly, but I tried hard to suppress my animal instinct. I would not do anything before I could find out exactly what was happening.

17. The diet largely consists of a range of fish such as sting rays, skates, flatfish, small sharks, as well as various crustaceans and octopus and squid.

18. This preserved specimen, part of the Field Museum of Natural History Collections, is a conspecific, that is the same species as the white guy that was attempting to copulate with the other octopus.

19. As stone turtle, mussels, pearl oysters, scallops, oysters, clams, squid, octopus and so on. 7, marine coelenterate, coelenterate because of its unique stinging cells, it was again known as Cnidaria.

20. He's The Octopus, he threatened my...

octopus 詞典解釋

1. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. 章魚
An octopus is a soft sea creature with eight long arms called tentacles which it uses to catch food.

octopus 單語例句

1. octopus

1. Octopus Holdings Limited possesses a good deal of personal information pertaining to Hong Kong and mainland residents.


2. The two cities will also develop a new card reader to read both Octopus and Shenzhen Tong.

3. The vacuum thus created made the cups adhere to my feet like the suction cups of an octopus.

4. He said the corporation currently had no controlling voice in the Octopus because it's representatives were limited to 49 percent of voting rights.

5. octopus在線翻譯

5. Some fans of losing teams said they were going to cook up an octopus to vent their anger.

6. Iker the'psychic'octopus has predicted Manchester United will beat Barcelona to be crowned club champion of Europe in Saturday's final in London.

7. The Octopus spokesperson said efforts are still in progress, but refused to disclose the current state.

8. A wave of concern over personal data in Octopus cards being used for promotion has driven the company into a crisis regarding privacy protection.

9. I have said it here earlier that the Octopus Card used to be an icon of Hong Kong and a matter of civic pride.

10. Chief executive Miao Liansheng did not need an octopus to predict his company would do well out of the sponsorship deal.

octopus 英英釋義



1. bottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentacles

Synonym: devilfish

2. octopus的意思

2. tentacles of octopus prepared as food

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1178017.html
