

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
inertia 基本解釋

名詞<物>慣性,惰性; 遲鈍; 不活動

inertia 同義詞

名詞passivity inactivity

inertia 反義詞

名詞energy vigour

inertia 相關(guān)例句



1. Inertia carried the train past the station.

2. I get a feeling of inertia on a hot summer day.

inertia 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. 惰性:我告訴他,也許是因為惰性(inertia)使我不想學(xué). 他要知道這個字的意義,我念了字典上的定義:「物體在除非受到外力影響下,否則維持靜者恒靜,動者恒動,不改變方向的傾向. 」唐望說他年輕時也曾經(jīng)在歐薩卡市集中賣藥草. 他仍記得他的推銷詞,

2. 慣:在較少情況下是基于羞澀感,而在大多數(shù)情況下則時基于對安適(comfort)、習(xí)慣(inertia)的渴慕--簡言之,即是旅行家所說的懶惰的傾向. 旅行家是對的:較之怯弱,人更是懶惰的,并且,人們最害怕的是某種絕對忠心(honesty)和赤誠(nudity)強加于他們身上的麻煩.

inertia 雙語例句


1. He personally experiment to determine the law of free-fall and found that: The object of the law of inertia, a reasonable law, such as when the pendulum vibration, the law of Motion put forward a campaigns of the principle of relativity, but also on the speed, acceleration and so on kinematics The basic concept of making a strict definition.

2. Remember, inertia is a powerful force.

3. Again, inertia is a very strong force.

4. Because of the rotary pump with a lower inertia force components, it can use very high speed

5. In chapter two, firstly, the systems with nonlinear inertia force in vibrating machine are analyzed.

6. This portion of the subject deals with such ideas as inertia, motion, force, and energy.


7. Since the rotary pump with a lower inertia force components, it can use very high speed

8. Due to historical and practical reasons, however, the inertia psychology of peasants has greatly restrained the development of countryside.

9. Changes of inertia of uterus and duration and interval of uterine contraction were investigated in the two groups.

10. Inertia properties, and shear center determination.

11. An offset printing press of the relative influence of spatially and temporally inertia forces, to make the ink is ideal to paper, paper must have a certain amount of surface strength.

12. The static model of torsion joint is based on that of bending joint. The effects of structure parameters inside air pressure, initial angle, rube average radius, rube shell thickness on the turning angle are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the relationship between the angle of torsion joint and the inside air pressure is basically linear, the angle of torsion joint increases with the initial angle and rube average radius, the angle of torsion joint decreases while the rube shell thickness increases. The kinetic equation is built for torsion joint. Simulating experiment implies that the time of inflating and deflating process is extremely shorter than that of kinetic process. So the pneumatic process can be ignored in actual system design and control. The factors that affect the dynamic features of torsion joint, such as shell thickness of rubber tube, average radius, initial angle, connector's outlet area, moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient, are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the change of rube shell thickness has no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure while greatly affects the turning angle of torsion joint; when the rube shell thickness is small, the torsion joint has a bigger turning angle, no overshoot and long risetime, when the shell thickness is big, the turning angle of torsion joint is small, but has high response speed, overshoot and low shock; when the rube average radius increases, the turning angle of torsion joint increases and the overshoot increases too; when the initial angle of torsion joint is big, the turning joint is big, the overshoot is small and shock is low, but the risetime is big; the connector's outlet area affects the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure greatly, but has no effects on the dynamic process of turning angle; moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient have no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure, but affect the dynamic process of turning angle greatly.

13. However, think of the inventory decline Vanke provision ready, we are worried: at least some provision for the project is unable to control high prices to get the product of inertia.

14. Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

15. This paper introduces a method of determining missile's product of inertia by a series of moment of inertia measurements with the missile oriented in six different positions in addition to calculating principal axis orientation.

16. A speedy method of the Ichnography Geometry Quality Based On AUTOCAD Is introduced in this paper, A good method is provided for the Calculating of parameter such as center of shape, moments of inertia, product of inertia, and so on.


17. Regardless of the angular acceleration produced and moment of inertia of pavemill, in order to ensure stable operation from paper tape, you should meet the following conditions are true

18. Under a force of inertia, i want to.

19. These forces have to be higher than the combination of the force of the inertia and the resistance forces of the yarn bobbin and the reserve system.

20. The characteristics of the inertia force divides deformation process into the period of energy storing and the period of energy dissipation.

inertia 詞典解釋inertia的解釋

1. 惰性;遲鈍;怠惰
If you have a feeling of inertia, you feel very lazy and unwilling to move or be active.

e.g. ...her inertia, her lack of energy...
e.g. This might help you overcome inertia.

2. 慣性
Inertia is the tendency of a physical object to remain still or to continue moving, unless a force is applied to it.

inertia 單語例句

1. The magnitude of the problem and the difficulty in finding a comprehensive solution for it should not force us into a state of inertia.

2. But the demand for continuous innovation is always in conflict with inertia of an enterprise.

3. inertia

3. It is still in the process of a fast urbanization and industrial modernization, and there is still a strong inertia for fast economic growth.

4. Out of inertia, the deer jumped over Ding and fell on the ground.

5. It is kind of laziness and inertia to take a ride on the same rail track with the Western dominated international institutions and systems.


6. But it only reveals perilous political inertia when strength is needed to meet the real challenges in a time of crisis.

7. India offers its own brand of bureaucratic inertia, in a civil service shaped by British colonial administration.

8. inertia

8. Indeed, ignorance and inertia are to blame in many prominent cases of pollution.

9. This discouraged failure as a father and husband suffers from compete inertia.


10. But admirable national policies are being implemented slowly and surely against inertia.

inertia 英英釋義


1. a disposition to remain inactive or inert

e.g. he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work

Synonym: inactiveness inactivity

2. (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1276531.html
