
after all是什么意思_after all在線翻譯_雙語例句

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
after all  
after all 基本解釋

畢竟; 究竟; 歸根結(jié)底; (解釋或說明理由)別忘了

after all 相關(guān)例句


1. It turned out he went by train after all.

after all 情景對話


A:I’m really pleased you finally made it to Beijing!
我非常高興你最終設(shè)法來到 北京 !

B:Thank you. And I’m delighted I could make it. It’s great to meet you after all this time.

A:Well, please have a seat. Can I get you a tea, or coffee, or water?
哦,請坐。我能給你拿杯 茶、咖啡或者水嗎?

B:Tea would be fine thanks. I’m so looking forward to my visit.

A:Yes, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy Beijing.
是的,我肯定你在 北京 將非常愉快。

B:I’ve got so much I want to see and do.

after all 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 畢竟,究竟:above all 首先,尤其是 | after all 畢竟,究竟 | ahead of 在...之前

2. 畢竟,終究:afford to do sth. 經(jīng)得起,承擔(dān)得起 | after all 畢竟,終究 | after class 課后

3. 終于,畢竟;雖然這樣:above all 首要,尤其 | after all 終于,畢竟;雖然這樣 | all out 全力以赴,竭盡全力

after all 雙語例句

1. In 21 aged people with comminuted fracture of surgical neck of humers, according to Neer typing, 16 examples are two parts fracture, 5 examples are three parts fracture, all patients were treated by clover nickelclad internal fixation and exercise after operation.
方法將21 例老年肱骨外科頸粉碎性骨折,按Neet分類,二部分骨折16 例,三部分骨折5 例,行切開復(fù)位三葉草鋼板內(nèi)固定治療,術(shù)后早期功能鍛煉,并觀察4、8、12周,6個月、12個月骨折愈合情況及肩關(guān)節(jié)功能恢復(fù)情況。

2. We'll be taking data for a number of hours before and after closest approach, something like 30 hours of observations in all.

3. Immunohistofluorescent staining was used to identify the binding specificity of GEBP11 in gastric cancer tissues. 5. GEBP11 was labeled with ~(99)Tc~mO_4~- using direct labeling method, and was labeled with ~(131)I using NBS labeling method. Then the labeled peptides were validated for radiochemical yield, specific activity, and in vitro. stability. 6. The bioactivity of ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 or ~(131)I-GEBP11 was validated by cell receptor autoradiography in cultured HUVECs. 7. Receptor binding assay was performed in vitro. to analyze quantitatively the binding specificity and affinity of GEBP11 to HUVEC, the receptor intensity on HUVEC, and the difference of affinity of GEBP11 binding to Co-HUVEC and HUVEC. 8. The radioactivity of all organs of nude mice injected with ~(131)I-GEBP11 was determined and the radioactivity of all organs per g was calculated to analyze the specific distribution of ~(131)I-GEBP11.9. Gamma camera images of nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric carcinoma injected with ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 was obtained 0.5-24 h after being injected to identify the targeting ability of labeled peptide to tumor tissues. 10. MTT assay on HUVECs and antitumor assay in nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric cancer were performed to evaluate the effects of ~(131)I-GEBP11 on HUVECs and xenografts. 11. Immunohistochemical staining was used for MVD counting in tumor. 12. H. E. staining, blood cells analysis and blood biochemical indicator analysis were performed to investigate the injury of liver and bone marrow. 13. Tube formation assay in matrigel, CAM angiogenesis assay and angionenesis induced by matrigel in mice were performed to identify the effects of GEBP11 on angiogenesis.
1、通過藍(lán)色噬斑形成實驗及GEBP11、IN11噬菌體在荷瘤裸鼠體內(nèi)的競爭抑制實驗檢測噬菌體體內(nèi)歸巢的特異性;2、免疫熒光技術(shù)檢測GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠體內(nèi)的結(jié)合特異性;3、免疫細(xì)胞化學(xué)或熒光檢測GEBP11在Co-HUVECs中的定位及內(nèi)化;4、免疫組織熒光檢測GEBP11在人胃癌組織中的結(jié)合特異性;5、采用直接法~(99)Tc~mO_4~-標(biāo)記GEBP11,采用NBS法~(131)I標(biāo)記GEBP11,紙層析法測定標(biāo)記率、放射化學(xué)純度等;6、放射自顯影鑒定GEBP11同位素探針的結(jié)合活性;7、受體放射配基結(jié)合分析實驗鑒定受體親和力及受體細(xì)胞密度;8、同位素示蹤技術(shù)檢測~(131)I-GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠體內(nèi)的生物學(xué)分布;9、SPECT成像技術(shù)進(jìn)行荷人胃癌裸鼠體內(nèi)~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11顯像;10、MTT細(xì)胞增殖實驗、荷瘤鼠抑瘤實驗評價~(131)I-GEBP11對內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞及荷瘤鼠腫瘤的抑制能力;11、免疫組織化學(xué)染色計數(shù)瘤組織MVD;12、病理學(xué)HE染色、血液血細(xì)胞分析及生化指標(biāo)檢測觀察肝臟損傷及骨髓抑制情況;13、Matrigel管狀結(jié)構(gòu)形成實驗、雞胚絨毛尿囊膜血管生成抑制實驗、小鼠體內(nèi)Matrigel Plug誘導(dǎo)血管生成實驗分析GEBP11對血管生成的影響;14、MTT細(xì)胞增殖實驗、細(xì)胞周期及凋亡分析、細(xì)胞侵襲遷移實驗、細(xì)胞粘附實驗探討GEBP11抑制血管生成的細(xì)胞機(jī)制;15、基因表達(dá)譜芯片技術(shù)篩選GEBP11短肽作用Co-HUVECs后的差異表達(dá)基因。

after all是什么意思

4. After all, making foreign friends will definitely help you improve English at lightning speed.

5. After reading many articles about SEO respect this, discovered the problem is in, so, when designing a website this, I consider SEO all the time, as a result the GOOGLE after 3 days collected me 45 pages, let me be mad with joy!

after all的意思

6. After the signing of the contract, all previous negotiations and correspondence related to it will be taken as null and void.

after all的解釋

7. Maybe I would have a fling. After all, how bad could it be?

after all在線翻譯

8. Gunshy:遲疑 All his freinds kept telling my borther bill that he ought to get married again, but he is gunshy about having another wife after his first marriage turned out so badly

after all的近義詞

9. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and discomfited all the host.
8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追趕他們、捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿、驚散全軍。

10. And when Zebah and Zalmua fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmua, and discomfited all the host.
8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑;樽汾s他們,捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿,驚散全軍。

11. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and humiliated all the host.

12. It was a complete mess after all when Pe Jazz realized her boyfriend doctor Jom is gay.
Jazz(飾演BUM RANYA)完全被搞亂了,當(dāng)她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的男友醫(yī)生Jom是個同性戀。

after all

13. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance.

14. The elicitation ratio of EABR evoked by the needle electrode before cochlear implantation was coherent compared with elicitation ratio after cochlear implantation, though the waveforms differentiation were pgorer.3.Average waveⅤlatency and average response threshold in different positions between promontorium tympani or round window niche stimulation with needle electrode before cochlear implantation and EABR after cochear implantation were similar, though there were still some difference.4.Position of needle electrode stimulation and pulse width were the most important reason for elicit good waveform.5.Waveforms latency for different pulse width was similar, but the response threshold was different and waveforms differentiation was better for short pulse width.6. Needle electrode and insulated nerve block neelde for neurostimulation were all efficient for elicit EABR, but the waveform differentiation evoked by insulated nerve block needle for neurostimulation was better than needle electrode.

15. Trial lift prior to officially lift. All lifting system shall be checked. After confirming all conditions are normal, perform the official lifting.

16. After all, our job is to make consumers choose our client's product over the competition.

after all的解釋

17. To collect the blood of radial artery at the time of Controlled Hypotension(T1), 30 minutes after Controlled Hypotension(T2), and 30 minutes after Controlled Hypotension stoping (T3), and to analyze it, using American i-STAT(9+ analoids).The date of the viscosity of lactic acid PH, PaCO2, Hb, operation time, the time of wakeing up after surgery, the quantity of blooding were all recoded, and analyzed the according statistice.

18. And this is also why MBAs and arranged marriages go together like tea and samosas arranged marriages, after all, are exercises in commerce rather than chemistry.

after all

19. All the grafts had uropoiesis in 1 min after reopening the blood flow..

20. objective:to evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. methods:by using elisa, the plasma concentration of bnp in eighty patients with ami was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults. results:the plasma bnp concentration of ami patients was significantly higher than that in patients with unstable angina and bnp level of uap group was higher than that of control group(p.05 all).the bnp level was significantly higher in patients with cardiovascular accidental events than that without(p.05).after treatment the bnp level significantly decreased(p.05).conclusion:the plasma bnp concentration significantly increases, and is a good index for risk stratification in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
目的:探討血漿腦鈉素水平與急性冠脈綜合征預(yù)后的關(guān)系。方法:用酶聯(lián)免役吸附法檢測120例acs患者[分為st抬高心肌梗死組、無st抬高心肌梗死組和不穩(wěn)定心絞痛組]入院和出院時血漿bnp水平,并與30例正常健康人作對照,隨訪觀察6個月。結(jié)果:血漿bnp水平:acs患者stemi組、nstemi組的明顯高于uap組,uap組的高于對照組(p.05;發(fā)生心衰、死亡患者的血漿bnp水平高于未發(fā)生者(p.05;acs患者經(jīng)過治療后血漿bnp水平低于治療前(p.05。結(jié)論:acs 患者血漿bnp水平明顯升高,血漿bnp水平是acs患者預(yù)后的預(yù)測因子,亦可作為判斷acs患者療效及指導(dǎo)治療的指標(biāo)。

after all 單語例句

1. After exhausting all means of seeking donations, her classmates decided to stage a morality play by appealing to the wider public.

2. After all that searching, a plain chicken egg can taste pretty good.

3. after all的意思

3. By the way, the places on the island are all named after my friends and family.

4. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

4. By then I felt I should do something after traveling all over the source area of the river.

5. The women all quit their jobs after discovering that they had been poisoned by cadmium, an extremely hazardous metal used to make some kinds of batteries.

6. The conclusion was reached after examining the finances of all 43 US presidents and calculating the net worth figures in 2010 dollars.

7. All the young poets has a curtain call after their performance on February 20.

8. After taking all the money she had, he forced her to drive northward before calling her parents to extort a ransom.

9. after all

9. The Phoenix big man scored 38 points Friday night to cap a remarkable comeback after missing all but three games of last season.

10. after all在線翻譯

10. Since then more than 35 expatriate oil workers have been abducted although all were released after spending days or weeks in captivity.

after all 英英釋義

after all在線翻譯


1. emphasizes something to be considered

e.g. after all, she is your boss, so invite her
he is, after all, our president

2. in spite of expectations

e.g. came to the party after all
it didn't rain after all

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1314987.html
