

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


medley 基本解釋


名詞混雜物,混合物; 雜錄; [體]混合徑賽; 混戰(zhàn)

形容詞拼湊的; 混合的,混雜的

medley 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 混合:吃過 離開真恐怖(macabre) 擁有小門避難所(haven),里面有老媽是內(nèi)行(maven),你個內(nèi)行淡紫色(mauve),去掉 ve 帶 傷害(maul),傷害德林易流淚(maudlin 感情脆弱的) 缺乏鑰匙是小卒(lackey 卑躬屈膝者),變?yōu)橹虚g就混合(medley),全部小卒在小巷(alley),

2. 混合泳:游泳的第一個決賽神童就以打破世界記錄的成績獲得男子400 米個人混合泳(Medley)的金牌. 全世界都在拭目以待他能不能創(chuàng)造八金的奇跡. 另外還有一個有趣的傳說,一名死囚看見從前的戀人在橋的另一端與新歡親熱,不禁深深嘆息,

3. 混合曲:3.Indiana 印地安娜 4:06 | 4.Medley 混合曲 8:30 | 5.When its sleepy time down south 當疲憊的時刻到達南部 2:12

4. 集成曲:05 Eorl of Mansfield 曼斯費爾德伯爵 | 06 Medley 集成曲 | 1) Highland Crodle Song 高地搖籃曲

medley 雙語例句

1. It is a medley of about about eight fruit (ube, nangka, saba banaba, sweet potato, nata de coco) and beans (red beans, white kidney beans preserves and chickpeas) served with crushed ice, milk, sugar and topped with ube halay or ice cream.

2. For one instant he seemed to be studying the line of little round windows above the shops, as though he had never noticed them before among the medley of signs.

3. Then I was sent to court by police, the judge asked me to tell the joke in the court, so that the jury could decide whether the doctor`s death was a chance-medley.

4. The medley of horses and people there, the phony of sounds, the stench of dust so soft beneath his

5. On this chilly evening Graham Baker made a number of changes, leaving Arter, Ricketts and Sole on the bench, initially pairing Bryant and Medley up front and bringing Maledon and Hand into the centre of midfield.

6. What do you mean by individual medley?

7. My favourite event was the 200 meters individual medley, but I hadn't expected to do so well.

8. Swimmer Erik Vendt took home silver medals in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics for the 400 meter individual medley and then retired, citing the stress of training.


9. Indian swimmer Rehan Poncha on his way to win bronze in the 400 meters individual medley swimming finals at the Afro-Asian Games in Hyderabad, India, Saturday, Oct.
印度亞非運動會各項賽事全面展開。在男子400米個人混合泳比賽中,印度選手Rehan Poncha獲得銅牌。圖為他


10. Experimental results show that the proposed medley arrangement method performs well.


11. The Freestyle 50 meters was won by Yang Wenyi and the Freestyle 100 meters by Zhuang Yong. The Butterfly I00 meters was won by Qian Hong and the 200 meter Medley by Lin Li.

12. Randell and Walker both attempted solo careers and for a short time the latter replaced Bill Medley in the Righteous Brothers.

13. We have to find our way about in the vast medley of created things that life spreads out around us, and pick up what bits of knowledge we can as we make our way along.

14. Blanketed in this medley of sound I relaxed; the doubt which had preyed on my mind from dawn till night was swept away by the festive atmosphere, and I felt only that the saints of heaven and earth had accepted the sacrifice and incense and were reeling with intoxication in the sky, preparing to give Luzhen `s people boundless good fortune.


15. He celebrated with a giant fruit sego and frozen medley fruits.


16. They were black with spilled water, and underneath them was a fine medley of dinted zinc jugs, slop pails and coarse yellow earthenware crocks.

17. After the solo, we have installed a medley of Korean pop songs featuring popular pieces like `perhaps love and river flows in you medley`.
Jessie :精彩的節(jié)目仍在進行,爵士樂隊即將為我們帶來的`來自伊帕內(nèi)馬的女孩`,讓我們一睹為快吧!


18. Singer Wan Fang touched the audience with a medley of stirring songs.

19. After the oath, the great mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne, whom I had first met when she performed in Little Rock a few years earlier, sang a medley of classic American songs.

20. It sounds great. Do you konw the order of medley relays?

medley 詞典解釋u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. 集成曲;集錦;音樂串燒
In music, a medley is a collection of different tunes or songs that are played one after the other as a single piece of music.

e.g. ...a medley of traditional songs.

2. 混合泳
In sport, a medley is a swimming race in which the four main strokes are used one after the other.

e.g. Japan won the Men's 200 metres Individual Medley.

3. 雜燴;什錦;混合物
A medley of different foods or other things is a mixture of them.

e.g. ...a medley of four fish in a cream sauce...
e.g. We communicated in a medley of foreign words and universal gestures.

medley 單語例句

1. USA Swimming said Phelps will swim the 200m freestyle, the 100m and 200m butterfly and the 200m individual medley.

2. They are likely to cross wakes in the medley events and freestyle races, and then become really good friends again on the US relay teams.

3. The opening night party includes W Hotels DJ Lab 2011 artist Lincoln Medley, and Beijing rock band and DJ Queen Sea Big Shark taking turns spinning the tables.

4. medley的意思

4. She won gold in the medley relay but was criticised for appearing less than enthusiastic when receiving her individual medals.

5. Swimming's world governing body FINA said there was " no factual basis " for speculation that Ye's Olympic medley double had been fuelled by banned drugs.

6. medley是什么意思

6. Phelps won six gold and two bronze medals at the Athens Games where he broke his own world record in the 400 metres individual medley.

7. And Australia's Stephanie Rice won her second gold in record time in the 200m individual medley.

8. Phelps won the men's 200 individual medley final on Thursday to collect his fourth gold medal of the Athens Olympics.

9. Aguilera performed at Sunday's Grammy Awards in a tribute medley to singer Aretha Franklin, and also sang the national anthem at this year's Super Bowl.

10. All four strokes feature in the Individual Medley and Medley Relay events.

medley 英英釋義


1. a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources

Synonym: potpourri pastiche

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278651.html
