

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


rivalry 基本解釋


名詞競爭,對抗,對立; 競爭行為,對抗行為

rivalry 相關例句


1. There is great rivalry between the two sisters.

2. Rivalry among business firms grew more intense.

rivalry 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 競爭:我一直想描述的想法是,人們不愿意進行創(chuàng)新,是因為創(chuàng)新本身沒有很高的收益,而不是因為做官的收益高,畢竟做官的競爭(Rivalry)異常激烈,能夠過那個獨木橋的人真的不多.

rivalry 雙語例句


1. In a reversal of the rivalry in the United States, Yahoo Japan dominates Japan`s Web search market with 56.5 percent of all queries, according to the Internet research company, GA-Pro.

2. However, the culture globalization is never a simple and pure cultureexchange, but a culture power rivalry closely connected to the economic power andpolitical power.


3. Consistent with the United Nations Security Council Resolution of december 21, 1971, the United States favors the continuation of the ceasefire between India and Pakistan and the withdraw- al of all military forces to within their own territo- ries and to their own sides of the ceasefire line in Jammu and Kashmir; the United States supports the right of the peoples of South Asia to shape their own future in peace, free of military threat, and without having the area become the subject of great power rivalry.

4. Most noteworthy of that era of the Heat was their heated rivalry with the New York Knickerbockers.

5. Let us conduct ourselves properly as in the day, 4 not in orgies and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and licentiousness, not in rivalry and jealousy.


6. The world of tomorrow will be a chequered board of interdependence and rivalry.

7. Sibling rivalry? Very interesting! You sure you hate your brother that much?

8. But the ongoing misery of daily killings is driven by many more forces than fighters loyal to their former leader-the bitter rivalry between and among Shia and Sunni groups, the influence of al-Qaeda, the activities of organised criminals and other factors matter rather more.


9. Rivalry among business firms grew more intense.

10. Just when you thought the Yankees and the Red Sox had exhausted all possible manifestation of their intense rivalry...

11. Again, we find the people of God obsessed with the spirit of rivalry and commercialized competitive sports.

12. Relations between the two countries should be characterized as competitive rivalry.


13. Barriers to entry, substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, and current competitive rivalry

14. Since then, a fierce and competitive footballing rivalry has been played out in various tournaments - often in the later stages.

15. And then the renewal of the Hudson River rivalry gets underway as the Rangers and the Devils go at it in New Jersey.

16. Finally, the process by which multimarket competition affects interfirm rivalry has received only cursory attention in extant literature


17. Objective To propose a new approach for realtime detection of binocular rivalry through electroencephalogram.
目的 為實時準確地通過腦電信號分析雙眼競爭中的意識交替感知,提供新的客觀檢測途徑。


18. However, it could be that this dilemma arose from an incorrect assumption at the outset ? that binocular rivalry is mediated by a single mechanism at a particular neuronal site.

19. One of the most intriguing features of binocular rivalry is that a pattern intermittently disappears even though its retinal stimulation remains unaltered.

20. Inspired by this striking dissociation between perceptual experience and physical stimulation, neuroscientists have studied binocular rivalry to try to find out how and where in the brain incompatible neuronal representations battle for dominance in visual awareness.

rivalry 詞典解釋

1. 競爭;敵對
Rivalry is competition or fighting between people, businesses, or organizations who are in the same area or want the same things.

e.g. ...the rivalry between the Inkatha and the ANC...
e.g. He had a lot of rivalry with his brothers and sisters.

rivalry 單語例句

1. Police said the September 19 blast was likely related to business rivalry.

2. Earlier, the police said business rivalry is being suspected behind the explosion.

3. rivalry

3. Thus, the heyday of calendar pictures was motivated by business rivalry.

4. rivalry

4. That failure to tell a humanitarian tragedy apart from a national rivalry is by no means limited to the very young.

5. rivalry是什么意思

5. A close rivalry in the Legal sector was unable to overthrow the opposition camp in the negative political climate amid widespread protests against national education.

6. rivalry的意思

6. Questions have also been asked about Button and Hamilton's relationship but the pair is adamant there is nothing wrong with its friendly rivalry.

7. But when conflict and rivalry come to the fore, they focus on kicking each other out of the way.

8. rivalry的意思

8. It continues to exert a major competitive impact on price rivalry, through efficiencies and innovation.

9. China will concentrate its State capital on key industries to sharpen its competitiveness in the face of intensified rivalry from foreign multinationals.

10. The few private hospitals constitute virtually no rivalry to them and rigid government requirements on licensing have deterred investment in the private sector.

rivalry 英英釋義



1. the act of competing as for profit or a prize

e.g. the teams were in fierce contention for first place

Synonym: competition contention

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279761.html
