

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶






flare 基本解釋


不及物動詞閃耀,閃光; 燃燒; 突然發(fā)怒; 向外張開

及物動詞使閃耀; 使張開; 用光發(fā)出信號; 使外傾

名詞閃光; 爆發(fā); 反射; 太陽耀斑

flare 相關(guān)詞組

1. flare up : 突然起燃, 突然燃燒, 突然發(fā)作/加劇, 突然發(fā)怒;

flare 相關(guān)例句


1. The breeze flared the candle.


1. The skirt flares at the knees.

2. The fire flared out brightly.

3. He flared at his wife.


1. The match gave a flare.

flare 網(wǎng)絡解釋


1. 火炬:洛陽鑫虹石化設備有限公司是一家專業(yè)提供石油化工行業(yè)所需火炬(flare)系統(tǒng)及其它工藝設備的公司. 其主要起發(fā)人為所屬凱虹集團的上海凱鴻環(huán)保工程有限公司,凱虹集團本身具有30年的歷史,為亞太地區(qū)廢氣/廢水/廢固處理的知名系統(tǒng)集成商.

2. 照明彈:再次回到南方沼澤(SOUTHMIRE) 回到南方沼澤,見到LOBO,由於MAYA已有紋身,LOBO相信他能混近海盜基地,於是將SCUMMTOWN中碼頭的鑰匙交給MAYA,同時交給MAYA一個照明彈(FLARE),并跟MAYA約定當看到照明彈時,他會加入MAYA隊伍去救人,

3. 鏡頭閃光:在 Maya 中還有許多內(nèi)置的燈光效果,如輝光 (Glow) ,光暈 (Halo) 以及鏡頭閃光 (Flare) . 用戶可以從燈光的 Attribute Editor 的 Light Effects 欄來設置這些效果. 這些效果都具有電影膠片的輸出品質(zhì),可以利用這些效果來模擬人類觀察物體對象的方式.

flare 雙語例句

1. At Flare, she quickly ascended the ranks, starting as an assistant beauty editor upon graduation from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, then moving up to beauty editor and beauty director within three years.

2. It can be used to eliminate unwanted reflections such as flare and can also be used to darken blue sky.

3. It can be used to eliminate unwanted reflection s such as flare and can also be used to darken blue sky.

4. I am not aware of any association between cold weather and FOP flare-ups.

5. Differences that have benn politically muted or controlled for a long time within a single nation may flare up and generate pressures for separatism or autonomy (e. g., Quebec in Canada, the Scots in the United Kingdom, the Albanian Kosovars in Serbia).


6. It is very common as a winter flare-up in people with chronic bronchitis.

7. A few years ago, some preliminary observations linked a solar flare to a large magnetic disturbance that seemed to have spiraled up from below the sun's surface.

8. The little flare of candle becomes a fierce fire dragon and rushes toward Mo`s eyes.


9. The two-year-old boat seemed structurally sound and was loaded with new emergency equipment: a life raft, a flare kit, two radios, flashing beacons, and a satellite phone.

10. That is why today, as in the 1950s, Israel responds to pinpricks with punitive raids, each of which had the potential to flare into war.

11. Innumerable mainland same age good friends, because of each kind of reason, in west your heart sun sink to you go, when you have drained off the tear, you can suddenly look back on: Too many missing already were not the realities, you only then shut off the path netherworld decisively the telephone, opened your sentiment sea the valve, the clear illusion love password, you could discover suddenly you can set aside one turn at present the red glowing sun, although it had the black hole and the solar flare, although it did not have the former days golden light to be bright, but it could give you the gorgeous sunset glow and the setting sun.

12. Erupt, irrupt, flare up, flare, break open, burst out flare

13. Various flare tip made by our company can effectively solve the problems as dust, steam particle, and noise so as to minimize the pollution.

14. Working principle: Head of initiation fire tube and head of everlasting tube may be combined and fixed on flare tip.

15. The height of flare system is meet the require of nation's criterion. The design of flare tip have considered burning's speciality in high sky to ensure the security of gas release.

16. Fued gas will to flare tip if fuel gas user is suddenly shutdown.

17. It was a strange, strident cry - a flare of light in an old flicker ing life


18. It was a strange, strident cry - a flare of light in an old flickering life

19. Open BDV-1001 to depressurize the fuel gas system into the flare system.

20. In order to fully exploit the potential of the Flare plate solar collector and the low temperature water source pump in Sitsang, the simulation model of Solar assisted heat of low temperature water source pump system is developed in this paper. Using this simulation procedure, the designer can predict the dynamic characteristic of the system at the design phase.

flare 詞典解釋flare

1. 閃光信號燈;照明彈
A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame. Flares are used as signals, for example on ships.

e.g. ...a ship which had fired a distress flare.

2. (火)突然燒旺,突然熊熊燃燒
If a fire flares, the flames suddenly become larger.

e.g. Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.

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3. (麻煩、暴亂、沖突等)加劇,升級,愈演愈烈
If something such as trouble, violence, or conflict flares, it starts or becomes more violent.

e.g. Even as the President appealed for calm, trouble flared in several American cities.

4. 發(fā)怒;發(fā)火
If people's tempers flare, they get angry.

e.g. Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged.

5. (常因氣憤或難過而)張大(鼻孔),(鼻孔)張開
If someone's nostrils flare or if they flare them, their nostrils become wider, often because the person is angry or upset.

e.g. I turned to Jacky, my nostrils flaring in disgust...
e.g. He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils.

6. (連衣裙等)底部展開,呈喇叭形展開
If something such as a dress flares, it spreads outwards at one end to form a wide shape.

e.g. ...a simple black dress, cut to flare from the hips.

7. 喇叭褲
Flares are trousers that are very wide at the bottom.

8. (疾病、傷勢)突然復發(fā),突然惡化
If a disease or injury flares up, it suddenly returns or becomes painful again.

e.g. Students often find that their acne flares up before and during exams.

相關(guān)詞組:flare up

flare 單語例句

1. But let's hope that the political ranting won't flare up into the clarion call for a trade war.

2. Be careful not to bring the marshmallows too close or they will flare up and melt.

3. Scientists say the solar flare will be 5 times more powerful than one in 1989 that plunged 6m people in Quebec into darkness.

4. Local newspaper Clarin cited an eyewitness saying that a child sitting on his father's shoulders had tossed the flare.

5. " I was hoping we'd see a flash or a flare, " Mahon said.

6. Trouble at previous soccer tournaments in Europe and flare ups involving German and Polish fans at local matches made organizers understandably wary.

7. flare的解釋

7. A solar flare earlier this week forced the astronauts to sleep in protective areas of the station and shuttle as a precaution.

8. After an emergency interest rate cut earlier this month the Fed had suggested it still saw some risk inflation could flare.

9. The sun unleashed the flare on Tuesday from a sunspot region that was barely visible last week.

10. Problems may easily flare up in the area and bring more uncertainties to China as the EU is China's largest trading partner.

flare 英英釋義


1. flare的近義詞

1. (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield

2. a short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines

e.g. he threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss

Synonym: flare pass

3. a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification


4. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate

Synonym: flash

5. a sudden outburst of emotion

e.g. she felt a flare of delight
she could not control her flare of rage

6. am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)

7. a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface
associated with sunspots and radio interference

Synonym: solar flare

8. a sudden burst of flame

9. a shape that spreads outward

e.g. the skirt had a wide flare

Synonym: flair

10. a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms

e.g. a colitis flare
infection can cause a lupus flare

11. reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation


1. become flared and widen, usually at one end

e.g. The bellbottom pants flare out

Synonym: flare out

2. erupt or intensify suddenly

e.g. Unrest erupted in the country
Tempers flared at the meeting
The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism

Synonym: erupt irrupt flare up break open burst out

3. burn brightly

e.g. Every star seemed to flare with new intensity

Synonym: flame up blaze up burn up

4. shine with a sudden light

e.g. The night sky flared with the massive bombardment

Synonym: flame

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279682.html
