

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


percentage 基本解釋

名詞百分比,百分率; 比例,部分; [數(shù)]百分法; [商]手續(xù)費

percentage 相關例句


1. What percentage of children were absent?

2. What percentage of the students were absent?

3. Each of them got a percentage of the profits.

4. There is no percentage in arguing with him.

5. A large percentage of school-books now have pictures.

percentage 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 百分率:在路徑上的位置可由百分率(Percentage)、距離(Distance)、和路徑的步幅數(shù)來控制. 擬和變形(Fit):在路徑X,Y軸上進行三視圖擬和放樣,它是對放樣法的一個最有效的補充. 其原理即使一個放樣物體在X軸平面和Y軸平面同時受到兩個圖形的擠壓限制而形成的新模型,

2. 百分數(shù):一般來說,命名實體識別的任務就是對于一篇待處理文本,識別出其中出現(xiàn)的人名(person)、地名(location)、機構名(organization)、日期(data)、時間(time)、百分數(shù)(percentage)、貨幣(monetary value)這七類命名實體.

3. 比例:每個選項你都可以輸入一個正(Positive)或負(Negative)的價格,這將給配置的產(chǎn)品增加或減去設定的價格,后邊的選擇可以設定為這個Price是作為當前Configurable Product價格的一個固定(Fixed)價格還是一定比例(Percentage).

4. percentage:pct.; 百分率

percentage 雙語例句

1. A large percentage of population live in big cities.

2. The percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentage working in industry.

3. Between the initial cleaning threshold and complete cleaning threshold, cleaning percentage of the surface increases with the increasing of laser fluence.

4. The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year.

5. An idea of increasing one-time pass percentage to improve production efficiency and reduce energy and material consumption was proposed.


6. And it is seventh in the percentage of eighteen to twenty-four year olds in college.

7. Our quotation is not guaranteed to be within any specific percentage of the quotation of the Market of


8. In the next season, Rodman shot 23 more foul shots (at 53%) in 1000 fewer minutes and his field goal percentage plummeted to 43%.

9. Electrolyte dissolved, more or less to dissociation, ionization refers to the degree of electrolyte dissociation percentage dissolved.

10. A proper percentage of soluble phosphates can meet the need of crops'growth, leading to a low fixation of phosphorus and a good return.

11. With increase of laser energy density, the coating formed Al_3Ti phase firstly, and AlTi phase secondly. The final products were coexistent AlTi and AlTi3. At the end of this paper, the transformation of product was forecasted by Miedema model.(4) The mixture powder with the atom percentage Al-40at.

12. The relevant percentage for each Section shall be the percentage value of the Section as stated in the Contract.

13. The Midpoint Method: A Better Way to Calculate Percentage Changes and Elasticities The midpoint formula is preferable when calculating the price elasticity of demand because it gives the same answer regardless of the direction of the change.

14. The Midpoint Method: A Better Way to Calculate Percentage Changes and Elasticities (Q2 Q1)/[(Q2 + Q1)/2] Price Elasticity of Demand=/[(P2 +P)/2] 211 Example: If the price of an ice cream cone increases from $2.00 to $2.20 and the amount you buy falls from 10 to 8 cones the your elasticity of demand, using the midpoint formula, would be calculated as:(108) 22 percent (10 + 8)/ 2 == 2.32 (2.202.00) 9.5 percent (2.00 + 2.20)/ 2 Harcourt, Inc.
中點法:一種計算百分比變化和彈性的更好方法中點法一種計算百分比變化和彈性的更好方法(Q2 Q1)/[(Q2 + Q1)/2] 需求價格彈性=(P2 P)/[(P2 + P)/2] 1 1 例子:如果冰激凌蛋卷的價格從2美元上升到美元上升到2.2 例子如果冰激凌蛋卷的價格從美元上升到美元,你的購買量從10個下降到個,利用中個下降到8個利用中美元,你的購買量從個下降到點法你的需求價格彈性計算如下你的需求價格彈性計算如下:點法你的需求價格彈性計算如下

15. Irrespective of percentage should be mentioned as one of the clause on the face of the insurance policy.

16. And a higher percentage of those who had menorrhalgia 59.3% vs.

17. Using the percentage of dropped content of chlorophyll as the criterion, 25 inbred lines could be divided in 4 groups, the maize inbred lines Xu 178 and Liao 5114 had high nitrogen utilization.

18. At this condition the percentage of weight gain of benzylated wood reached 64.9%.

19. Just a few days before the attempted robbery of Miss owners Hu told reporters: October 23, a small percentage of security that this road occurred in the bushes in Tibet who suddenly swarm to the attack, looting single woman thing, I think this terrible thing was I came across. On the evening of 8 November 30:50%, I went to work, a person out to the station from home, land adjacent to areas west suddenly darting two tall men, one escape my neck holding my mouth, another person grab my bags.


20. Government, directly or indirectly, underwrites nine of every 10 new residential mortgages, nearly twice the percentage before the crisis.

percentage 詞典解釋

1. 百分比;百分率
A percentage is a fraction of an amount expressed as a particular number of hundredths of that amount.

e.g. Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein.

percentage 單語例句

1. percentage的反義詞

1. " The percentage of infant death caused by birth defects is rising in the country, " Fu said.

2. The second line Indicates the percentage occupied by those whose scores are lower than the corresponding scores in the standard HSK reference group.


3. When the percentage figure was set by regulation in 2007, it elicited doubt immediately.

4. As a percentage of gross domestic product, spending by the government has soared.

5. Retail sales increased by 17 percent in real terms, pushing up the country's gross domestic product growth by 4 percentage points.

6. percentage什么意思

6. The percentage of people with a favorable view of daily newspapers has declined by 16 percent since 1985.

7. percentage是什么意思

7. He said the amount of tax is usually calculated based on the length of time the property is owned and the percentage of profit realized.

8. The league said it had offered to increase each team's salary cap by raising the percentage upon which that calculation is based.


9. Younger investors can afford to invest a larger percentage of their savings than older investors they have more time to recover from potential losses.

10. If left untreated a very small percentage of a specific type of polyp can grow and become cancerous.

percentage 英英釋義


1. percentage

1. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group

e.g. he wanted his share in cash

Synonym: share portion part


2. a proportion in relation to a whole (which is usually the amount per hundred)

Synonym: percent per centum pct

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1316566.html
