

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶






embrace 基本解釋


及物動(dòng)詞接受; 信奉; 包括; 包含


embrace 相關(guān)例句


1. They embraced each other warmly.

2. People in this region embraced Christianity at the turn of the century.

3. She embraced his offer to help her with her English.

4. He embraced medicine as his career.


1. He held her to him in a warm embrace.
embrace 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 包括:在美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)中,私有財(cái)產(chǎn)的概念不僅包括(embrace)生產(chǎn)資料的所有權(quán),也包括一定的權(quán)利, 即包括,產(chǎn)品價(jià)格的決定權(quán)或與其他私有個(gè)體的自由簽約權(quán). 一億一千三百萬(wàn)(one hundred and thirteen million)美國(guó)人的手中至少持有一家銀行發(fā)行的信用卡.

2. 信奉:你要信奉(embrace)革新,更不是反抗,真的,并且在全球范圍內(nèi)尋找更多的創(chuàng)意門(mén)路和多媒體平臺(tái). 進(jìn)行這種大量設(shè)計(jì)的設(shè)計(jì)師往往需要一個(gè)全面展開(kāi)的設(shè)計(jì)室,這很荒謬. 我也不明白人們需要這么多衣服在干嗎. 越少越好,衣服系列的規(guī)模也更小.

3. 包含:超越和包括,產(chǎn)生(beings forth)和包含(embrace),創(chuàng)造(creates)和愛(ài)(loves),性愛(ài)(eros)和上帝對(duì)人之愛(ài)(agape),展開(kāi)和涵括,這些成對(duì)的概念實(shí)際上都從不同角度表達(dá)了同樣的意思.

embrace 雙語(yǔ)例句

1. They are wet from the mountain showers, And for lack of shelter they embrace the rock.
24:8 在山上被大雨淋濕;因沒(méi)有避身之處就緊挨著磐石。

2. Close to the training ground, thanks to a translator, Pato spoke about his thoughts and explained: For me, yesterday was an importat night. I had the opportunity to embrace Shevchenko, the most important number 7 of the Milan history.

3. Your bypast embrace and care for me were just a temporary pleasure, weren't they?

4. Rhode Nina, my good friend, good colleagues, I hope you can usher in a bright and sunny life, happy to embrace a bright future.

5. So, embrace a small, select list of goals that gratify your passion and which beg for your attention.

6. People embrace it to throw into that inside of the house which have a big rat, guard a gate a window to all close, hence hide to stealthily watch at the outside.

7. To get journalists to embrace my radical solution, I decided to be the first columnist to solicit product placement.

8. So only when you run into the embrace of nature all by yourself, like a naked child running to the embrace of his mother, will you know what a happy soul is. You will then realize how happy it is just to be living, to merely breathe, to merely walk, to merely open your eyes to see or prick up your ears to hear.


9. So only when you run into the embrace of nature by yourself, like a naked child running to the embrace of his mother, only then you'll know what a soul's delight is like, how happy it is just to live, what a bliss it is to merely breathe, merely walk, merely opening your eyes to see and prick up your ears to hear.


10. Nature stretcheth out her arms to embrace man, only let his thoughts be of equal greatness.


11. The colleagues that went through the early days of Ogilvy China might still remember the hard times and challenges. It is good to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we should always embrace modesty in ourselves.

12. The colleagues that went through the early days of OgilvyChina might still remember the hard times and challenges. It isgood to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we shouldalways embrace modesty in ourselves.


13. In embrace before, highway serves as the function of urban traffic artery to be being weakened gradually.

14. You can rail and fight against it, or you can embrace it and use it to position yourself ahead of the competition.

15. But in my dream I kept chattering away incessantly with other people, and all at once I bethought myself that this could not be to his liking and I wanted to come close to him and to embrace him.


16. The rule seems to be that parents will joyfully embrace a daughter as their first child.

17. I sincerely hope that we will embrace more and more joys.

18. Death's Embrace - Now affects Shadowburn instead of Haunt.

19. Bible writers convict people of sin, declare God's plan of salvation in Christ, and urge their readers to embrace and cling to the grace of God by faith.

20. Ith wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.
ar and Peace,此文章版權(quán)歸原作者所有!

embrace 詞典解釋

1. embrace是什么意思

1. 抱;擁抱
If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, usually in order to show your love or affection for them. You can also say that two people embrace .

e.g. Penelope came forward and embraced her sister...
e.g. At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other...

2. 欣然接受,支持(變革、政治體制、觀點(diǎn)等)
If you embrace a change, political system, or idea, you accept it and start supporting it or believing in it.

e.g. He embraces the new information age...
e.g. The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.

3. 包括;接納
If something embraces a group of people, things, or ideas, it includes them in a larger group or category.

e.g. ...a theory that would embrace the whole field of human endeavour.

embrace 單語(yǔ)例句

1. embrace是什么意思

1. Wish our friends in the business sector even greater success in their course to embrace the world.

2. Hong Kong has become something of a byword for forward momentum, for willingness to embrace change and to move on.

3. embrace

3. The US economy would be highly vulnerable in the case of a euro collapse, so today's lame ducks need to embrace each other.

4. The government must be quick to embrace wage rises for Chinese workers as the catalyst to accelerating its industrial restructuring.

5. So then I decided that I was gonna embrace the Celtic roots on the other side of my family.


6. But can a censor's nod translate into embrace by the audience?

7. The new health care scheme should eradicate the backward practice of only addressing how to cure disease and embrace broader health management.

8. embrace的近義詞

8. Despite the many problems that exist between the two sides, they are locked in a close embrace.

9. embrace什么意思

9. The base will embrace a polycarbonate production facility, a coating plant and coating raw materials project.

10. Led by the college students and young white collar workers, the younger audience is quick with fashion and more likely to embrace new ideas.

embrace 英英釋義



1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. a close affectionate and protective acceptance

e.g. his willing embrace of new ideas
in the bosom of the family

Synonym: bosom


2. the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)

Synonym: embracing embracement

3. the state of taking in or encircling

e.g. an island in the embrace of the sea


1. embrace的反義詞

1. take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own

e.g. She embraced Catholicism
They adopted the Jewish faith

Synonym: espouse adopt sweep up

2. squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness

e.g. Hug me, please
They embraced
He hugged her close to him

Synonym: hug bosom squeeze

3. include in scope
include as part of something broader
have as one's sphere or territory

e.g. This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds
this should cover everyone in the group

Synonym: encompass comprehend cover

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278574.html
