

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
Trinidad 基本解釋特立尼達(dá)島;
Trinidad 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 特立尼達(dá)和多巴哥:61歲,雙子座,出生于特立尼達(dá)和多巴哥(Trinidad),在英國長大,畢業(yè)于瑞士納沙泰爾大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)系,1968-1974年,任職于歐米茄市場/產(chǎn)品部,1974-1987年擔(dān)任愛彼表(AudemarsPiguet)營業(yè)總監(jiān),1987-1997年,擔(dān)任愛彼表總裁,

2. 特立尼達(dá)島:今天,朗姆酒的主要生產(chǎn)地是:古巴(Cuba),牙買加(Jamaica)、海地、波多黎各、多米尼加共和國(Republica Dominicana),小安的列斯群島的(馬提尼克島(Martinique)、瓜德羅普島(Guadeloupe)、特立尼達(dá)島(Trinidad),巴巴多斯島(Barbados),

Trinidad 雙語例句


1. Leader of the peasant uprising of the late Tang Huang Chao-Jun, Wang Xianzhi fought Trinidad setbacks, Hill came to this dressing troops and horses, a sweep south of the Yangtze, one from North Changan; end of the Yuan Dynasty, led by the volunteer army generals Xushouhui Jianghuai meaning of this division has Poly; - Xianfeng years, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Wang Yu-Cheng Chen, Li Zhao Shou 24.38, in this Shuaibing Chenhongxu has built Walled City baseman, hit Qingbing Xiang Zhonghuai force has Qianqiang Shing Mun intact.

2. It is a chess game, the pawn of the two parties have different points of usefulness, both to fighting strategy but also careful examination, Dan Lu Kless offensive in the defeat Trinidad.

3. The Latin America trip, which will include a visit to Trinidad and Tobago, may not be as high-profile; for one thing, First Lady Michelle Obama, who gave the Europe trip an added touch of pizzazz, is staying back in Washington.

4. He set up a planning committee with his friend Ameer Edoo, later to become chairman of Trinidad`s airport authority.

5. EDI works closely with Ministries of Education around the world and was recently accredited by the ACTT to provide high quality qualications in Trinidad and Tobago.

6. When I handed over the captaincy after the 2006 World Cup I never thought I`d wear the armband again, so I was honoured to lead the team out onto the pitch again against Trinidad and Tobago.

7. Faced with this situation by a foreigner, usually a busy life of foreigners hurried footsteps come to Yangshuo actually become so relaxed together, I really do not know Yangshuo this narrow little alley, I do not know how many people's fascination with Zeng, in particular, these foreigners, in the Trinidad thousands of miles away that they use their nose smell the taste of this Yangshuo, traveled to this town, I think they have found in this sense of his own fondness for, this feeling is the feeling of Yangshuo, It feels like no time in the concept of modern urban life did not give the kind caused by squeezing.


8. Mulan game show from home textile and take the time to start martial arts training, to Nvbannanzhuang for Jun-jun from the father of twelve years, he moved to Trinidad, as a result of repeated and perform outstanding service has been called brilliant story General.

9. Eriksson, who will be at Loftus Road on Tuesday to watch World Cup opponents Trinidad take on Iceland, says he has absolutely no preference over the identity or nationality of his successor.

10. In Trinidad playing the race card is considered a cheap trick. Worse than that, it`s an insult to the spirit of the nation.


11. North Slope there are three peak values (the beginning of summer stagnation front, the formation of the rainy season in April; June strong frontal activity, precipitation more; 8, 9 On affected by typhoons, precipitation also tell) semi-annual spring and summer cloud amount Trinidad and Tobago, and variability of air-mass cross-red sea, mountains distribution of messy, mountains ups and downs, remained more or less into the front stagnation, and other relevant.


12. In this land of red started fighting two well-known - jute uprising army of Liu and Deng Yuejin Dabieshan Trinidad.

13. Of or relating to the island of Trinidad.


14. You and me, here, at this time with heart, for love, Trinidad trip, meet in Beijing.


15. While we in the distant Trinidad Shanghai.


16. If Trinidad wasn't black, I'd never bet on him.

17. The number of people gathered to, and how many people to send Acacia Trinidad?

18. But they`re in Trinidad; you`d have to make the trip.

19. English in the following countries and regions are the first language: Australia, Bahamas, Ireland, Barbados, Bermuda, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom and United States.

20. Figge plans to continue her odyssey, swimming from Trinidad to the British Virgin Islands.
Figge 計(jì)劃繼續(xù)她的長途跋涉,從特立尼亞島游向英屬維爾京群島。

Trinidad 單語例句

1. Trinidad的解釋

1. England and Owen get a chance to improve on Saturday's showing when their group campaign continues against Trinidad & Tobago on Thursday in Nuremberg.

2. Trinidad什么意思

2. They have said that they will close down the FIFA Development Office in Trinidad by year end.

3. The Dutchman has been in charge of four matches in World Cup finals, three with Netherlands in 1990 and one with Trinidad in this tournament.

4. The airplane was heading from La Paz city to northern Cobija city, but the bad weather forced the airplane to divert to Trinidad.

5. Howard will play in the Americans'Gold Cup opener and Keller will start two days later against Trinidad and Tobago.

6. El Salvador and Guatemala have three points each and Trinidad are bottom of the standings without a point from two matches.

7. Officials said the plot began in the United States and spread to Trinidad and Guyana.


8. The Swedes couldn't put the ball in the net against tiny Trinidad and Tobago.

9. He had returned to his village from working in Trinidad only hours after the assault on the town.

10. FIFA said Warner maintained a " presumption of innocence " as he returned to his job as a government minister in Trinidad and Tobago.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1178029.html
