

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶




united 基本解釋

形容詞聯(lián)合的; 統(tǒng)一的; 團結(jié)一致的; [植]連生的

動詞團結(jié); “unite”的過去式和過去分詞; (為某事)聯(lián)合,聯(lián)手,團結(jié)

united 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 聯(lián)合的:根據(jù)楊元慶先生的關(guān)聯(lián)應用,我們可推出地產(chǎn)版的關(guān)聯(lián)應用概念:實現(xiàn)以主動的(Proactive)聯(lián)合的(United)方式,整合(Integrat關(guān)聯(lián)應用戰(zhàn)略的目標是聯(lián)想于去年6月提出的PIPES理念:實現(xiàn)以主動的(Proactive)方式,

2. 美聯(lián)航:航班最多的是美國航空(AA), 美聯(lián)航(UNITED)和全美航空(US AIRWAYS), 其中全美航空票價最便宜, 美聯(lián)航次之.當然, 航空公司會定期推出特價, 出發(fā)前請多查閱這些航空公司網(wǎng)站.共有約9個航空公司經(jīng)營飛往拉斯維加斯的航線,

3. 聯(lián)合公司:月,俄羅斯鋁業(yè)公司(Rusal)、西伯利亞烏拉爾鋁業(yè)公司(Sual)和嘉能可國際公司(Glencore International)合并成立了俄羅斯鋁業(yè)聯(lián)合公司(United

united 雙語例句

1. The first and most important indicator is the outrageous use of credit that has created a crisis in the United States.

2. Why be the United States, England, the place that includes Singapore to wait inside even is done well electronic government affairs, can you be in China go out of form of a few places, degenerative?

3. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities.

4. The United Nations says more than eight hundred fifty million people do not have enough food.

5. His arrival led to the establishment of diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Japan.

6. In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs and at the industrial fairs in major cities.

7. Is the United States Du Pont | Laird | race° three major brand distributors in China.

8. The petty-bourgeois writers and artists constitute an important force among the forces of the united front in literary and''.

9. To all this, United Artists claimed not to understand of its presence in the trial since they neither owned theaters nor practiced block booking. The trial ended in January 1946 finding the eight studios guilty of restraint in trade focusing mainly in block booking and theater pooling.

10. I've learned that the pasta in the United States is cooked too soft.

11. Transport Department Hong Kong Licensing Office at 3/F., United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong; or
香港 鐘道95 號統(tǒng)一中心3 運輸署香港牌照事務處;或

12. Liu arrived in New York on Saturday, at the start of her official visit to the United States.

13. The United States Energy Department says they also held fifty-five percent of known reserves.

14. The United States currently has more than 300 REIT shares in the Stock Exchange listing.

15. Although memories of the United States, but only once today.

16. He study in United and got his bachor here. And he is very differnt from other Japanese...

17. Lock Haven university is located in the all-American small town of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on the historic East Coast of the United States.

18. The United States paid Canada around US$50 million [341 million yuan] as the commuted value of flood moderation, though in today's terms that would be more like US$500 million [3.4 billion yuan] or US$1 billion [6.8 billion yuan].

19. Gather round everyone, I'll tell you It's a time to help a friends There's so much love in the world So share it all around And together we'll win in the end If we all lead a hand, we'll make it And say thanks for what we've praied Look around and you'll see Such beauty in this life So reach out and don't be afraid Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Let's stand tall and be united What we need is our strength and love We can all live our lives in peace and harmony And say thanks to one above Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Don't let your dreams fade away Hold on and hear what I say That some day There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way
聚集回合每個人,我將告訴你資訊科技是時候幫助一位朋友在世界上有這么多愛如此分享它所有的在附近而且一起我們將會在結(jié)束中贏得如果我們所有的領(lǐng)引一只手,我們將會做到而且發(fā)言權(quán)謝謝對于我們已經(jīng)祈禱的四處看看,而且你將會見到這生活的如此美人如此到達出并且不害怕在我家逗留 There'll 是保護的天使僅僅有信心,而且你將會見到那一個天你將會找等候背面的你保護的天使 Who'll 在途中指導你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保護天使如此有信心,它將會受到 ture 的影響那一個天你將會找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指導你讓我們站高并且是聯(lián)合的我們需要的是我們的力量和愛我們?nèi)磕芫幼『推胶蛥f(xié)調(diào)的我們生命而且發(fā)言權(quán)謝謝到一在上面在我家逗留 There'll 是保護的天使僅僅有信心,而且你將會見到那一個天你將會找等候背面的你保護的天使 Who'll 在途中指導你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保護天使如此有信心,它將會受到 ture 的影響那一個天你將會找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指導你不要讓你的夢褪色離開把握在而且之上聽到我說的那來日 There'll 是保護的天使僅僅有信心,而且你將會見到那一個天你將會找等候背面的你保護的天使 Who'll 在途中指導你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保護天使如此有信心,它將會受到 ture 的影響那一個天你將會找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指導你

20. Maquiladoras are often owned and operated by foreign companies, who, even though they bring their equipment from the United States, pay for assembly, operating and labor costs in pesos, which allows their dollars to go much further.

united 詞典解釋united的近義詞

1. 團結(jié)的;聯(lián)合的;一致的
When people are united about something, they agree about it and act together.

e.g. Every party is united on the need for parliamentary democracy...
e.g. A united effort is always more effective than an isolated complaint.

2. (國家)統(tǒng)一的,合并的
United is used to describe a country which has been formed from two or more states or countries.

e.g. ...the first elections to be held in a united Germany for fifty eight years.

3. (用于國名中)聯(lián)合的,合眾的
United is used in the names of countries which are made up from several states or smaller countries.

e.g. ...the United States of America.

united 單語例句

1. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.

2. United Kingdom architects Lewis & Hickey were a pilot business for the service, which saved the firm 30 to 90 percent of its costs for phone calls.

3. China has resisted proposed cutbacks on loan guarantees for companies doing business in Iran, a measure strongly supported by the United States.

4. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

5. The idea came to Rao after spending 10 years in the United States, where he attended Stanford University's business school and later founded a social networking website.

6. The statement said the only other countries to act against " Anonymous " so far are the United States and Britain.

7. The ministry forecasts the software outsourcing business from the Europe and the United States will jump 50 percent in the next few years.

8. Business last year in the United States, the European Union and Japan totaled $ 270 million.

9. The United States said last week that it will exempt seven economies from Iran oil sanctions under its National Defense Authorization Act for 2012.

10. The United Nations has begun busing refugees out of the reception camp to other sites so they can be better cared for.

united 英英釋義


1. of or relating to two people who are married to each other

Synonym: joined

2. characterized by unity
being or joined into a single entity

e.g. presented a united front

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279758.html
