

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


relic 基本解釋

名詞遺物,遺跡; 廢墟; 紀(jì)念物; [古生物]殘遺體

relic 相關(guān)例句


1. This custom is a relic of ancient times.

relic 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. 遺跡:但是Creshinibon這個遺跡(relic)想重拾自己的征服的欲望,它相信,它有時間可以改變Kessell. 小怪(goblin)部落很弱,它們沒有能力去征服獸人(orcs)部落、其它小怪部落、食人魔(ogres)部落,本部落卻經(jīng)常被奴役、屠殺. 那天晚上,

2. ?物:無論你選擇加入哪個派系,都得到了去法國的蒙特塞拉特(Montserrat)保護(hù)圣物(Relic)的任務(wù). 你的上司會在地圖上標(biāo)出該處(一個淡黑色的五芒星),只需到十字路口左下方那塊傳送水晶旁點一下水晶,然后點擊這個五芒星,就可以來到蒙特塞拉特.

3. 新手星:這個軍團(tuán)里大部份是新加坡人.藍(lán)國(Atlantis) 最強(qiáng)的軍團(tuán) 每天都有很多人上線, 也有很多老玩家, 不過團(tuán)員大部份是員美國的.國(Pacifica)最強(qiáng)的軍團(tuán)了在新手星(Relic)的 藍(lán)國(Pompeii)有軍團(tuán)在中手星(Morgana Prime)的 綠國(A

relic 雙語例句

1. Head to the temple and ask Dorion M2.2(2) about temple's problem. It appears that there are giant amebas in the crypts and they want you to clear them out and find three pieces of a broken relic relic.
和多利昂對話 Talk to Dorion 前往神殿,和多利昂(DorionM2.2(2)對話,得知在地穴中有巨型變形蟲,你需要清除這些怪物,并拿到遺跡的三個碎片。

2. To carry on the effective seismic protection for the extant national cultural relic-masonry pagoda, with the earthquake damage rule, the study on the seismic performance of Xingjiao pagoda in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province has been done by mode-superposition method.


3. Among the abundant artistic relic s are many Jiyue Figs in the frescoes.

4. Chapter Four applies the cultural convergence theory to the translation of cultural relic texts in museums.

5. Initially, stupas were said to contain some sort of Buddhist relic or ashes of a saintly Buddha.

6. Each night the chief elephant, called the Maligawa Tusker, will carry a 8replica of the tooth relic from here, although the tooth itself remains at the temple.

7. A relic or impression of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age.

8. No, this is a key relic site under protection.

9. They are a relic of the bygone ``faubourg`` with its fruit gardens.

10. Wang Zhong`s Contemporary Cultural Relic series and the new created Frightened Looks are focused on this.


11. Wang Zhong's Contemporary Cultural Relic series and the new created Frightened Looks are focused on this.

12. The authors opinion is to recind the reservation, since it is after all the relic of the planned economy and maintenance of it will cause confusions.

13. Today, its enchanting gardens, green mountains and springs and abundant cultural relic and historic sites are attracting stream of tourists at home and abroad.

14. Amidst the Thousand-Buddha Mountain sits a terrace, which, is believed tu be the relic of the residence of Qin Qiong, a distinguished general of the Tang Dynasty(618AD-907AD).

15. If the girl have feeling to the boy, she will give the same thing back, it means disallowance if the thing is returned with char, This kind of relic It is still saved in some out of the way area

16. This box is a rare relic of great value for research into ancient Chinese astronomy as it is the earliest written record of moon phases yet found in China.


17. However, some physical behavior of the momentum density of relic GWs is not clear yet and it has more complex property than that of the energy density of the relic GWs, we will study these issues elsewhere.

18. Mr. Kang Youwei's former residence is a state-level unit for relic protection.


19. Kang Youwei's former residence is a state-level unit for relic protection.

20. His mortal remains are buried in the churchyard.; 相關(guān)詞條:reliquiae; relique; relic; honoured dust; corpse

relic 詞典解釋

1. 遺物;遺跡;紀(jì)念物
If you refer to something or someone as a relic of an earlier period, you mean that they belonged to that period but have survived into the present.

e.g. The tower is a relic of grim days when big houses had to be fortified against invaders...
e.g. Germany's asylum law is a relic of an era in European history which has passed...

2. relic的反義詞

2. (有歷史價值的)遺物,遺跡,遺址
A relic is something which was made or used a long time ago and which is kept for its historical significance.

e.g. ...a museum of war relics.
e.g. ...ancient Egyptian relics.

3. 圣物;圣骨
A relic is the body of a saint or something else associated with a saint, which some people regard as holy.

relic 單語例句

1. The holy relic will be transported back to Shannxi Province by chartered plane tomorrow.

2. relic的解釋

2. Cangzhou Iron Lion is the largest iron cast cultural relic in existence in China.

3. relic的反義詞

3. Police handling the relic smuggling case said most of the antiques were found in the residence of a relic collector surnamed Zhang in Henan province.

4. China's most famous cultural relic has also come under other harm.

5. Because the original stones used to construct the bridge are still in good condition, cultural relic experts say they are confident that it can be rebuilt.

6. An investigation showed that the project was unauthorized by any cultural relic departments, and the work unit was not qualified for any construction on ancient buildings.

7. It later came under the protection of cultural relic authorities and experts in Gansu.

8. Zeng's discovery attracted not only curious neighbors and friends but local authorities who said the examination papers might be listed as a State historical relic.

9. Critics view the annual economic summit as a Cold War relic that needs to be reconstituted.


10. Art workers takes a culture relic featuring a bull head of the Warring States Period from the encasement.

relic 英英釋義


1. something of sentimental value

Synonym: keepsake souvenir token

2. an antiquity that has survived from the distant past

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1276578.html
