

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
intermittent 基本解釋

12. Vibration of mechanical switch contacts following closure, which results in a short period of intermittent conduction.

13. I have an intermittent pain here.

14. BackgroundInvariably, a user will encounter some intermittent bug that I can not reproduce.

15. I'm not counting intermittent drips.

16. If your default PDF viewer is Acrobat, I've had intermittent problems with the above method.
所以從今天開始我會用你們的好例子天天上 CP 學(xué)習漢語。

17. Has been intermittent but I always dream can not see face.

18. I felt that the dust -- I had an intermittent cough, you know, but that all came to a head when I chased a suspect later on.

19. When negotiating with the Japanese, I have learned to use intermittent eye contact across the bargaining table rather than staring directly.

20. Some signal rate of automotive electronics equipment changes very fast, and many fault signals are intermittent, which requires the test equipment run faster than the speed of fault signals. Digital oscilloscope can be fully competent with this rate, and also it runs faster than any other car tester. Its high sampling speed can precisely display input and output components of the situation, besides, it also shows noise or intermittent fault that the components or line make.

intermittent 詞典解釋

1. 間歇的;斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的
Something that is intermittent happens occasionally rather than continuously.

e.g. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.
3 個小時斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的降雨之后,比賽取消了。

The talks went on intermittently for three years.
會談開開停停地進行了 3 年。
intermittent 單語例句

1. intermittent什么意思

1. By definition, intermittent explosive disorder involves multiple outbursts that are way out of proportion to the situation.

2. Conversation is a dying art these days, where topical exchanges are suddenly interrupted with cell phone calls and intermittent bursts of texting.

3. After the raids before dawn Saturday, intermittent explosions and the crackle of random gunfire could be heard across Tikrit.

4. intermittent的解釋

4. " All earthquake affected areas will have intermittent rain today and Friday, " a spokesman for the department said.

5. The website came to an intermittent halt the second day as citizens flooded to download documents.

6. It has been engulfed in intermittent conflict since Taylor launched a civil war in 1989.

7. intermittent

7. The symptoms occur because of a lack of oxygen due to the intermittent closure of the upper air passage.


8. The territory has experienced intermittent shortages of milk formula triggered in large part by purchases from mainland visitors and parallel traders since 2011.

9. In Geneva, the UNHCR said access for aid agencies remained intermittent.

10. But analysts said the intermittent campaigns would not resolve the billions of dollars lost to Chinese piracy as claimed by Hollywood.

intermittent 英英釋義



1. intermittent

1. stopping and starting at irregular intervals

e.g. intermittent rain showers

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279685.html
