
arts and crafts是什么意思_arts and crafts在線翻譯_雙語(yǔ)例句

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶
arts and crafts
arts and crafts 基本解釋工藝;
arts and crafts 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 手工藝品:倫敦18個(gè)集市(market)一覽圖及購(gòu)物指導(dǎo)_購(gòu)物哪個(gè)集市買古玩(antiques)最好?哪個(gè)集市買街頭時(shí)裝(street fashion)最好?哪個(gè)集市買手工藝品(arts and crafts)最好?哪個(gè)集市買異國(guó)食品和享受異國(guó)風(fēng)情(exotic foods and lifestyle)最好?

2. 工藝品:倫敦18個(gè)集市(market)一覽圖及購(gòu)物指導(dǎo)_購(gòu)物哪個(gè)集市買古玩(antiques)最好?哪個(gè)集市買街頭時(shí)裝(street fashion)最好?哪個(gè)集市買手工藝品(arts and crafts)最好?哪個(gè)集市買異國(guó)食品和享受異國(guó)風(fēng)情(exotic foods and lifestyle)最好?

3. 工藝:按照英國(guó)文體部的<<英國(guó)創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)比較分析>>研究報(bào)告,上述13個(gè)創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)門類可以進(jìn)一步劃分為產(chǎn)品(production)、服務(wù)(services)以及藝術(shù)和工藝(arts and crafts)三個(gè)大類.

arts and crafts 雙語(yǔ)例句

1. Can provide customers with luxury hotels, large entertainment clubs, bars and other places of precision acrylic decoration acrylic display various types of services and arts and crafts supplies and finishing production.

2. Qingdao China Textile Co., Ltd. Founded in 1994, mainly engaged in the needle textiles, clothing fabrics, drawnwork products, clothing, arts and crafts products.

3. Chrysanthemum stone products is a feature of Hunan Liuyang, Hunan is also one of the four characteristics is the most famous Hunan arts and crafts.

4. The second section is about the monographic study of the Hans-Tibetans arts and crafts.

5. He works for various clients in the US and the Netherlands and teaches graphic design, motion graphics and animation at the College of Arts and Crafts in San Francisco and typeface design at the Extension of the University Berkely in San Francisco.

6. It is articles for daily use not only, also be a kind of arts and crafts is tasted.

arts and crafts

7. Gui-Chuan Dou plastic painting is a completely hand-made arts and crafts, its production process is relatively complicated, there are roughly the following links: Work design, painting at the end of an inscription painted →→ pressure flat painting, bean moth treatment → selection → put beans beans →→ paste bean grinders, painting Accessories → Accessories → paste cut accessories, thrush eyes beard, mount.

8. We are interested in chinese arts and crafts.

9. I learned that you are the leading exporter of chinese arts and crafts.

10. Featuring woodcut inspired illustrations reminiscent of the arts and crafts movement to identify the main ingredients, Ziggurat positions bottlegreen's logotype as a consistent mark of excellence at the centre of the bottle.

arts and crafts的意思

11. In a small pot as a small arts and crafts.

arts and crafts在線翻譯

12. The Chinese arts and crafts masters, not only celebrities, is also a newsmaker.

13. Industry insiders believe that the traditional folk crafts sold at home and abroad The reasons are manifold, including governments at all levels of the traditional arts and crafts heritage and development of attention and support, raising the level of factory production, marketing channels, the flow of traffic and so on, but the most critical factor is the bearer of the traditional folk culture and crafts markets for organic integration.

14. We are interested in discu ing arts and crafts busine with you.

15. In Hangzhou City Administration for Industry and Commerce of a register of business agents and wholesale products as one of the limited liability company, main chemical raw materials and products (except for hazardous chemicals and precursor chemicals) Cosmetics, arts and crafts, hardware, pay electric, electronic products, communications equipment, general merchandise, textile raw materials and other products import and export business, the company actively developed client, while striving for foreign customers, three-owned enterprises, export production enterprises and so do a good job cooperation in the import and export business.

16. Arts and crafts are of special interest to us.

17. Would you please recommend some typical Chinese arts and crafts?

18. Embroider is the traditional form of Chinese arts and crafts, and it transforms as time goes by.

19. Have you arranged any space for the arts and crafts?

20. I did not know what to draw: I was terrible at arts and crafts!

arts and crafts 單語(yǔ)例句

1. arts and crafts的意思

1. Long graduated from the Discipline of Commercial Art of the Beijing School of Arts and Crafts.

2. The one around Washington Square Park last Saturday was an exhibit of arts and crafts with artistes pedaling their own works along the streets.

3. arts and crafts的反義詞

3. In 60 categories of old arts and crafts in Beijing, more than 40 have no successors and are facing the risk of extinction.

4. Wang said that residents of many places on the map of fake antiques misunderstand the official policies regarding their areas'arts and crafts.

5. arts and crafts在線翻譯

5. Arts and crafts made by the kids are on sale in the gift shop.

6. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

6. The TV star was sick last week and couldn't really go out so she busied herself with arts and crafts.


7. UNESCO awarded her the title of " Master of Folk Arts and Crafts " in 2004.

8. An exhibition of traditional arts and crafts will open to the public during Zhejiang Week.

9. Whether traditional arts and crafts can appeal to modern audiences depends on timing, atmosphere and opportunity.

10. Many times the remaining parts of the animals are then sold to those who make arts and crafts supplies or decorations.

arts and crafts 英英釋義


1. the arts of decorative design and handicraft

e.g. they sponsored arts and crafts in order to encourage craftsmanship in an age of mass production

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279718.html
