

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
black-and-white 基本解釋



black-and-white 雙語例句

1. For the love of humanity, someone has got to get it into his head that if he tears whoever`s guarding him a new one by clawing to the hoop and slamming it in, the refs will honor it--it`ll bring the inner fan out of the Black-and-white Striped Agent Smiths.


2. For the love of humanity, someone has got to get it into his head that if he tears whoevers guarding him a new one by clawing to the hoop and slamming it in, the refs will honor it--itll bring the inner fan out of the Black-and-white Striped Agent Smiths.


3. How did the cute, short-haired girl in the visor, pink plus fours and black-and-white saddle shoes perform?

4. I poked through the assortment of childrens saddle shoes, square-toed brogues, canvas tennis shoes, and the odd unmated boot, choosing at last a pair of brand new black-and-white wingtips that seemed to be my size.

5. Why? The children of Heimaey are going to save young puffins-small black-and-white seabirds.

6. Fake colour: Simulation of the effect of four-colour process printings by manual or electronic modification of black-and-white originals.

7. Fake colour: simulation of the effect of four-colour process printings by manual or electronic modification of black-and-white originals.

8. The colors here represent the histogram as spread over different colors but they're usually black-and-white and representing only brightness then.

9. You can make your own spiffy pots out of black-and-white newspaper.

10. Each black-and-white image is a tritone, meaning that it was printed from three different plates corresponding to different parts of the original photograph's gray scale, resulting in an extremely rich chromatic range.
每個黑白圖像是一個tritone ,也就是說它是由三種不同的印刷板對應不同地區(qū)的原始照片的灰度,造成了極其豐富的色彩范圍。

11. Digital Print price Color photographic paper Coated Paper Machine FINE Paper grams 90g 120g 160g 200g 157g 200g 120g 140g A41. A32. Album/Inkjet Printer Molds specifications A0 A1 A2 A3 Photographic paper inkjet mounted plate 100502615 Coatings paper inkjet 80452510 A map of CAD, engineering Photocopy Specifications A0 A1 A2 A3 CAD white map out plans 1473.52 Sulfate Figure 241263 Photocopy white map of 3.52147 Printing Text binding price Hardware specifications soft hardcover drilling equipment hardcover ordinary plastic binding ordinary black-and-white print copies A3305015130.30.5 A4204012100.150.3 Company branch Address: Beijing's Xicheng District downtown streets Wudongdailou B2-dong 301 Room Address: Lou Chaoyang District, Beijing in the north to the army on the 6th A Beijing Han Bardon digital Express India October 2007
數(shù)碼打印價格紙型彩機紙銅版紙雙膠紙紙張克數(shù) 90g 120g 160g 200g 157g 200g 120g 140g A4 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.8 2.5 1.6 1.8 A3 2.5 3.0 4 5 3.5 5.0 3.0 3.5 寫真/噴繪紙型規(guī)格 A0 A1 A2 A3 相紙噴繪裱板 100 50 26 15 涂料紙噴繪 80 45 25 10 CAD出圖,工程復印規(guī)格 A0 A1 A2 A3 CAD出圖白圖 14 7 3.5 2 硫酸圖 24 12 6 3 工程復印白圖 14 7 3.5 2 曬圖 3.8 1.9 1 0.5 文本裝訂價格規(guī)格軟精裝硬精裝普通膠裝打孔裝訂普通復印黑白打印 A3 30 50 15 13 0.3 0.5 A4 20 40 12 10 0.15 0.3 總公司分公司地址:北京市西城區(qū)車公莊大街五棟大樓B2棟301室地址:北京市朝陽區(qū)呼家樓向軍北里甲6號北京漢博達數(shù)碼快印 2007年10月

12. Until now, scholars have deemed the most authentic representations of Shakespeare to be a black-and-white woodcut engraving by the Flemish artist Martin Droeshout that appeared in the first folio edition of Shakespeare's works in 1623, and a marble bust displayed since the 1620s in a Stratford church.

13. I always think the black-and-white photo feel is better than the colored one!

14. I found it difficult to capture the eeriness on film, which is why I also shot black-and-white film.

15. As a boy, I enjoyed watching the old black-and-white version of that movie with Alastair Sim portraying Scrooge.

16. Exuberant cherubs and acrobats, a reindeer snacking on watermelon, a playful monkey dangling an ornament from its tail, a gold-embossed Nativity, a high-heeled red ankle boot stuffed with holly, and Santa's sleigh packed with presents are among the 50 black-and-white and color illustrations featured here.

17. The Tang dynasty is well knows for its tricolored glazed pottery and black-and-white porcelain.

18. In conventional black-and-white TV sets, the video signal is displayed using a CRT.

19. The difference is that separately Yan`s photography per se is one single body of stunning work at the borderline of classic black-and-white photography and original contemporary conceptual art.

20. Occasionally, fashion attempts to edge into the arena via pilgrim-inspired black-and-white dressing (see Jil Sander's rigorously elegant high-necked white polo, skinny black pants and austere single-buttoned jackets) or fowl-esque, feather-trimmed frocks like Alberta Ferretti's and Rochas'ostrich numbers.
偶爾,時尚界試圖通過受朝圣者啟發(fā)的黑白服裝(看看Jil Sander莊重優(yōu)雅的高領(lǐng)白色馬球衫、貼身的黑色褲子和簡潔的單扣夾克)或者像Alberta Ferretti和Rochas鴕鳥毛皮上衣擠進這個圈子。

black-and-white 英英釋義


1. black-and-white的反義詞

1. not having or not capable of producing colors

e.g. black-and-white film
a black-and-white TV
the movie was in black and white

Synonym: black and white(p)


2. of a situation that is sharply divided into mutually exclusive categories

e.g. he rejected a black-and-white world
there are no black-and-white certainties
there were no grey areas, you were either for him or against him, he was all black-and-white

3. lacking hue or shades of grey
part white and part black

e.g. a black-and-white cow
black-and-white blooms
black-and-white stripes

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/danci/1337366.html
