
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1.I recommended ________ an English­Chinese dictionary,which I thought would be of great help to his studies.

A.buying B.bought

C.to buy D.he bought

答案與解析:A recommed doing sth 或recommened(that)sb(should)do sth。

2.I ________ to be quite afraid to live in that city,but now I have ________ to the life there.

A.used; been used B.used; used

C.was used; got used D.got used; been used


3.I've heard ________ that Elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.

A.it B.her

C.what D.that


4.?It's the second time that I ________ to Shanghai.

?What great changes!It's ten years since I ________ it last time.

A.have been; left B.had been; left

C.am; had left D.come; had left


5.?Could I get something to drink?


A.be home yourself B.make yourself at home

C.you could of course D.you're requested


6.We tried our best to make our garden ________ its surroundings.

A.fit in B.fit in with

C.fit up with D.to fit in with

答案與解析:B make 后的不定式作賓補不帶to;fit in with與……相適應(yīng)。

7.After arriving in New York,the Chinese college student found it rather hard to ________ living on his own.

A.rely on B.bring up

C.depend on D.adjust to


8.Jonathan received a promotion to the role of assistant manager and is the youngest person to ________ that post in this international company.

A.adopt B.seek

C.occupy D.abandon

答案與解析:C occupy“占據(jù)”符合題意。adopt“領(lǐng)養(yǎng)”;seek“找尋”;abandon“拋棄”。

9.Since his retirement,having a walk along the river after supper has become part of his daily ________.

A.tradition B.custom

C.convention D.routine

答案與解析:D 每天晚飯后沿著河邊散步對他而言已是慣例,routine“常規(guī),慣例”。tradition“傳統(tǒng)”;custom“習(xí)慣;風(fēng)俗”;convention“協(xié)定;約定”。

10.His long service with the company was ________ with a pr


A.admitted B.acknowledged

C.attributed D.accepted

答案與解析:B acknowledge“承認(rèn);答謝”。admit“承認(rèn)”;attribute“認(rèn)為;歸因于”;accept“接受”。

11.If we can ________ this speed,we should arrive there in about two days.

A.keep up B.keep on

C.keep to D.put up

答案與解析:A keep up“保持;堅持”。

12.I'm very glad that you come and see our new house when we have settled ________.

A.in B.to

C.down D.on

答案與解析:A 根據(jù)題意應(yīng)為“搬進新居后安頓下來”。

13.I don't care what you think.________ I am concerned,what they did was wrong.

A.As well as B.As far as

C.As much as D.As often as

答案與解析:B as far as sb.be concerned“就某人而言”,為固定搭配。

14.The old computer doesn't work.We must ________ a new one for it.

A.replace B.instead of

C.substitute D.take the place of

答案與解析:C 根據(jù)電腦壞了可推測,“我們換一臺新的”,故用substitute“用……代替”;若用replace則應(yīng)表達(dá)為replace it with a new one。

15.Sending Sandra a letter was ________,because her husband might intercept(截取) it.

A.out of question B.out of the question

C.in question D.of question

答案與解析:B 從because her husband might intercept(截取)it.來看,“給Sandra送信是不可能的”,故用out of the question。句意:給桑德拉寄一封信是不可能的,因為她的丈夫可能會給截取。out of question“的確,毫無疑問,一定,當(dāng)然”;in question“在議論中,在談?wù)撝小薄?/P>


One windy spring day,I observed young people having fun flying their kites.Multicolored creations,various shapes and sizes __1__ the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing.As the strong wind blew against the kites,a __2__ kept them in check.

Instead of blowing away with the wind,they arose against it to achieve great __3__.They shook and pulled,but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow,facing __4__ and against the wind.__5__ the kites struggled and __6__ against the string,they seemed to be saying,“Let me go!Let me go!I want to be __7__!”They soared __8__ even as they fought the control of the string.__9__,one of the kites

__10__ in breaking loose from it.“Free at last,”it seemed to say,“Free to fly with the wind.”

Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the __11__ of the unsympathetic wind.It dropped ungracefully to the ground and landed __12__ a mass of weeds.“Free at last”,free to __13__ powerless,and __14__ helpless along the ground,and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction.

__15__ like kites we sometimes are!The Heaven gives us adversity (逆境),__16__ and rules to follow __17__ we can gain strength.Restraint is a necessary opponent to the winds of opposition.We can never __18__ high enough to achieve our goals if we lose our necessary __19__ or the rules.

Let each of us rise to great heights,__20__ that some of the restraints that we may chafe under (因……而感到惱怒)are actually the steady force that helps us ascend and achieve.1.A.covered B.fled

C.floated D.filled

2.A.belt B.string

C.wire D.fabric

3.A.weights B.lengths

C.depths D.heights

4.A.backward B.downward

C.upward D.forward

5.A.As B.Because

C.Although D.Now that

6.A.resembled B.trembled

C.danced D.sang

7.A.dependent B.old

C.free D.strong

8.A.beautifully B.separately

C.simply D.skillfully

9.A.Generally B.Unfortunately

C.Finally D.Really

10.A.tried B.succeeded

C.failed D.managed

11.A.mercy B.risk

C.sight D.expense

12.A.towards B.out

C.in D.on

13.A.sit B.lay

C.stand D.lie

14.A.to be fought B.to be taken

C.to be blown D.to be caught

15.A.How many B.How much

C.How come D.How long

16.A.hopes B.dreams

C.difficulties D.restrictions

17.A.from which B.in which

C.for which D.to which

18.A.rose B.rise

C.stand D.raise

19.A.opponents B.friends

C.assistants D.supporters

20.A.organizing B.admitting

C.recognizing D.recommending



1.D 依據(jù)語境,這里描述的是風(fēng)箏在天空中,所以答案選D。float有很大的干擾性,但該詞意為“漂浮”時,是不及物動詞。

2.B 由下文“the restraining string”以及“the kites struggled and __6__ against the string”,可知,此處答案選B,string“線,細(xì)繩”。

3.D 風(fēng)箏迎風(fēng)飄向更高的地方,而不是隨風(fēng)而去,因此答案選D。

4.C 由常識以及下文敘述可知,風(fēng)箏是迎風(fēng)而上的,所以答案選C,upward“向上,往上”。backward“向后”;downward“向下”;forward“向前”,均不符合句意。

5.A as“當(dāng)……時候”,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。故答案選A。

6.B 這里描述的是風(fēng)箏擺動著身體上升的樣子,所以答案選B。resemble“類似”;dance“跳舞”;sing“唱歌”,均不符合語境。

7.C 既然是“Let me go!”那么此處應(yīng)該是“我想獲得自由”,因此答案選C。

8.A 句意為“即使是在擺脫風(fēng)箏線控制時,它們依然在美麗地飛翔”。依據(jù)句意,答案選beautifully。separately“單獨地”;simply“簡單地”;skillfully“巧妙地”,均不符合語境。

9.C 聯(lián)系全文語境可知,此處答案選C。generally“大體上”;unfortunately“不幸地”;really“真正地”,均不符合語境。

10.B 由下文“Free at last”可判斷,此處指一只風(fēng)箏成功地掙脫了細(xì)繩,因此答案選B。

11.A 由語境可知,掙脫了細(xì)繩,獲得了自由的風(fēng)箏,完全處于無情的風(fēng)的擺布下。因此答案選A,at the mercy of“任由……擺布”。at the risk of“冒……危險”;at the sight of“一看見……”;at the expense of“以……為代價”,均不符合語境。

12.C 此處指風(fēng)箏落在雜草叢中,所以應(yīng)用介詞in。

13.D 此處答案選D,lie“處于……狀態(tài)”,而不是stand“聳立”。

14.C 依據(jù)語境,這里表示風(fēng)箏無助地任風(fēng)沿著地面將其吹走,因此答案選C。

15.B 此處作者有感而發(fā):有時我們多么像風(fēng)箏啊!所以答案選B,how much表示程度。

16.D 選項中的difficulty和adversity屬于同一范疇,而這里指的是上文所說的束縛,因此答案選D。

17.A which引導(dǎo)定語從句,其先行詞是“adversity(逆境),__16__ and rules”,介詞from表示來源。

18.B 依據(jù)語境,這里說的是像風(fēng)箏一樣往高處飛,因此答案B。下文“rise to great heights”也有暗示。

19.A 從上文“adversity(逆境),__16__ and rules”可以推斷,此處表示如果我們失去對手和規(guī)則,我們就不能達(dá)到自己的目標(biāo),因此答案選A,意為“對手”。

20.C 句意為“讓我們提升自己的高度,并認(rèn)識到:有些可能會令我們惱怒的約束,實際上是幫助我們提升自我和取得成功的動力”。依據(jù)句意,答案選C。


The least successful tourist on record is Mr.Nicholas Scotti who lived in San Francisco in the United States.In 1977 he decided to visit Rome in Italy because that was where his family originally came from.

He went to the airport i

n San Francisco and got on a plane which was going to Italy.However,because the plane had to make a fuel stop,it landed at Kennedy Airport in New York.Thinking that he had arrived,Mr.Scotti got off and spent two days in New York,believing that he was in Rome.

While he was wandering around the city,the great traveler could not help noticing that many of Rome's famous and ancient landmarks had disappeared.This must be due to modernization,he thought to himself.

Mr.Scotti,who spoke very little English,asked a policeman the way to the bus station.Naturally he spoke to the policeman in Italian.As chance would have it,the policeman replied in Italian because he,too,was an Italian immigrant who had only arrived in America a few years earlier.

Mr.Scotti then saw around New York for twelve hours in a bus.Eventually the bus driver handed him over to another policeman.Unfortunately,this policeman did not speak Italian and Mr.Scotti got very annoyed and wanted to know why an Italian policeman could not speak Italian.

Finally,even when the policeman told him that he was not in Italy but was in New York,Mr.Scotti refused to believe him.“I can't be in New York,” he said.“I must be in Rome.Look at the way people drive here.Only Italians can drive like that!”

1.The reason why Mr.Scotti is the least successful tourist is that ________.

A.he lacked common sense

B.he had very bad luck

C.he was too clever to believe others

D.Italians are usually foolish

答案與解析:A 推理判斷題。從全文可知,他在紐約很久卻還堅持認(rèn)為自己在羅馬,可見他缺乏常識。

2.What happened to Scotti's plane in New York?

A.It broke down.

B.It needed repairing.

C.It needed oil filling.

D.It stopped to pick up more passengers.

答案與解析:C 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從第二段中的“because the plane had to make a fuel stop”可知答案。

3.Mr.Scotti couldn't see Rome's famous landmarks,______.

A.which he thought wonderful

B.which made him very angry

C.which he considered reasonable


.so he realized that he was not in Rome

答案與解析:C 推理判斷題。從第三段可知Mr.Scotti 看不到羅馬著名且古老的標(biāo)志,以為是現(xiàn)代化讓羅馬發(fā)生了變化,他認(rèn)為這合乎情理;但實際上他根本不是在羅馬,而是在紐約。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/1123916.html
