

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶






loop 基本解釋


名詞回路; 圈,環(huán); [醫(yī)]宮內(nèi)避孕環(huán); 彎曲部分

及物/不及物動詞(使)成環(huán),(使)成圈; 以環(huán)連結(jié); 使翻筋斗

loop 相關(guān)詞組

1. knock for a loop : 猛擊, 打昏, 把...醉倒, 給...極好的印象;

loop 相關(guān)例句



1. She looped the curtain up.

2. Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it.

3. The airman looped the loop three times and won the cheer in chorus from the spectators.


1. The path loops around the pond.


1. Wind the wire in loops and put it away in the toolshed.

2. The road makes a wide loop around the lake.

loop 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 回路:回路 回路(loop):由支路組成的閉合路徑.( l ) :由支路組成的閉合路徑. 5. 網(wǎng)孔 網(wǎng)孔(mesh):對平面電路,每個網(wǎng)眼即為網(wǎng)孔. : 平面電路,每個網(wǎng)眼即為網(wǎng)孔. 網(wǎng)孔是回路,但回路不一定是網(wǎng)孔. 網(wǎng)孔是回路,但回路不一定是網(wǎng)孔.

2. 環(huán)路:1.1 由INFI-90構(gòu)成的數(shù)字電調(diào)控制系統(tǒng)(DEH)結(jié)構(gòu)該系統(tǒng)由分散控制系統(tǒng)(DCS)環(huán)路(LOOP)上一個控制站(PCU)的三個控制柜組成,見圖1所示,共有8個主模件,其中3對冗余模件分別執(zhí)行轉(zhuǎn)速控制,自動控制和手動控制,一個主模件完成自啟動功能,

3. loop:law of one price; 一價法則一價法則

loop 雙語例句

1. The elaborate loop-the-loop plot structure cooked up by screenwriter Danny Rubin is crystal-clear every step of the way, but it's Murray's world-class reactive timing that makes the jokes explode, and we end up looking forward to each new variation.


2. You can hit the brakes, pull up hard to almost stall out, then as your plane starts to rotate over, accelerate to pull off a very sharp loop-the-loop.
術(shù)語解釋 loop-the-loop:就是指推/拉飛行桿做垂直跟斗,包括向上翻跟斗和向下翻跟斗有時都會直接被叫做loop-the-loop


3. For example, to nest one loopwithin another loopthe nesting loop; to nest one subroutine (the nested subroutine within another subroutine the nesting subroutine.

4. A novel robust design method of cascade control system is proposed for the reheated steam temperature control system of 300MW power-unit in Yuanbaoshan Power Plant. The method successfully solves the problem that the design of main loop and subloop interact each other and the parameter of the controller is difficult to be tuned.

5. Open loop control, subloop control, equipment unit changeover
EE 開環(huán)控制,子回路控制,設(shè)備單元切換

6. When there are two connections to earth, such as when the source and measuring instruments are both connected to a common ground bus, a loop is formed as shown in Figure 3-11a.

7. We ha ve tested the ability of piggyBac, a DNA transposon from the cabbage loop er moth Trichoplusia ni, to transpose in mammalian systems.
我們測試了一種來源于飛蛾***(這里看不懂,反正是個名詞)中的DNA 轉(zhuǎn)座子piggyBac在哺乳動物系統(tǒng)中的轉(zhuǎn)座活性。

8. These algorithms use special techniques to ensure almost instantly growing, dense and loop-free reverberation with a smooth decay.

9. A loop-free common control channel is provided in the optical burst switching network to which all network nodes have access.

10. A method in MQMP was designed to guarantee that the multicast trees are loop-free. And this method also can optimize the cost of multicast trees.

11. DUAL also guarantees that each path is loop-free.
DUAL 也保證每條路徑是沒有回圈的。

12. Then a theorem that each strong terminating program is equivalent to a loop-free program is proved.

13. The Quality and Magic Number options help ensure a reliable, loop-free data link.
Quality 與 Magic Number選項可以用來協(xié)助確保該資料連結(jié)是一條可靠的與無回圈的。


14. These can be of equal or unequal cost and are identified as the best loop-free paths to a given destination. A copy of the successor routes is also placed in the topology table.

15. The results show that the capacitive loop in low frequency region of EIS is caused by the reaction of Al, and the inductive loop in middle frequency region is caused by the reaction of Alads.


16. The results indicated that at lower pH value, the electrode process of carbon steel was mainly controlled by anodic dissolution, the Nyquist diagrams were composed of a capacitive loop at high frequency and an inductive loop at the low frequency.

17. If the op amp's data sheet doesn't specify capacitive load drive or open loop output resistance, and has no graph of overshoot versus capacitive load, then to assure stability you must assume that any load capacitance will require some sort of compensation technique.


18. In this stage the EIS plots changed from a single loop to double capacitive loops with the resistance of the coatings decreased sharply, at the same time the surface Volta potential difference of the metal surface increased rapidly.

19. In the bulk simulated acid rain solution with pH value 2.4--3.8, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of zinc consists of a capacitive loop in high frequency and an inductive loop in low frequency, the control step for corrosion of zinc is charge transfer process.

20. During the immersion process, both specimens exhibited two kinds of impedance diagrams, two capacitive loops at the initial stage and one capacitive with one inductive loop at the later stage.

loop 詞典解釋

1. (繩等形成的)圈,環(huán)
A loop is a curved or circular shape in something long, for example in a piece of string.

e.g. Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.


2. 把(繩等)打成圈(或環(huán))
If you loop something such as a piece of rope around an object, you tie a length of it in a loop around the object, for example in order to fasten it to the object.

e.g. He looped the rope over the wood...
e.g. He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion.

3. 打環(huán);成圈
If something loops somewhere, it goes there in a circular direction that makes the shape of a loop.

e.g. The enemy was looping around the south side...
e.g. The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west, heading for the hills.

4. 屬于/不屬于圈內(nèi)人士
If someone is in the loop, they are part of a group of people who make decisions about important things, or they know about these decisions. If they are out of the loop, they do not make or know about important decisions.

e.g. I think that the vice president was in the loop...
e.g. These activists don't want to feel out of the loop.

loop 單語例句

1. Through what he termed a " feedback loop " solutions can be found, he added.

2. The bus uses Yutong's domestically designed chassis that has a closed loop body frame.

3. She layers her vocals with a loop machine, singing underlying motifs before adding the melody and then a harmony line.

4. Miniaturized Tags can be quickly and easily attached to almost anything with the key ring loop or adhesive strips.

5. Police said Exodus either slipped or put her head in the loop of a cord hanging under the console.


6. The pump failure knocked out half of the space station's cooling system last weekend, leaving the orbiting lab with only one good cooling loop.

7. They went on to complete a double twist, a throw triple loop and strong lifts.

8. As the negative feedback loop between banks and sovereigns grows, confidence in a growing number of governments'debt has steadily been eroded.


9. International support could help break the negative feedback loop noted above through restoring confidence.

10. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

10. She landed four triples with two in combination but fell on a triple loop halfway through her Flamenco routine.

loop 英英釋義



1. a flight maneuver
aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane

Synonym: loop-the-loop

2. a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates

Synonym: closed circuit

3. fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines

Synonym: cringle eyelet grommet grummet

4. an intrauterine device in the shape of a loop

5. the topology of a network whose components are serially connected in such a way that the last component is connected to the first component

Synonym: loop topology

6. a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied

7. the basic pattern of the human fingerprint

8. an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan)

e.g. he's no longer in the loop

9. (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated

e.g. the solution took hundreds of iterations

Synonym: iteration

10. loop

10. anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself)


1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. fasten or join with a loop

e.g. He looped the watch through his belt

2. wind around something in coils or loops

Synonym: coil curl


3. make a loop in

e.g. loop a rope

Synonym: intertwine

4. fly loops, perform a loop

e.g. the stunt pilot looped his plane

5. loop

5. move in loops

e.g. The bicycle looped around the tree

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1316529.html
