

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


sheet 基本解釋


名詞紙; 被單; 一張(通常指標準尺寸的紙); 一大片(覆蓋物); 表格

及物動詞用(床單等)包裹; 用(床單等)掩蓋; 用繚繩調節(jié)(或固定); 給…鋪床單



sheet 相關詞組


1. white as a sheet : 極蒼白的;

sheet 相關例句


1. The rain is sheeting down.


1. There are sheets on our beds.

2. The rain fell in sheets.

3. My mother changes the sheets every week.

4. She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper.

sheet 網絡解釋

1. 床單:記得要check out時,要把鑰匙和床單(sheet)交還到柜臺. (不過記得只有YH才會收床單,沒想到這家也要. )

2. 表格:字處理軟件和電于表格(Sheet)軟件的出現(xiàn).為標準格式商務單證的電子數據交 EDI(Electronic Date Interchange)開發(fā)應用提供了強有力的工具.這些軟件大大加快了企業(yè)商業(yè)文件的處理,使之從手工書面文件的準備和傳遞,

3. 薄板:為電擊次數少的電擊 ...內容簡介: 產品名稱:SSD BHCS靜電棒詳細說明:BHCS靜電棒產品特點:用于薄膜(film).薄板(sheet)紙等一般除電電極. 為電擊次數少的電擊減低構造 ...內容簡介: 豪曄(Howver)靜電消除器是在空氣中產生帶正電和帶負電的兩種離子,

4. 紙:.能供給穩(wěn)定的保濕條件去改善出紙(sheet)的均勻一致性和其它紙用具. .在節(jié)約能源造紙(sheet)過程中(包括擠壓、烘干),能提高排水.

sheet 雙語例句

1. You can use the far aft stern bulkheads for the prop shaft bearing mount or use some ABS of PVC sheet to make the bearing mount as I did.


2. Please use additional blank sheet to provide details of the claimants under Section I.
請就 第I 部另紙詳載各申索人的資料。

3. Sterilized Cotton Swabs, cotton swabs, Bacteria-free Fitted Sheet, Bleeding-control Strip, bandage, and band-aid.

4. For example, a variety of postponent thyllanthus paper handling as much as possible, you can cross use Web and leaflets on the sheet of paper.

5. This paper explored the common defects of drawing parts of thin stainless steel sheet.

6. If you are the creative type, we also have instructions to help you design your own style sheet for the Administration Panels, and even how to turn your


7. It can be used to cut sheet for V-shape.

8. . It is necessary to cut the sheet 5 of Fresnel lens as the semi-finished product along the four cutting lines to remove the unwanted portions from the sheet 5 as described above.


9. Reflector with the curvature changed automaticly make the focus`s place fixed permanently and make it possible to cut the sheet, thin or thick, quickly and steadily.

10. It could cut aluminum, steel, iron, copper, and Ti-gold sheet together with other conductive metals; it is equipped with large-power laser tube, so it could cut acrylic sheet and PVC sheet with thickness of 20mm, and it could perform surface carving, 360o gradient carving and cutting and punching on acrylic sheet, PVC sheet, wooden products, crystal, rubber, plastic, bicolor board, PCB sheet, paper, leather and ceramic tiles, etc.

11. Some projections can be visualized as a transparent globe with a light bulb at its center (though not all projections emanate from the globe's center) casting lines of latitude and longitude onto a sheet of paper.

12. Mechanical double-sheet controller and limit protection device for lifting table are equipped.

13. Major equipment: vertical milling machine lifts B1-400K, vertical milling machine lifts X5042, saddle lathe CW6280C, ordinary lathe CW6163C, ordinary moments Taiwan horizontal axis plane grinder M7130H, Universal Grinder M131W, several significant horizontal Xitang Chuang TX6113C, lying Xitang Chuang-DPx6111B, radial drilling machine 3050 x16, Chachuang B5032, Shaper BY60100A, Frame Planer, sheet metal bending machine pressure WC67Y-100, hydraulic tilting cutting plate machine QC12Y-12, open dumping of double-column presses J23-63, etc.

14. Using the Updated Lagrange finite element method and the elastic-plastic large deformation finite element formula based on virtual work-rate principle of finite deformation, the author studies in detail the plastic flow rule of MPF, including the influence of the work hardening index, friction, thickness of sheet, material, number and position of the punch.

15. It already has debt of $1.3 billion, but with a debt-equity ratio of around 50%, Evraz's balance sheet is still fairly healthy.

16. In Antarctica, a series of parallel valleys lie between the Ross Sea and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.


17. If the op amp's data sheet doesn't specify capacitive load drive or open loop output resistance, and has no graph of overshoot versus capacitive load, then to assure stability you must assume that any load capacitance will require some sort of compensation technique.


18. First, the integral equation of an infinite phased array of rectangle waveguide with rectangle grid was deduced and its solution by moment method was presented either. And then, another applied widely analysis method - mode matching method was introduced. Following, the paper represented the analysis method of triangle grid phased array. Moreover, the infinite phased array with WAIM (added with metallic iris plate on each aperture of waveguide element and covered with dielectric sheet) in front of the array was analysised and its property of wide-angle matching was studied, too.

19. For example, a single sheet folded in keeping the paper direction before you fold it in half.

20. It shows that runoff is closely correlated with the features of individual precipitation, and it is also affected by vegetation within a short period of time. Raindrop erosion, sheet flow erosion and rill erosion on the slope are the main soil erosion patterns; sediment yield occurs mainly in flood season. Human activity and individual precipitation are two important factors that control the soil erosion at a small watershed. Comprehensive management on the slope in a small watershed is an efficient measure of water and soil conservation.

sheet 詞典解釋sheet

1. 被單;床單
A sheet is a large rectangular piece of cotton or other cloth that you sleep on or cover yourself with in a bed.

e.g. Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.
e.g. ...the luxury of silk sheets.

2. 一頁,一張(紙)
A sheet of paper is a rectangular piece of paper.

e.g. ...a sheet of newspaper...
e.g. I was able to fit it all on one sheet.

3. 簡要記錄;紀要
You can use sheet to refer to a piece of paper which gives information about something.

e.g. ...information sheets on each country in the world.

4. (玻璃、金屬、木頭等的)大塊薄片,薄板
A sheet of glass, metal, or wood is a large, flat, thin piece of it.

e.g. ...a cracked sheet of glass...
e.g. Overhead cranes were lifting giant sheets of steel...

5. (覆蓋在其他物體上的)一大片,一層
A sheet of something is a thin wide layer of it over the surface of something else.

e.g. ...a sheet of ice.
e.g. ...a blue-grey sheet of dust.

6. 一團,一片,一股(迅速移動的火或水)
A sheet of fire or water is a fast-moving mass of it that is difficult to see through.

e.g. The streets were now in one fierce sheet of flame...
e.g. Sheets of rain slanted across the road.

7. 帆腳索;拉帆繩
In sailing, a sheet is a line or rope used for controlling the position of a sail on a boat.

8. see also: balance sheet;broadsheet;dust sheet;fact sheet;groundsheet;news-sheet;scoresheet;spreadsheet;worksheet. as white as a sheet
-> see white

sheet 單語例句

1. Pearl Shoal is a wide, gently sloping area of active calcareous tufa covered with a thin sheet of flowing water.

2. When Wudi saw the image cast onto a thin, white sheet and dancing he cheered up immediately.

3. Davis allegedly forced detainees into a pile " and jumped on " them, the charge sheet said.

4. A police charge sheet under Indian law lays out the charges against the accused and details the evidence against them.

5. Tune sheet for a circa 1877 Swiss musical box with Chinese melodies.

6. sheet的反義詞

6. The price of aviation fuel rising 1 US cent equals an additional cost of US $ 29 million on American's balance sheet.

7. sheet

7. Part of the sheet listing the grades of the " clearing exams ".

8. Once the flow sheet was determined, a modular coal preparation plant would be built at the mine mouth.

9. This plant was fully computer controlled and had the ability to easily change the " coal washing " flow sheet.

10. Luoyuan Yuxing Color Coated Sheet Co Ltd started its second product line in the first phase.

sheet 英英釋義



1. a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel

Synonym: sail canvas canvass

2. sheet

2. bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth
used in pairs

Synonym: bed sheet

3. (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind

Synonym: tack mainsheet weather sheet shroud

4. a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width

Synonym: flat solid

5. sheet是什么意思

5. paper used for writing or printing

Synonym: piece of paper sheet of paper

6. sheet的翻譯

6. newspaper with half-size pages

Synonym: tabloid rag

7. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

7. any broad thin expanse or surface

e.g. a sheet of ice

8. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape

e.g. we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane
any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane

Synonym: plane


1. cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping

e.g. sheet the body

2. come down as if in sheets

e.g. The rain was sheeting down during the monsoon

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278546.html
