

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶





consult 基本解釋


不及物動詞咨詢; 商議,商量; [醫(yī)]會診; 充當顧問

及物動詞請教; 翻閱; 求教于; 顧及

consult 相關例句


1. I'll do nothing without consulting you.

2. I consulted George about buying a car.

3. He went to town to consult his doctor.


1. The retired executive consults for several large companies.

2. We will consult together about her education.

consult 網絡解釋

1. 顧問:2001.6-2001.9 赴美聘任美國佐治亞理工學院科學基金會項目(Management of Technology and Innovation Program)科學顧問(consult), 兼任佐治亞理工學院TPAC(技術政策與評價研究中心)資深研究員.

2. 商量:獅子、驢子以及狐貍商量(consult)好一起去打獵,他們捕獲了很多野獸. 獅子命令驢子把獵物分一分. 驢子把獵物平均分成三份,請獅子自己挑選. 獅子勃然大怒,撲過去把驢子吃掉了. 獅子又命令狐貍來分. 狐貍就把所有的獵物都堆在一起,

consult 雙語例句

1. Only the most significant ones will be covered here; consult the Library Reference for a complete listing.
這里只顯示了最重要的幾個,如果要看完整的列表請查閱 Library Refference。

2. You can consult the officer on duty.

3. We'd better go and consult the officer on duty.


4. She has decided to consult a fortune-teller to see what her date will be like.

5. For further information consult your compiler's user's guide.

6. METHODS Collect since 2001 of my hospital the outpatient is relevant to consult with the medicine data, synthesize the classification, cent set statistice.
結果 用藥咨詢人數最多是老人和兒童患者,分別占就診人數的 38 86 %和34 6 2 %。用藥咨詢內容最多的是藥物作用與用途,占 2 7 2 5 %;其次是藥價,占 2 1 72 %;使用注意事項咨詢排列第 3位,占

7. Besides, types and function parameters of mostly single bucket excavator factory was provided in the software which convenient for user to consult and compare with new design.

8. Consult the manufacture of the medical equipments or your doctor before using mobile phone.

9. He may seek the advice of and consult with the other JCS members and combatant commanders.
他可能尋求忠告而且和其他 JCS 成員和爭斗者指揮官請教。

10. If any irritation occurs, stop use and consult a docter if necessary.

11. During this period I took part in the fire-control projects of Chongqing LiHai commercial Edifice, Chongqing YangHe Parking Lots, Chongqing Edward Hospital in Shapingba district and etc. assist the project manager in materials checking, purchasing, transporting and counting, also assist in locale management and supervising, and see after the communication and consult between both sides of the project.

12. One of the best ways to develop an effective asset allocation plan is to consult a qualified financial planner.

13. All I did not consult on this, this nonsense did not dare, but all sorts of pretexts such a deduction of wages is the first time I encountered, but also longer operator to see that.


14. When You Should Consult a Sleep Disorder Center?

15. Cautions: 1.only external use, oral administration is prohibited; 2.if local skin has erythema and tumefaction, severe pruritus after using, please stop using it immediately and clean the skin, consult the doctor when necessary; 3.please place this product out of reach of children

16. In this case, I have decided: first, to the Assembly Secretariat to consult.

17. However, it is recommended that you consult your insurance agent or financial advisor about this.

18. We can consult their system, according to the situation of our country, constitute the Interpretation Act, which impower the power of legal interpretation to the court, and then we can combine the unitive interpretation made passively by the Supreme Court to the separate interpretation made by the judge in individual law case.

19. Consult in front the train of thought that departs activity, let asynchronous Server handle dynamic logic only, simplify function, such with respect to save trouble much.

20. Also, we have a special career counseling center for student to consult about their career.

consult 詞典解釋

1. 咨詢;請教;請示(以獲得許可)
If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.

e.g. Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt...
e.g. He needed to consult with an attorney...

2. consult

2. 商量;商討;商議
If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange ideas and opinions about what they might decide to do.

e.g. After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms...
e.g. The two countries will have to consult their allies...

3. 查閱,查詢(書、地圖等)
If you consult a book or a map, you look in it or look at it in order to find some information.

e.g. Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times...
e.g. He had to consult a pocket dictionary.

consult 單語例句

1. The official said he would consult with senior officials at the station to decide whether to take legal action to stop the registration.

2. One official concerned explained in Cantonese that she had to take time to consult with others on her adeptness for speaking English in district councils.

3. If in doubt, people can consult with an expert career consultant to help them make up their minds.

4. He said he would discuss with the chairwoman of House Committee Miriam Lau to consider whether to consult members about changing the rules of procedure.

5. consult在線翻譯

5. The ruling means Laura can continue living with her father but her parents must consult child protection authorities about all major decisions in her life.


6. Local governments should consult the military about urban development plans that would affect military facilities, the circular said.

7. consult

7. She said the Buildings Department will consult the Security Bureau when mapping out the code of good practice.

8. Did the tax department consult taxpayers and seek public opinions before buying a luxurious yacht, which it says will be used to collect taxes?

9. Obama promised during the campaign to bring home all US combat troops within 16 months but to consult his commanders first.

10. As the National Day holidays are coming, many friends have come to consult with me.

consult 英英釋義



1. advise professionally

e.g. The professor consults for industry

2. have a conference in order to talk something over

e.g. We conferred about a plan of action

Synonym: confer confabulate confab

3. seek information from

e.g. You should consult the dictionary
refer to your notes

Synonym: refer look up

4. get or ask advice from

e.g. Consult your local broker
They had to consult before arriving at a decision

Synonym: confer with

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278611.html
