

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶





exclude 基本解釋

及物動詞排斥; 排除,不包括; 驅除,趕出

exclude 同義詞


動詞bar forbid keep out prohibit outlaw reject shut out

exclude 反義詞


exclude 相關例句


1. Five persons spoke at the meeting excluding me.

2. We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.

3. They excluded people under 18 from joining the club.

4. The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded.

5. The club excluded women from membership.

exclude 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 排斥:因此可保證對該區(qū)域內連續(xù)的數(shù)據(jù)讀寫請求總是分配到同一路徑上. 為增加軟件的靈活性,可提供參數(shù)供用戶設置,根據(jù)實際環(huán)境決定采用何種方式達到負載均衡. 4.5邏輯單元屏蔽對于每一個物理磁盤,SPM為其保留一個排斥(exclude)屬性. 僅當exclude為0時.

exclude 雙語例句

1. It's safe, effective, and convenient to treat carcinous hydrothorax with continuous drainage of improve central venous duct, and it can fun best exclude hydrothorax.

2. With that said I love my Forms and Algorithms class, i intend to use to exclude me from design decisions unless of course I want to make one, but I really don't feel like justifing form and space anymore, its so damn elementary.


3. These product diversities enable the manufacturers to exclude other products to certain extent and enjoy some freedom in setting the price. The monopolistic power of the enterprise depends upon the success in distinguishing its own products from those of other enterprises.


4. Because of the constant mesh gear, this phenomenon occurs on a row and, therefore, the pump provides a continuous export to exclude the amount of a turn each pump, the volume of discharge is the same.

5. Eight of the city and county shall organize departments concerned to the provisions set forth in two types of problems for investigating serious accidents; Found serious safety incidents dangers, ordered immediately. Serious accidents may exclude or remove the former process can not guarantee security, be temporarily cut off, or cease operations.

6. One of my friends told me about, they have expanded their Chinese community, blinded by greed, some people naturally breeds greed, to the right name, interests, etc., do everything possible to exclude dissidents, this time there have been the so-called Chuichentingzheng Empress Dowager Cixi, confused emperor, and Clifford Chance and others, the associations for these people into gangs, and members did not establish good communication mechanisms, associations, such as bureaucratic struggle in the ancient palace The temple, also fierce fighting, not members of the internal unity, Gouxindougu it and the other members of the dilemma, a small group of internal disputes, failed to hold a community speak with one voice, we must avoid this vicious competition and guard against with the United States of Envy, and friends into accuser.

7. There are 3 types of filters: An Include Filter, an Exclude Filter, and a programmer implemented virtual

8. To exclude specific tables, clear the box next to the table name in the list below.

9. Disbursements (company name search fee, traveling expenses, photo copies, etc, but exclude aboard courier and bank charge).

10. Hyperreflexia does not exclude GBS or one of its variants.


11. Frame resolution filter allows you to exclude undesirable image formats from the output pictures.

12. Tenderness in the right upper quadrant does not exclude PID, because approximately 10 percent of these patients have perihepatitis Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome
右上腹的壓痛也不能排除盆腔炎的診斷,因為有接近10%的患者會出現(xiàn)肝周炎(Fitz-Hugh Curtis綜合征)。

13. Tenderness in the rightupper quadrant does not exclude PID, because approximately 10percent of these patients have perihepatitis Fitz-Hugh Curtissyndrome

14. So, it was demonstrated that PI3K and PtdIns-3-P had no effect on PC12 cell secretion itself, but did not exclude the possibility that they enhance cell to response to repetitive strong stimuli by their accelerating effect on vesicle endocytosis which speed the refilling of releasable vesicle.
在INS-1 細胞上的實驗結果也驗證了這一點,表明PI3K 和PtdIns-3-P 對細胞的分泌功能沒有直接的調控作用,但是不排除它們通過促進囊泡胞吞和循環(huán)過程而增強細胞對高強度重復刺激的反應和參與突觸可塑性的調節(jié)。

15. In order to exclude the interferences from rejection and heavy immunosupression required for SBTx, a syngeneic rattransplantation model was used.

16. Lumbarsacral junction tuberculosis treated with this surgical technique can achieve a high satisfactory rate with restoring the spinal stabil ity, arresting the disease early, providing early fusion, correcting the kyphosis and preventing progression of kyphosis particularly if lumbosacral spine tuberculosis is associated with sinus or preoperative diagnosis cannot exclude suppurative spondyl itis.
血常規(guī)、血沉、肝腎功正常9 例,2 例肝轉氨酶升高。結論前路徹底病灶清除、植骨結合后路器械固定治療腰骶段脊柱結核具有安全、操作簡便、利于恢復脊柱的穩(wěn)定性、提高植骨融合率、糾正和預防后凸畸形的優(yōu)點,適用于腰骶段脊柱結核伴竇道及術前診斷尚不能排除化膿性脊椎炎者。

17. We exclude those applicable to minority interests.


18. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with any person who carries a sincere interest in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national or cultural origin, or sexual preference. i^l; Pv IF
我們反對這些并非意味著我們反對對我們的知識體系有興趣的真誠的朋友分享我們的信仰,無論種族、膚色、性別、年齡、國家、文化或性別取向 jBbc$|O4SY

19. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with any person who carries a sincere interest in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national or cultural origin, or sexual preference.

20. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with any person who carries a sincere interest in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, ***, age, national or cultural origin, or ***ual preference.

exclude 詞典解釋

1. 將…排除在外;不包括
If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.

e.g. The Academy excluded women from its classes...
e.g. The army should be excluded from political life...

2. 拒絕;阻止
If you exclude something that has some connection with what you are doing, you deliberately do not use it or consider it.

e.g. They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives...
e.g. In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.

3. 排除…的可能性;對…不予考慮
To exclude a possibility means to decide or prove that it is wrong and not worth considering.

e.g. I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.
e.g. ...the pathological evidence, which does not exclude suicide.

4. exclude

4. 阻擋;拒絕;阻止…進入
To exclude something such as the sun's rays or harmful germs means to prevent them physically from reaching or entering a particular place.

e.g. This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun...
e.g. They have spent $3 million building fences around the National Park to exclude such pests.

exclude 單語例句

1. exclude是什么意思

1. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that any Syrian transition government " will be chosen by mutual consent and will exclude murderers ".

2. He called for a meeting among such countries that would exclude Syria.

3. exclude在線翻譯

3. " We cannot exclude the possibility that there are soldiers under the rubble, " he said by telephone.

4. He doesn't exclude the application of psychological hints and guidance to eliminate the patients'worries and provide a clearer picture of their true self.

5. But the two sides have tried to exclude each other from their monopolized business, claiming convergence may endanger national communications security to Chinese people.

6. If the competitor wants to exclude the Chinese company from entering a certain market, then he might register the Chinese trademark in advance.

7. The first imperative is to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire and speed up political negotiation, which would exclude factions who did not sign the Darfur Peace Agreement.

8. The newspaper said that in its reporting, it attempted to exclude information that would endanger confidential informants or compromise national security.

9. Such a system does not exclude the possibility of connivance of the guilty, especially with the influence of defending attorneys'professional skills.

10. exclude

10. Reports have it that the latest draft may exclude local governments from the process of forced demolitions and consign the matter to the judiciary.

exclude 英英釋義



1. exclude的解釋

1. prevent from being included or considered or accepted

e.g. The bad results were excluded from the report
Leave off the top piece

Synonym: except leave out leave off omit take out

2. prevent from entering
keep out

e.g. He was barred from membership in the club

Synonym: bar debar

3. exclude的近義詞

3. put out or expel from a place

e.g. The unruly student was excluded from the game

Synonym: eject chuck out turf out boot out turn out

4. exclude什么意思

4. prevent from entering
shut out

e.g. The trees were shutting out all sunlight
This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country

Synonym: keep out shut out shut

5. lack or fail to include

e.g. The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1316667.html
