

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶








nail 基本解釋

名詞釘子; 指甲,趾甲; 釘狀物; 納爾

及物動(dòng)詞釘住; 抓住; 使固定; 揭露

nail 相關(guān)詞組

1. on the nail : 立刻, 當(dāng)場(chǎng);

2. nail up : 釘牢, 釘;

3. to the nail : 完全地;

nail 相關(guān)例句


1. We finally nailed the thief.

2. He nailed me in the corridor.

3. We had the lids nailed on the boxes.

4. He nailed the picture to the wall.


1. The nail has been pulled out.

nail 情景對(duì)話(huà)


A:Good morning, madam.

B:Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.

A:Yes, madam. What style do you want?

B:Id like to try a new hair-style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?

A:Sure. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hair style, shoulder-length hair style,hair done in a bun. Please have a look at them, madam.

B:Thanks. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray,please.

A:Yes, madam.

B:Oh, your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?

A:Sorry, madam. Ill adjust it right away.Is that all right now?

B:Yes, thank.

A:Please have a look.

B:Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.

A:All right, madam. And would you like a manicure?

B:Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please.

nail 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋


1. 指甲:隨著景德鎮(zhèn)精白瓷大量流傳到海外,才使得瓷(china)成為中國(guó)的代名詞[記憶](méi) 形似記憶:鐵軌(rail)尾巴(tail)不能拽,指甲(nail)提桶(pail)只會(huì)敗(fail). 郵寄(mail)郵件(mail)用航海(sail),冰雹(hail)來(lái)了要躲開(kāi).

2. 釘:上回說(shuō)到排完deck boards后開(kāi)始打鏍釘(Screw)固定,直到這一步之前,使用的緊固件均為釘(Nail),Joist hanger用的是D10短釘,其余都是長(zhǎng)釘. 這些釘子的直徑接近4mm,直接釘入木板,很可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)裂縫,我用比釘子直

3. 趾甲:指(趾)甲(nail)由甲體以及它周?chē)拖旅娴膸撞糠纸M成. 甲體是長(zhǎng)在指(趾)末節(jié)背面的外露部分,由多層連接牢固的角化細(xì)胞構(gòu)成,細(xì)胞內(nèi)充滿(mǎn)角質(zhì)蛋白絲. 甲體下面的組織稱(chēng)甲床,由非角化的復(fù)層扁平上皮和真皮組成. 甲體的近端埋藏于皮膚的深凹內(nèi),

nail 雙語(yǔ)例句

1. A nail, claw, or hoof. See sb.'s hoof in sth.

2. In this charming holidays, favorite pet of your hands himself, wiping the nail on the Bright oil, easy to stick with the orange sticks affixed sequins and diamond gems, bling bling to let other people do not see you one is immune!!
在這個(gè)迷人的假期之中,寵愛(ài)自己也寵愛(ài)你的雙手,擦上炫彩的美甲油,輕松地用橘枝棒貼上亮片以及彩鉆寶石,bling bling 的讓旁人不看你一眼都難!

3. Founded in 1991, Wenzhou Puzhou Farm Nail Factory is a professional screw manufacturer. Now we have over 70 sets of machines from Taiwan Jiancai, Dingtai, Yiding, etc. Our main products include tapping screws, wood screws, chipboard screws, drywall screws, machine screws, hex screws, tri-lobular thread screws, countersunk screws, cap screws, screws with half round head, pan head screws, truss head screws, carriage screws, high low screws, hex socket screws, locks, hinges, handles, and screws for home decoration, also non-standard parts as well. Materials: Iron, stainless iron, stainless steel.

4. Please use heated/pressed treatment thick wood composite products for the packing of machinery, fixed with screw sets, nail is not suggested.

5. It is a perfect high toughness gel, and it is fit with all of nail teacher.

6. Company is mainly engaged in nail design, nail services, nail teacher training, nail product sales, franchising and other business.


7. Companies have set the domestic advanced level of mold, injection molding, coining, polishing, oxidation, printing, assembling one-stop production lines, the main products are lipstick tube, lip gloss tube, mascara tube, cosmetic pencil, cream cap, perfume bottle, eye shadow, powder boxes and nail polish cover more than 60 kinds of cosmetic packaging.

8. At present, we can manufacture special standard product of British system, US standard, Japan standard, Gbif they are classified by the international standard and so on; we can manufacture stainless steel, copper, aluminum, carbon steel if they are classified by the material; we can manufacture the product which the diameter is Φ1.00-12.7mm, and the length is 2.5-150mm if they are classified by the dimension, the shape inside and outside, we can manufacture the standoff, the hexagonal head screw with washer, the step screw, the triangular screw, the snap SEM screw, the non-standardmuttern, the toy shft, the iron nail, the steel nail, the hexagon, wrenches, the rear hole rivet, the rivet, the floral nail etc.

9. We design and produce diversity nail products according to customers` requirement.

10. Dollars, accounting for the first 66 acres, plant area of 20, 000 square meters and currently employs more than 600 advanced Israeli Scitex 342L plane scanner, DOLEV 4PRESS Laser Imagesetter, 8500, 9500 Apple Computer; Heidelberg, Germany, four-color machine, five-color machine, two-color machine, cutting machine tombola, Staffan abuse leaf folding machine; Swiss Bobst Auto Die-cutting machine, on the cover of machine, horse nail machine; Japan electric extension, photography, copy, and even drying, proofer and automatic folder gluer and other equipment, specialized in the printing high-grade picture album, sample description, exquisite color box packaging.
設(shè)備投資1000萬(wàn)美元,占第66畝,廠房面積20000平方米,現(xiàn)有員工600多人,擁有先進(jìn)的以色列賽天使342L平面掃描儀,DOLEV 4PRESS激光照排機(jī),8500,9500蘋(píng)果電腦;德國(guó)海德堡四色機(jī),五色機(jī),雙色機(jī),波拿切割機(jī),斯塔兒折葉機(jī);瑞士產(chǎn)博斯特自動(dòng)模切機(jī),上封面機(jī),騎馬釘機(jī);日本產(chǎn)電分機(jī),照相,拷貝,連曬,打樣機(jī)和自動(dòng)糊盒機(jī)等設(shè)備,專(zhuān)門(mén)從事印刷高檔畫(huà)冊(cè),樣本說(shuō)明書(shū),精美彩盒包裝等。

11. There are so many? Xu nail a reporter asked, the size of the market is non-impact, but should not be exaggerated.


12. Other areas are not synchronized, only a nail in white outline on the outline of the large, it can be easy to draw all kinds of beautiful design; disseminated approach to painting is a good piece on the wax indigo vat dye, each general Pieces to be immersed five or six days.

13. The article describes the People's Liberation Army 61330 units of new affordable housing projects in foundation pit of the program selection, design and construction process, micro-steel pipe pile prestressed anchor soil nail wall, composite soil nailing wall system in actual engineering China has gained a relatively good results, indicating their deep foundation pit has a large technical and economic advantages.


14. The article describes the People's Liberation Brmy 61330 units of new affordable housing projects in foundation pit of the program selection, design and construction process, micro-steel pipe pile prestressed anchor soil nail wall, composite soil nailing wall system in actual engineering Dhina has gained a relatively good results, indicating their deep foundation pit has a large technical and economic advantages.

15. This prospective, nonrandomized, open study took place at a private dermatology practice. A sequence of four groups, each made up of 10 to 20 office patients with DSO, were treated with pulse-dosed oral terbinafine, 250 mg per day for seven consecutive days, at intervals of two, three, and four months. Treatment was stopped when the distally advancing new nail bed and nail had completely removed the mycotic defect, or when fungistasis had failed.


16. Company with an annual output of 15 million sets of high strength bolts, welding nail into the 30 million sets of production capacity.

17. It was the majority that fought, tooth and nail, against the steam engine, the power loom and every other advance or improvement ever suggested.

18. Objective To provide morphological reference for designing and selecting the intramedullary nail fixation suitable for Chinese by setting up the morphological parameters of the femur medullary cavity.
目的 建立國(guó)人股骨骨髓腔的形態(tài)學(xué)參數(shù),為設(shè)計(jì)和選擇適合國(guó)人的股骨髓內(nèi)釘內(nèi)固定器械提供形態(tài)學(xué)依據(jù)。

19. For the use of sports shoes look more beautiful, please wear or wash the course of the brush Do not use strong or too much force, but also can not use a nail or a sharp weapon to pull the edges of these parts of the printed pattern.

20. All patients have received bone healing. 12 cases showed bone healing 18-month later after X-ray inspection, the nail has been taken out and no fracture recur. the hip, knee extension and ankle brace, plantar flexion functions are good and normal walking is possible.

nail 詞典解釋

1. 釘子
A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. You hit the flat end with a hammer in order to push the nail into something such as a wall.

e.g. A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand...
e.g. He hammered the nail into the branch.

2. nail的反義詞

2. (用釘子)釘住,釘牢
If you nail something somewhere, you fix it there using one or more nails.

e.g. Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place...
e.g. They nail shut the front door...

3. 指甲;趾甲
Your nails are the thin hard parts that grow at the ends of your fingers and toes.

e.g. Keep your nails short and your hands clean.

4. 抓住;逮住;證明…有罪
To nail someone means to catch them and prove that they have been breaking the law.

e.g. The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.

5. 冷酷無(wú)情的;鐵石心腸的;強(qiáng)硬好斗的
If you say that someone is as hard as nails, you mean that they are extremely tough and aggressive, either physically or in their attitude towards other people or other situations.

e.g. He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails...
e.g. He simply looked mean and hard as nails.

6. 正中要害;說(shuō)得中肯
If you say that someone has hit the nail on the head, you think they are exactly right about something.

e.g. 'I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions.' — 'I think you've hit the nail on the head.'

7. a nail in the coffin -> see coffin
to nail your colours to the mast -> see colour
to fight tooth and nail -> see tooth

相關(guān)詞組:nail down nail up

nail 單語(yǔ)例句

1. In such cases, the government has the right to dismantle " nail houses " by force.

2. A man who used a nail clipper to open an ATM was arrested before he took any cash.

3. A disappointing Christmas season may be the nail in the coffin for retailers who have been barely hanging on for years.

4. nail的反義詞

4. That is why the " nail house " couple mistrusted and resisted the local government's administrative arbitration and local court's ruling of mandatory enforcement.

5. McLaren has also said it wants him to stay and is not in any hurry to nail down a new contract.

6. With the opening of this World Cup, some nail bars are featuring a team color pattern on crystal nails.

7. The driver managed to remove the handcuff with his nail cutter in about two minutes, and jumped out the window.

8. What she recalls from the affair most sharply is the livid brand on her thigh from a gypsum wallboard nail in an unfinished garage.

9. " Nail households " are buildings or houses whose occupiers refuse to vacate despite a demolition notice and even after structures around them have been razed.

10. Vehicles detour the " nail house " which was demolished overnight on Friday.

nail 英英釋義



1. a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener

2. horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits

3. a former unit of length for cloth equal to 1/16 of a yard


1. complete a pass

Synonym: complete

2. take into custody

e.g. the police nabbed the suspected criminals

Synonym: collar apprehend arrest pick up nab cop

3. attach something somewhere by means of nails

e.g. nail the board onto the wall

4. hit hard

e.g. He smashed a 3-run homer

Synonym: smash boom blast


5. locate exactly

e.g. can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?
The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome

Synonym: pinpoint

6. succeed at easily

e.g. She sailed through her exams
You will pass with flying colors
She nailed her astrophysics course

Synonym: breeze through ace pass with flying colors sweep through sail through

7. succeed in obtaining a position

e.g. He nailed down a spot at Harvard

Synonym: nail down peg

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1337358.html
