

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


colleague 基本解釋


名詞同事; 同行; 同僚

colleague 相關(guān)例句



1. Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.

colleague 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 同事:1) 抽象中介者(Mediator)角色:抽象中介者角色定義統(tǒng)一的接口用于各同事角色之間的通信. 2) 具體中介者(Concrete Mediator)角色:具體中介者角色通過協(xié)調(diào)各同事角色實現(xiàn)協(xié)作行為. 為此它要知道并引用各個同事角色. 3) 同事(Colleague)角色:每一個同事角色都知道對應(yīng)的具體中介者角色,而且與其他的同事角色通信的時候,一定要通

2. 同僚:— 定義一個接口與同僚(Colleague)對象溝通. . — 經(jīng)由協(xié)調(diào)(coordinating)同僚對象實現(xiàn)合作(cooperative)行為. 4. 淬取(abstracts)對象如何合作:讓調(diào)停動作獨立出來的概念并封裝成一個對象讓你將焦點放在把對象如何互動從它們個別行為中區(qū)隔開來,

3. 同事,同僚:catalog 目錄;目錄冊 | colleague 同事,同僚 | department (行政或企業(yè)的)部,局

4. 同事,選出來的一起做事的人:allegation,斷言,主張 | colleague,同事,選出來的一起做事的人 | college,學院,

colleague 雙語例句

1. While, religion was a natural colleague of the conservative in politics. Religion and morality were different in nature because religion`s foundation was Animatism but morality`s was benefit.

2. I am proud of you, my alumni and my colleague.

3. You might plan a lunch away from the office or arrange to take a walk with a colleague to re-energize.

4. And I believe you know how proud we are of our business here, and the IBM China team led by my colleague, Henry Chow.
我想你們知道,對于 IBM 在中國的業(yè)績以及由周偉?先生所領(lǐng)導的 IBM 中國員工,我們是多么的自豪。


5. And I believe you know how proud we are of our business here, and the IBM China team lead by my colleague, Henry Chow.

6. His colleague lay unconscious, perhaps dead.

7. He's wanted in the death of his pregnant colleague, 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach.
他被通緝是因為他跟他一懷孕的20歲同事Maria Lauterbach的死有關(guān)。

8. We all like to be the people's study thing, becoming the people's good colleague.

9. May, I'd like you to meet my colleague, Peter.

10. In the begining, miss Zhao and colleague buy each each, pants of a render, also want 10 yuan of freight.

11. But relates the good colleague also mutually to crack a joke.

12. Deng Guida, 44, was killed and his colleague, also 44, was wounded.


13. Hey, my lovely fans....i was on the way to GZ with my colleague....

14. I heistate to find a excuse, at this time, one of my colleague telephoned me that the earthquake coming, he told me find a planar place to stay...but I still walk towards, I do not think some serious coming at all...

15. On behalf of my colleague Don Somerville, I want to congratulate our graduating students and welcome our new students.

16. We reported last week that Virgin may already have signed a deal to re-name and possible buy into the new 2010 entrant Manor, which involves FIA president Max Mosley's former Simtek colleague Nick Wirth.

17. Colleague: Oh, I am at the end of my wits and running out of steam.

18. At this moment, someone knocked at the door. It was his colleague David. He came to invite Oscar to go to a dog market 4. This reminded Oscar that the rugby association would hold the dogs'game 5 the day after tomorrow and everyone had to bring their dogs to take part in it.

19. YUNFANG shopping center will use sincerity and enthusism to struggle with every colleague and merchant, and gain the prosperity and wealth together.

20. Take charge to book air ticket, train ticket and balance for colleague travel on business.

colleague 詞典解釋

1. 同事;同僚
Your colleagues are the people you work with, especially in a professional job.

e.g. Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split...
e.g. A colleague urged him to see a psychiatrist, but Faulkner refused.

colleague 單語例句

1. Sky News reported Wednesday that one of its journalists had traveled by train from London to Paris using a colleague's passport.

2. colleague是什么意思

2. There seemed to be genuine joy that a man of such caliber has become a colleague of ours.

3. A colleague of mine asked me the same question when we sat down for lunch at the office canteen on Monday.

4. colleague

4. These might include rescuing an unconscious colleague from a crevasse or tackling carbon monoxide poisoning from a stove.

5. Almost every week, a younger colleague asks my suggestions about his or her career plan.

6. The camera is set up in the policeman's office to protect himself and his colleague from people who willfully cause trouble.

7. colleague什么意思

7. Covering an area of 30 square meters, the ceramic room was built by 10 colleague students of Nanjing University of Arts.

8. colleague什么意思

8. He later said he was trying to cheer a colleague up after a long drive.

9. The father of troubled soul star Amy Winehouse blames his affair with a colleague for the star's addiction to lethal drugs.

10. His face as red as an apple my Chinese colleague rose to propose a toast.

colleague 英英釋義


1. colleague在線翻譯

1. a person who is member of one's class or profession

e.g. the surgeon consulted his colleagues
he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers

Synonym: confrere fellow

2. an associate that one works with

Synonym: co-worker fellow worker workfellow

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1273860.html
