

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


voucher 基本解釋


名詞憑證; 收據(jù); 證件; 證人

voucher 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 折價(jià)券:二是婦女、嬰兒與兒童的補(bǔ)充食物計(jì)劃,這是一個(gè)針對低收入家庭兒童、孕婦以及育嬰期的婦女而設(shè)計(jì),目的在于補(bǔ)充婦女、兒童與嬰兒的營養(yǎng)所需,通常是用折價(jià)券(voucher)提供免費(fèi)食品,如牛奶、果汁、乳酪、豆類、谷類等營養(yǎng)必需品.

2. 傳票:所謂會計(jì)分錄(entry)就是企業(yè)活動的記錄,例如,若某產(chǎn)品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)成本10元,月初用現(xiàn)金100元買進(jìn)10個(gè)產(chǎn)品就會記2個(gè)分錄:存貨增加100元、現(xiàn)金減少100元,這2個(gè)分錄會記在同一份文件上,稱為傳票(voucher).

voucher 雙語例句

1. MAIN FUNCTION OF JOB:1, Responsible for AP, AR functions in accounting2, Basic AP routine work and paper work (e. g. scan bank slip/payment voucher)3, All the accounting data entry, maintenance and report to USA4, Banking related issues5, Maintain general and subsidiary ledgers and journals6, Handle any other financial-related works
學(xué) 歷:本科職位描述工作崗位描述:1、熟悉并能熟練處理應(yīng)付和應(yīng)收賬務(wù)2、熟練處理會計(jì)基本工作,包括銀行單據(jù)和憑證的處理3、熟練處理會計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)的錄入,更新,并且把報(bào)告向美國總部匯報(bào)。4、熟練處理銀行相關(guān)的申請及事務(wù)5、熟練處理總賬,明細(xì)帳,現(xiàn)金流帳等賬目6、處理會計(jì)財(cái)務(wù)相關(guān)的工作

2. Rongquan on business, the market is not optimistic about the future, if the stock is expected to also take out the back when the stock price may be lower than the price of lending, the securities will be doing the lack of financial The impetus Voucher business.

3. When you pay 200 yuan to become our General Member, we also give you 150 yuan voucher which you can use immediately.

4. A: Sir, Could you show your breakfast voucher, please?

5. Furthermore, it was a gift voucher, cash, in kind.

6. Sports lottery is a special finance voucher to raise social idle fund and to utilize it for social commonweal.

7. B:Will you offer us some business vouchers, such as blank voucher checks, blank bills of exchange, vouchers of clearing and remittance slips?

8. I am going to fill a voucher of sale and sell all my shares.


9. This voucher form is a request for payment and as long as the contractor has signed the lien release the bank will pay the amount requested.

10. The south wall to provide a central Hengmen, a voucher of a V block method.

11. Document checking: Before payment arrangement, make sure contracted supplier name is same as payee name on the payment voucher and invoice issuer.

12. Prepaid freight drawn in excess of L/ C amount is acceptable against presentation of original charges voucher issued by shipping Co/ Air Line/ or it's agent.

13. Once the points are accumulated to every 100 points, you can get RM 10.00 cash rebate voucher.
當(dāng)您累計(jì)每100點(diǎn)積分后,您就能獲得 RM 10.00 的回扣現(xiàn)金。

14. I am responsible for original voucher`s good law、truth and integrity.


15. Article 13 Each business operation shall be accompanied with original voucher.

16. An original voucher records concrete business contents and is the essential proof and information source for accounting verification.


17. To verify original voucher and strictly control on expense standard and range.

18. A copy of the original bank receipt voucher evidencing payment of the registered capital or working capital.

19. All the original voucher must be true and complete.

20. The paper analyses the reasons of the distortion and puts forward ways to improve its management in order to stress the importance of original voucher and prevent the recurrence of untrue original voucher.

voucher 詞典解釋

1. 代金券;票券
A voucher is a ticket or piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for something.

e.g. The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets.
e.g. ...gift vouchers.

voucher 單語例句

1. Chief Executive Donald Tsang in his policy address said the government would introduce the education voucher system next year to relieve the pressure on parents.


2. Despite shopping voucher distribution and lower consumer prices, private consumption remains under pressure with the housing market slowing and the job market deteriorating.

3. voucher是什么意思

3. He also said he was willing to underwrite the excessive voucher distribution himself, rather than demanding that officials at the local government level pick up the tab.

4. Virtual currency is a voucher for exchange of goods among game players.

5. voucher的翻譯

5. The US and the ROK have also set a specific agenda for assistance such as the voucher for delivering heavy fuel oil.

6. Mr Wang highlighted that the tourism voucher is only of small value however, it may play a big role in stimulating the tourism business.

7. The government also plans to introduce a community care service voucher pilot scheme to help the elderly obtain services.

8. Buy goods with a total value of 200 yuan and you can get a voucher of 50 yuan to be spent in the restaurant.

9. voucher的意思

9. The voucher system has been a staple of WFP distribution management for 20 years, but it is rarely used in an urban setting.

10. voucher

10. Experts also predicted the implementation period for the Elderly Health Care Voucher system will be extended for another three years from December 2011 to 2014.

voucher 英英釋義


1. voucher是什么意思

1. a negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as needed

Synonym: coupon

2. a document that serves as evidence of some expenditure

3. someone who vouches for another or for the correctness of a statement

Synonym: verifier

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278632.html
