

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶








tax 基本解釋

及物動詞使負(fù)重?fù)?dān); 消耗精力; 向…征稅; 責(zé)備,譴責(zé)

名詞稅,稅額; 負(fù)擔(dān)

tax 相關(guān)例句


1. A government can tax its citizens directly, and it can tax the property they own.

2. Reading in a poor light taxes the eyes.

3. What will you tax me for this book?


1. These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.

2. Every citizen must pay taxes.

tax 情景對話



A:How much are you asking for this?

B:I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?

A:Is tax already included in ther price?

B:Yes. Our price can’t be matched.

A:Would you consider a volume discount?

B:If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.

A:I’ll accept your offer.

Sales Tax-(銷售稅)

A:I’d like to buy these shoes.

B:O.K. Let me see. That will be $104.99.

A:The price tag says $99.99.

B:Yes, miss, but there is a five percent sales tax in Maryland.

A:Oh, of course. How silly of me to forget.

B:No problem. How would you like to pay for these?

A:I think I have the cash. Let me check. Yes, here you are.

B:$110.00, your change is $5.01. Thanks very much.

A:Thank you.

Social Security-(社會保險)

A:Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

B:Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?

A:Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.

B:Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?

A:Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.

B:Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.

A:Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.

B:Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.

tax 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. tax:taxel; 紫杉醇

2. tax:taxotere; 聯(lián)合泰素

tax 雙語例句

1. But, your interest is 100% tax deductible which does lower your after tax cost.

2. As the important constituent of the tax revenue, the function of individual income tax is very important.

3. In the EEB`s view, what is needed is a summit agreement on a 10% shift in tax income in ten years, from labour to energy and environment, and on a minimum level of co-ordination to achieve it.

4. B N; y Sponsor`s and applicant`s Income Tax Notices of Assessment for the last 3 years.

5. A: As is stipulated in Article 98 of the Rules on the Implementation of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection, where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears, and a penalty of over 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.

6. Article 98Where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears and a penalty of not less than 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.

7. In addition, the government has decided to discourage the production and sale of plastic bags by tax.

8. E have proposed some idea of the application of estimating and budgeting quota upon subgrade and pavement engineering. There are some suguestions about the determination of composite tax calculationbase and extraction of the engineering supervision cost to make estimateing and budgeting organization more practical.

9. The state can seek loans to pay its bills until more tax money comes in later this year.


10. However, these new methods and income can not be taxed by the traditional income tax law.

11. The wage and salary remuneration he gained during the period of work in China belonged to income originated in the territory of China, but his working time in China in a tax-paying year calculated continuously did not exceed 90 days, whether or not he can enjoy the preferential treatment of exemption of individual income tax shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation on the Implementation of China's Individual Income Tax Law as well as the stipulations of Clause 1 of Article 2 of this Circular.

12. Russian government had to loan Evraz money so it could pay a tax bill in the fourth quarter of 2008; its stock has dropped almost 90% in the past year.
俄羅斯政府不得不貸款耶弗拉茲資金,以便其可以支付稅款在2008年第四季度,其股價已下跌近90 %在過去的一年里。

13. This fee covers the service fee for our company and government charges for approval from foreign economic and trade commission, government search, seals, national and local tax registration certificates and organization code.

14. Long-term professional registration companies in Hong Kong, BVI, British companies, American companies, companies Brunei, Mauritius, Bermuda, Canada and other overseas companies; long-term applications for trademark in Hong Kong, France trademarks, trademarks Madrid, the EU trade mark, British trademark, trademark registration in China, International Standard Serial Number ISSN, ISBN ISBN Registration; long-term professional register 100, 000 -5 billion in foreign-owned companies, wholly foreign-owned, foreignפrepresentative offices, joint ventures, individual industrial and commercial households, the general taxpayer to apply for has set up a company for all kinds of changes, set up branch offices; professional to do the long-term investment in Hong Kong immigrants, Macao migrants, skilled migrants in Canada, Germany Business Immigration; long-term off-the-shelf company for sale, various corporate changes, inspection, business secretary, Wanted around the agent; proxy account long-term returns, receive invoices, tax advisory, the National Government rent replacement.

15. Whether or not urban maintenance and construction tax and additional education fees shail be initiated on foreign-funded enterprises and foreign enterprises the matter shall be implemented in accordance with the Circular soon to be issued by the State Council, before explicit stipulations are issued by the State Council, the above-mentioned tax and fees shall not be levied for the time being.

16. She deferred hard questions, such as how to square tax cuts with deficit reduction, until after the NRW election.

17. Another approach is to develop a number of new tax policy, any occupier of land must pay taxes, let you invest in buying land must be taken into account the cost of the land to feed at the same time can not be ruled out by the central government to local government some large-scale municipal infrastructure facilities tax to limit its large-scale investment, and so on.

18. Acting on import and export business, processing, and the number of enterprises and companies of the commission: the monthly balance of the field to provide some instruments; mutual mutually beneficial to business operations of your company `fill the PAC, the PAC meet the urgent needs for the provision of Notes services are as follows:★ ordinary tax.

19. Company: Beijing to provide more than Watertown International special ticket price limits module sales (not included in the price and tax, more than the price applicable to the period of stay of six months, guests: 11.1-12.31 date of the off-season, quarter-:9.11 - 10.31, season:7.1 - 9.10) of the Company for the IATA designated a class international and domestic passenger sales agent business (sales in the international and domestic air ticket discounts and concessions).

20. Company: Beijing to provide more than Lexington International special ticket price limits module sales (not included in the price and tax, more than the price applicable to the period of stay of six months, guests: 11.1-12.31 date of the off-season, quarter-:9.11 - 10.31, season:7.1 - 9.10) of the Company for the IATA designated a class international and domestic passenger sales agent business (sales in the international and domestic air ticket discounts and concessions).

tax 詞典解釋

1. 稅;稅款
Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.

e.g. No-one enjoys paying tax...
e.g. They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases.

2. 對(人、公司或貨物)征稅
When a person or company is taxed, they have to pay a part of their income or profits to the government. When goods are taxed, a percentage of their price has to be paid to the government.

e.g. Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes...
e.g. ...the government's commitment to simplifying the way companies are taxed...

3. 使用盡,耗盡(力氣、耐心、資源等)
If something taxes your strength, your patience, or your resources, it uses nearly all of them, so that you have great difficulty in carrying out what you are trying to do.

e.g. Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste...
e.g. These dilemmas would tax the best of statesmen.

4. see also: taxing;council tax;income tax;poll tax;value added tax

tax 單語例句

1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. The government currently levies 11 varieties of taxes, including a business tax and an enterprise income tax on these ventures.

2. Those items mainly include tariff duties, consumption tax and business tax.

3. Greater involvement should be provided to insurance companies through tax reductions, and favorable treatment in land and business operation fees.

4. tax什么意思

4. Others said the carpool practice might harm taxi drivers'business and reduce tax income for the government.

5. To extend the payroll tax cut for the middle class is a major part of Obama's job act announced in early September this year.

6. The special dimensions of Hong Kong include a welcoming business environment supported by an effective legal system and a low and simple tax structure.

7. tax的反義詞

7. At the same time, the Greek government has increased the business tax.

8. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

8. In certain other countries, governments usually do not levy a business tax.

9. Because the reform means VAT will replace the business tax, the initiative has been warmly greeted by related enterprises.


10. He urged the government to provide more support for SMEs through financing and tax means, such as waiving the business tax on the service sector.

tax 英英釋義


1. charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government

Synonym: taxation revenue enhancement


1. make a charge against or accuse

e.g. They taxed him failure to appear in court

2. tax的反義詞

2. use to the limit

e.g. you are taxing my patience

Synonym: task

3. levy a tax on

e.g. The State taxes alcohol heavily
Clothing is not taxed in our state

4. tax的近義詞

4. set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)

Synonym: assess

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1276534.html
