

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


uterus 基本解釋


uterus 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 子宮:(三)子宮 子宮(uterus)是孕育胎兒、定期產(chǎn)生月經(jīng)的中空肌性器官. (四)陰道 陰道(vagina)為富于伸展性的扁肌性管道,長約6~8cm, 前鄰尿道,后有直腸,上端為包繞子宮頸的陰道穹窿,下端開口于陰道前庭. 乳房(mamma)為哺乳動(dòng)物特有的結(jié)構(gòu),

2. 女子胞:脈vessel | 女子胞uterus | 滿而不實(shí)full of essence without foodstuff

3. 三、子宮:二、輸卵管Oviduct | 三、子宮Uterus | 四、陰道Vagina

4. (三)產(chǎn)前檢查常用詞中英文對(duì)照 子宮:(三)產(chǎn)前檢查常用詞中英文對(duì)照 子宮: Uterus | 子宮口: Cervix | 陰道: Vagina

uterus 雙語例句

1. I still can't believe this. My uterus is an inhospitable environment?

2. Changes of inertia of uterus and duration and interval of uterine contraction were investigated in the two groups.

3. Time interval between each contraction of different lengths were 10 minutes short, as long as two hours, the shorter the duration of each contraction up to half a minute, the longest contraction time and again not more than half a minute, contraction occur at night more, and do not make the mouth opening the uterus, known as the pseudo-contraction.

4. Our results demonstrate that chemokines present in the uterus can support pbNK cell migration through human endothelial and stromal decidual cells.

5. The pregnancy usually ends at home within a day or two when the tissue from the uterus is passed.

6. Posterior uterus, and the time AA does not matter.

7. Objective:To explore the cheractervistic of laparoscopic hysteromyomectomy as treatment of uterus myoma.

8. The female reproductive organs also have two parts: the internal genital organs, located in the pelvic cavity, consists of ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vagina, and the external genitals include mons pubis, labia majora, labium minus, clitoris, greater vestibular gland and hymen.

9. When a woman experiences an orgasm, we think the intensity of the muscular contractions she has during the big pressure changes going on in her body helps to pull or suck up the sperm into her cervix and from there into the uterus, explained Pacey.

10. Children of the uterus did not have much adverse effect, but 8 times abortion is different.

11. Painless delivery with ropivacaine and fentanyl inhabite contract of uterus but has no significant influence on fetus.

12. Careful choice should be made when considering laparoscopic hysterectomy for patients with multiple hypogastric zone operation history, questionable pelvic cavity adhesions and too big uterus.

13. Results: The pathogenesis at first place was placenta residue (32 cases, 44.4%), the secondary was endometritis (15cases, 20.8%), the third was uterus subinvolution ( 12 cases, 16.7%), the rest were adverse healing of uterus incision ( 7cases, 9.7%) and birth canal hematoma (6 cases, 8.3%).

14. Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision, subinvolution of uterus, retained placenta or decidua, endometritis, serious anemia, and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order.
結(jié)果 發(fā)病原因依次為子宮切口裂開,子宮復(fù)舊不良,胎盤、蛻膜殘留,子宮內(nèi)膜炎,重度貧血,產(chǎn)后絨癌。

15. Yesterday, Chai Siu Yim in her radio program released the news that Ah Mui refused to have operation at her uterus, because she always longed to have a happy marriage and to have children.

16. Results Finding out 4233 people having gynecological disease, accounts for 35.89%; Carring out the corresponding curer 4063 people, accounts for 95.98%; Finding out gynecological disease in digital order is: Vaginitis, myoma of uterus, chronic cervicitis, breast disease, ovarian tumor.
結(jié)果 檢出婦女病者4233人次,占35.89%;落實(shí)相應(yīng)治療者4063人次,占95.98%;檢出的婦女病以多少依次排列為:陰道炎、子宮肌瘤、慢性宮頸炎、乳房疾病、卵巢腫塊。

17. When an embryo grow in the uterus which is wrapped with amnion fluid, it can feel the warmth of the liquid, hearbeat and the immanency of the mother.

18. It could prevent and cure the pelvic floor disease, such as prolapse of uterus etc.

19. Methods Retrospective research was carried out on 128 patients not suffering from prolapse of uterus, including gigantic uterus.

20. For the old women of prolapse of uterus are operated on vaginal hysterectomy preoperative preparation is one of the crux.

uterus 詞典解釋

1. 子宮
The uterus of a woman or female mammal is her womb.

e.g. ...an ultrasound scan of the uterus.

uterus 單語例句

1. The baby would be delivered by Caesarean section to avoid other risks involving the transplanted uterus.

2. Adenomyosis is a similar disorder in which the uterine lining cells invade the deeper muscular layers of the uterus.

3. The mifepristone destabilize the connecting tissue between an embryo and the uterus, and the misoprostol causes the uterus to expel the embryo.


4. During each breeding cycle, the uterus swells in preparation for pregnancy.

5. Endometrial cancer - which forms in the lining of the uterus - is the fourth most common cancer in American women.

6. The couple used in vitro fertilization, and embryos were implanted in Dalenberg's uterus.

7. In medical terms, pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus.

8. The drug is not to be used in those cases, in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

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9. Uterine fibroid embolization blocks blood flow to fibroids, noncancerous tumors in the uterus.

10. Uterine fibroid embolization blocks blood flow to fibroids, which are benign tumors in the uterus.

uterus 英英釋義


1. uterus什么意思

1. a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females
contains the developing fetus

Synonym: womb

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278608.html
