

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


executive 基本解釋

名詞總經(jīng)理; 行政部門; [計算機]執(zhí)行指令

形容詞執(zhí)行的; 管理的; 政府部門的

executive 相關(guān)例句


1. The US Constitution vests the executive power in the President.

2. He is on the executive committee.


1. The president of a company is an executive.

executive 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. 主管人員:指導(dǎo)教授:黃良志(Liang-Chih Hunag)、巫沛?zhèn)}(Peitsang Wu)三、運用模糊層級分析法(FAHP)建構(gòu)一「模糊層級分析法之管理才能評鑒決主管人員 (Executive)有許多同義語,如經(jīng)理人員 (Manager)、監(jiān)督者對於管理才能(Competence)的定義,

executive 雙語例句

1. The CFO must also be able to explain treatments, policies and consequences so that every executive can understand them.

2. Our country should improve it through legislation to clarify the standards of the predatory pricing, set up the executive department to protec...

3. But announcement of the Ministry of Public Security reminds, illegal element uses great majority person to operate circuit to what shop on the net, how avoid risk and discern the characteristic that illegal website lack understands, of network of have the aid of concealment quality, buy with network group for the name executive bilk commits a crime.

4. It'is one of the first questions the students ask, 'says Jaki Sitterle, managing director of executive programs at New York University's Stern School of Business.
紐約大學(xué)斯特恩商學(xué)院 EMBA課程執(zhí)行主任杰克?席德勒說,這是學(xué)生們首先提出的問題之一。


5. It is one of the first questions the students ask, says Jaki Sitterle, managing director of executive programs at New York Universitys Stern School of Business.
紐約大學(xué)斯特恩商學(xué)院 EMBA課程執(zhí)行主任杰克?席德勒說,這是學(xué)生們首先提出的問題之一。

6. Jaki Sitterle, managing director of executive programs at NYU, which posted the smallest return, notes that the school caters to older executives, half of whom already have advanced degrees and many who already earn high salaries.

7. In Station with no telephone sales, the executive also need to assist sales staff in filtering of sales clue.

8. Ago by the executive team will be the first command of a small red flag, and then followed by three officers riding, Huang Luo umbrella, Black Dragon flag, clear the way gongs, flags; lights after the commanding officer in the bunting dragon, stilts, lions, the size Yangko Ryuko, Wu Council, sub-horse team, the Eight Immortals Keiju, butterfly, cotton, ghosts and lanterns, lotus lamp, light peach, gourd lamp, square lamp, long lights, flower show team.

9. Jackie Schoeman is executive director of Cotlands, a South African group, that works with orphans whose parents have died of AIDS.
Jackie Schoeman是Cotlands的執(zhí)行理事,Cotlands是一個南非的集團,主要致力于幫助那些父母死于艾滋病的兒童。

10. Jackie Schoeman is executive director of Cotlands, a South African group that works with orphans whose parents have died of AIDS.
Jachie Schoeman是Cotlands的執(zhí)行董事,那是一個南非從事父母死于艾滋病孤兒的小組。

11. Executive need to understand the concrete operational interest of what they learn.

12. To get the problem solved, a protection circuit has been designed, which contains a micro-current amplifier, an absolute window voltage comparator, an ultra-range tips circuit, a UREF benchmark constant voltage source circuit, and an executive circuit.

13. The company's executive director[6], Mark Stolorow, says the DNA samples recovered from the World Trade Center have posed[7] special challenges to researchers.

14. I figure I will probably be laid off, 'said Carol Guenther, 38, an executive administrative assistant who has worked at Bear Stearns for 13 years.

15. Each business plan is limited to 15 word-processed and single-spaced pages, including the executive summary.
整句譯為:每個商業(yè)計劃局限于15 單詞處理和單身隔開的頁,包括執(zhí)行摘要。

16. Is a professional firm specialized in executive and technical talent search in industry field.

17. Beijing Cemtalent Consulting Co., Ltd. is a professional firm specialized in executive and technical talent search in industry field.


18. Jay Himes, an executive director in Lynchburg, VA adds, Make sure you are providing value.
弗吉尼亞州林奇堡的執(zhí)行理事Jay Himes補充說:確保你的貢獻是有價值的。

19. Slightly more than half the number of those sentenced to death were executed and the remainder are accounted for almost wholly by the intervention of the Executive.


20. Sheila Johnson, chief executive of Salamander Hospitality, helped design the desk at her 341-acre farm near Middleburg, where her company is building a resort and spa.

executive 詞典解釋executive的反義詞

1. 主管;管理者;經(jīng)理
An executive is someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done.

e.g. ...an advertising executive.
e.g. ...Her husband is a senior bank executive.

2. 管理的;執(zhí)行的
The executive sections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out.

e.g. A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task...
e.g. I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.

3. 高級的;精美時髦的;供主管人員使用的
Executive goods are expensive goods designed or intended for executives and other people at a similar social or economic level.

e.g. ...an executive briefcase.
e.g. ...a chain of shops specialising in pricey executive toys.

4. 執(zhí)行委員會;行政委員會
The executive committee or board of an organization is a committee within that organization which has the authority to make decisions and ensures that these decisions are carried out.

e.g. He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds...
e.g. Some executive members have called for his resignation.

5. (政府的)行政部門
The executive is the part of the government of a country that is concerned with carrying out decisions or orders, as opposed to the part that makes laws or the part that deals with criminals.

e.g. The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate...
e.g. The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government.

executive 單語例句

1. Sanlu is negotiating with Fonterra, a public relations executive told China Business Weekly.

2. But that does not mean that China's business environment is getting worse, according to a top executive from the US software giant Microsoft.

3. Jackson is in a relationship with Lakers executive Jeanie Buss, who said last week Jackson definitely will coach somewhere next year.

4. Kupchak and Lakers executive Jim Buss slept on the trades before making them on Thursday.

5. India's Companies Act of 1956 places caps on executive compensation that are linked to a public company's net revenue.

6. executive

6. McLaren chief executive Martin Whitmarsh let his guard slip when asked by reporters on Sunday afternoon whether he thought Hamilton could win before Button.

7. executive在線翻譯

7. But the executive admitted there could be hurdles in buying up US companies, including what he calls misconceptions about Chinese companies.

8. executive的意思

8. Principal officials will be nominated by the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for appointment by the Central People's Government.

9. Under the Election Law, the chief executive elected still needs official appointment by the Chinese central government.

10. Lau's appointment was officially announced on Thursday by the Chief Executive's Office, following his failed reelection bid after serving four years in the Legislative Council.

executive 英英釋義



1. persons who administer the law

2. executive的解釋

2. someone who manages a government agency or department

Synonym: administrator

3. a person responsible for the administration of a business

Synonym: executive director


1. having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc.

e.g. the executive branch

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1273750.html
