

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
applicable 基本解釋

形容詞適當(dāng)?shù)? 可應(yīng)用的

applicable 相關(guān)例句


1. The new law is applicable from next Monday.

2. This rule is not applicable to foreigners.

3. The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year.

applicable 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. 適用:--先進(jìn)(Advanced)、靈動(dòng)(Agile)、適用(Applicable)是URP 的首創(chuàng)者,傳播者; 是公共財(cái)政管理、工程管理、企業(yè)管理(URP)等領(lǐng)域的市場(chǎng)絕對(duì)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,是大型的先進(jìn)管理軟件供應(yīng)商,電子商務(wù)先鋒.

2. 能應(yīng)用的,適當(dāng)?shù)模?5. notorious 臭名昭著的 | 66. applicable 能應(yīng)用的,適當(dāng)?shù)?| 67. agitated 激動(dòng)的,不安的

applicable 雙語(yǔ)例句

1. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the real difference between an open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


2. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the difference between real open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.

3. It is very applicable to die cut free paper adhesive tape, Dacron film trademark and laser anti-false trademark.


4. Objective To investigate the clinical applicable value of multislice spiral CT in Debakey Ⅲ aortic dissection.

5. It is applicable wherever the IT Architect may choose to use it to distinguish his or her skills and experience.


6. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 14.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果違約方未在補(bǔ)救期內(nèi)予以補(bǔ)救(或者如果沒有補(bǔ)救期,那么在該等違約后的任何時(shí)候),則除了14.1條或有關(guān)法律規(guī)定的權(quán)利之外,受損害方還可就違約引起的直接和可預(yù)見的損失提出索賠。

7. B if the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 20.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果違約方未在補(bǔ)救期內(nèi)予以補(bǔ)救(或者如果沒有補(bǔ)救期,那么在該等違約后的任何時(shí)候),則除了第20.1 條款項(xiàng)或相關(guān)法律項(xiàng)下的權(quán)利之外,受損害方還可就違約引起的直接的和可預(yù)見的損失提出索賠。

8. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 15.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果違約方未在補(bǔ)救期內(nèi)予以補(bǔ)救(或者如果沒有補(bǔ)救期,那么在該等違約后的任何時(shí)候),則除了第15.1條或有關(guān)法律下的權(quán)利之外,受損害方還可就違約引起的直接和可預(yù)見的損失提出索賠。

9. Thousands of videos have been made available via applicable online portals such as YouTube, VideU, MyVideo, ClipFish and GoogleVideo.

10. Thousands of videos have been made available via applicable online portals such as YouTube, VideU, MyVideo, ClipFish and GoogleVideo. They offer amusing fun videos, film trailers, snippets of cult movies and serious documentations.
網(wǎng)絡(luò)視頻轉(zhuǎn)換工具,可以將 YouTube、VideU、MyVideo、ClipFish 和 GoogleVideo等這樣的視頻分享門戶網(wǎng)站中的視頻直接轉(zhuǎn)換為可以保存在您的電腦中的視頻文件,您所需要做的僅僅是將該鏈接添加到本軟件中。

11. Introducing mass density allows the equation to be simple, understandable and applicable.

12. This technique is applicable to civil and general industrial buildings for indoor fire automatic sprinkler system
DOC 本工藝標(biāo)準(zhǔn)適用于民用和一般工業(yè)建筑的室內(nèi)消防自動(dòng)噴灑系統(tǒng)和消火栓系統(tǒng)的管道及設(shè)備安裝工程。

13. This technique is applicable to civil and general industrial buildings for indoor fire automatic sprinkler system and fire hydrant system piping and equipment installation.

14. As an applied example, dried scallop are successfully identified, which suggests that this technique is highly applicable in practice.

15. The forms of transaction are more flexible and it is more applicable for the negotiated transaction of the bulk sale

16. Ministry of Construction said in an interview to promote the application of economic housing construction is a compatible with the socialist market economic system in the new housing supply an important component of our housing market is currently an important policy in a considerable period must insist that can not be shaken, even impossible; If individual local taxes to the immediate interests of the developers or to lift economic applicable housing construction is in violation of national policy and also very wrong and must be corrected.

17. The shell of enhanced type is applicable to the internally installed plastic sealed motors and is capable of tolerating the technical pressure for plastic molding.

18. Force Majeure excludes any event or circumstance that would otherwise have constituted Force Majeure under this definition but was caused by or resulted primarily from lack of funds by the claiming Party which prevented the claiming 25 Party from avoiding or overcoming the event or circumstance or which, if applicable to the operation of the Project and which results in the Project failing to produce any emissions reductions capable of being converted to CERs, was the result of the Seller or the operator of the Project failing to act as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator.
但以下情形或事件雖在別處符合此不可抗力定義,但在此處不適用:聲稱遭遇不可抗力的一方因缺少資金使該方無法避免或解決以上事件或情形,或相應(yīng)于項(xiàng)目運(yùn)作而言,是由于賣方或項(xiàng)目運(yùn)作人未能充當(dāng)合理和審慎的經(jīng)營(yíng)者而導(dǎo)致項(xiàng)目無法產(chǎn)生任何可轉(zhuǎn)換為 CER 的減排。


19. It has been shown that the steel lined-reinforced concrete penstock on ground is absolutely applicable in this project. Moreover, canceling the expansion joints at the upper bending section and the settlement joint between main and auxiliary power plant is possible as long as some measurements are adopted, such as using a steel pipe with soft cushion outside.

20. The discharge or recharge can be calculated through the vertical flow detected in well. Well-theories that can satisfy fissure seepage under different conditions are deduced, the dilution theory that is applicable to detect rock fissure seepage velocity is deduced as well.

applicable 詞典解釋

1. 適用的;適當(dāng)?shù)模豢蓪?shí)施的
Something that is applicable to a particular situation is relevant to it or can be applied to it.

e.g. What is a reasonable standard for one family is not applicable for another...
e.g. Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions...

Piaget himself wrote relatively little about the applicability of his theories to education.
applicable 單語(yǔ)例句

1. According to a CAD release, the applicable surcharge levels are based on the ticket issue date.

2. Common sense says that what is theoretically right may not be necessarily applicable in reality.

3. applicable的翻譯

3. The FIA's International Court of Appeal ruled that the rear diffusers are legal and " comply with the applicable regulations ".

4. This was Rabin's credo, and is still applicable in their pursuit of peace.

5. The embedded system technology in software is applicable to various fields in the national economy.

6. The third one is on advanced and applicable agricultural equipment which will be helpful to the modernization of the national agriculture.

7. A complete IPR protection system applicable to real situations at the fair has been established after years of practice.

8. " American personnel are required to follow this policy and applicable law, " she said.

9. But such measures are applicable more in cases of natural disasters and riots.

10. Not applicable to Canada and European Union members, the trade protectionist measure is mainly targeted at China and other developing countries.

applicable 英英釋義


1. capable of being applied
having relevance

e.g. gave applicable examples to support her argument

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1275277.html
