
gain on是什么意思_gain on在線翻譯_雙語(yǔ)例句

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶
gain on  
gain on 基本解釋

gain on

趕上, 縮短距離; 超過(guò)

gain on 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 跑得比...快;逼近:from time to time 時(shí)常,有時(shí),不時(shí) | gain on 跑得比...快;逼近 | gang together 結(jié)合在一起;符合

2. 接近:gain of antenna 天線增益 | gain on 接近 | gain reduction indicator 增益衰減指示器

3. 逼近:gain in 增長(zhǎng) | gain on 逼近 | gain ones ends 達(dá)到目的

4. 侵入,逼近:191.full of 充滿,旺盛. | 192.gain on 侵入,逼近. | 193.get along 進(jìn)行,過(guò)活,相得.

gain on 雙語(yǔ)例句

1. The hierarchical linear model results indicated that at the student level, students` background information, learning attitude, socioeconomic status, family educational resource were significantly correlated with academic gain scores. On one hand, being in academic gifted class, male with Taiwan-Min nationality and good-family-background had high academic promotion. On the other hand, if students had better learning attitudes, higher socio-economic status and less negative cultural behaviors, their academic gain scores will be better.

2. A study on these noun-centered exocentric constructions will not only deepen our understanding of Chinese phrases, rethink about the phrase-standarded opinions in the research of Chinese grammar, but also enrich and develop the theories of exocentric-endocentric construction and decategorization of nouns and then gain quite profound sense in these theories themselves and the applications of them.

3. So a Non-inverting Input Composite Preamplifier is designed, and the effect of the open-loop gain on optimizings the frequency responses of signal and noise is analyzed.

4. Objective To gain stable genetic modification of neural stem cells that constitutively secrete brain-derived neurotropic factor and to explore the biological role on the survival and neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons.
目的 建立穩(wěn)定表達(dá)腦源性神經(jīng)營(yíng)養(yǎng)因子基因的神經(jīng)干細(xì)胞并觀察其對(duì)于體外培養(yǎng)的脊髓背根神經(jīng)節(jié)細(xì)胞存活及突起生長(zhǎng)的影響。

5. Later, Wen Zhong went to the State of Wu on diplomatic missions and helped Gou Jian gain the confidence.

gain on

6. Secondly, a correcting mechanism, called gain control, based on the statistics of the left and the right image of the stereo pair, is shown to improve the performance of the parallax estimating algorithm.

gain on的意思

7. Precise control of both the analog gain as well as the level feeding the digital section means that the mic signal can be maintained super-clean if desired, or driven harder on the analog side for that whallop and impact that can only be achieved by driving the transformer into saturation for that historic API sound!

gain on的近義詞

8. Men have shorter life spans than women on average, but when it comes to sexual life expectancy, they gain the advantage.

9. A hearing at Deep Space 9 revealed that gov- ernment agents had faked the deaths by using the names of Klingon citizens who had died earlier in a crash on Galorda Prime. The Gowron regime had hoped to disgrace Worf, and to gain sympathy for the empire's plan to annex Cardassian territory.
武夫后來(lái)得知Duras謀殺了K'Ehleyr而殺了Duras.2367年末與2368 年初Duras家族挑戰(zhàn)Gowron政權(quán)而引發(fā)了克林貢內(nèi)戰(zhàn),武夫再次被扯入克林貢政治圈中,武夫和Kurn以回復(fù)Mogh家族名譽(yù)作為交換條件,同意協(xié)助Gowron 政權(quán),在此沖突中他被迫辭去星際艦隊(duì)的職務(wù),不然就會(huì)被禁止介入克林貢的內(nèi)政事務(wù)。

gain on的反義詞

10. You may not gain the kind of immediate rewards on which our society places value: fast promotions, high salaries, and so on.

11. Study leader Pooja Tandon says even small calorie reductions on a regular basis can prevent weight gain over time.

gain on的意思

12. On one hand, an emulation analysis is conducted for the gain, band-pass and selectivity of the resonant amplifier, and their relationship.

gain on的翻譯

13. The effect of minority carrier lifetime in the base on the current gain is given.
模擬結(jié)果顯示Si/SiGe HBT具有優(yōu)良的常溫和低溫電性能。

14. Again Yerza and Milka, running side by side, like a pair of horses, flew after the hare; the hare was better off in the ditch, the dogs could not gain on him so quickly.

15. I hosted my project on sourceforge in order to share my knowledge with other people and have support to gain a final, stable release.
我在sourceforge 主辦項(xiàng)目是為了和其它人共享知識(shí),在大家的共同支持完成最終的穩(wěn)定發(fā)行版本。

16. In order to accurately record cellular electrophysiological signals, the patch clamp amplifier adopts a series of compensation technology including high-gain amplification, frequency correction, resistance and capacitance compensation and so on, wherein the capacitance compensation is one of the key technologies.

17. Video website faces capital pressure on one hand, face gain pressure on the other hand.

18. I did gain more insight on how people think and how every person`s goal is different.

gain on

19. This will help you gain valuable insight based on the experience of others, something that can`t be bought.

gain on的反義詞

20. You'll also gain essential insight on how to best market, promote and grow your business.

gain on 詞典解釋

1. 接近,逼近(前面的人或事物)
If you gain on someone or something that is moving in front of you, you gradually get closer to them.

e.g. In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him...
e.g. The Mercedes began to gain on the van.

gain on 單語(yǔ)例句

1. Stocks on the Chinese mainland rose on Friday, capping the biggest gain among major Asian indexes this week.

2. China's stocks rose on Friday, capping the benchmark index's first weekly gain in a month.

3. For their part, financial markets have cast doubts on Monti's ability to gain consensus for his plan.

4. Chen's problems centre on allegations that his family and inner circle used their positions for personal financial gain.

5. SHANGHAI - Stocks on the Chinese mainland rose on Friday, driving the benchmark index to its biggest gain in a month.

6. A clever and lucky few gain skills that help start them up the modern economy, on a long ladder.


7. The jump in GDP handily beat forecasts on Wall Street, where economists had looked for a gain closer to 6 percent.

8. PetroChina Co will maintain spending on oil exploration to gain from rising demand and record crude prices.

9. The Bush administration took the opportunity born of the war on terror to gain public support for an astronomical defense budget of nearly $ 500 billion.

10. gain on是什么意思

10. Ron Paul said on May 14 he would no longer compete in primaries, though his supporters are still working to gain national delegates at state conventions.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1279786.html
