
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

Ⅰ.品句填詞1.Since he wants to continue studying at university,he only found a________(暫時的) job in the summer holidays.2.He escaped from the car wreck without ________(損傷).3.The police put up ________(障礙物)to control the crowd who were excited.4.He would remove his jacket, roll up his ________(袖子),and play Ping­Pong with the kids.5.Downstairs he found Beryl at the table with the newspaper and a pair of ________(剪刀).6.Having a fever is one of the ________(癥狀) that you have got a cold.Ⅱ.完成句子1.Joe ________________(坐起身來) when he heard the knock on his bedroom door.2.We don’t think your suggestion is quite ________________(適當?shù)?.3.The doctor has warned him ________________________________(反復) to stop smoking,but he doesn’t take any advice.4.I got an ________________ (電擊) from that light switch.5.Being given ________________(急救) at the scene of the accident probably saved his life.6.There are ________________________(各種各樣的)toys in the store for you to choose from.Ⅲ.單項填空1.(2011年濟寧高二檢測)The orange looks dry,but you may be able to ________ a few drops.A.break out      B.give outC.squeeze out D.put out2.—How long has your grandma ________?—About three months.A.fallen ill B.been illC.fall ill D.be ill3.(2011年廈門高二檢測)The fellow felt rather ________ as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.A.in place B.out of placeC.by the way D.in the way4.Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had ________ his leg.A.damaged B.hurtC.hit D.struck5.He is so kind a boy that he often ________his mother clean the table, even the furniture.A.aided B.helpedC.assisted D.offeredwww.6.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ________of goods.A.variety B.mixtureC.extension D.combination7.You are supposed to report it to your headmaster ________,otherwise he will be angry.A.if i


it was necessary B.if necessaryC.if necessarily D.if you are necessary8.Mr. Smith is such a ________ person that he never loses his temper.A.generous B.meanC.mild D.rude9.They often use wood as fuel to ________ coal.A.take place B.take the place ofC.in place of D.instead of10.(2011年威海高二調研)We were greatly ________ in our investigation by the cooperation of the police.A.exposed B.aidedC.submitted D.switchedⅣ.閱讀理解Teenagers and students have an average of more than 800 illegally copied songs each on their digital music players,as the largest academic survey of young people’s music ownership has found.The research also showed that half of 14 to 24­year­olds were happy to share all the music on their hard drives,enabling others to copy hundreds,or thousands,of songs at one time.Although_illegal_copying_has_become_widespread,the_scale_of_the_problem_uncovered_by_the_University_Hertfordshire_left_the_music_industry_surprised.On average every iPod or digital music player contained 842 illegally copied songs.Illegal copying in some form or another is undertaken by 96 percent of 18 to 24­year­olds surveyed,and falls to 89 percent of those aged 14~17.Nearly two­thirds copy CDs from friends,and similar proportion shares songs by e­mail and copy all the music held on another person’s hard drive,acquiring up to 10,000 songs in one go.British Music Rights argues that the solution partly lies in developing new legal services that make breaking copyright unappealing(無吸引力的).Mr.Sharkey,chief executive of British Music Rights,said,“The positive message is that 80 percent of downloaders said they would pay for a legal subscription­based(簽署協(xié)議的)service,and that they would be willing to pay more than a few pounds month.”British Music Rights refused to release the exact amount but it is believed to be about £10 a month.The organization is trying to help to record


companies persuade Internet service providers to sign up to a new type of music service,in which vast catalogues of songs are available for an add­on fee to a broadband package.Agreements with providers such as Virgin Media are expected in the next few weeks.In France last week,Orange,F(xiàn)rance Telecom’s mobile arm,reached agreement with all four main record companies to provide downloads of more than a million songs for mobile phones and home computers for £9.40 a month.1.What is the passage main about?A.The popularity of music among teenagers and college students.B.A variety of good ways to get music from friends.C.A practical suggestion to deal with illegal copying.D.The problems resulting from illegal copied music and possible suggestions.2.It can be learned from the passage that the research shows ________.A.illegally copied songs are teenagers’ favorite musicB.teenagers often get music from others without payingC.teenagers like to exchange their digital music playersD.compared with those aged 14~17,18 to 24­year­olds are more selfless3.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph implies ________.A.illegal copying has become a serious problem beyondexpectationB.the University of Hertfordshire uncovered illegal copying for the first timeC.the development of the music industry is worryingD.illegal copying has gotten out of control4.The suggested way to copy with illegal copying in the passage is ________.A.to punish those who download music illegallyB.to prevent people downloading music from the InternetC.to ask Internet music service providers to charge for downloadingD.to make laws that make breaking copyright illegalⅤ.任務型讀寫A new project will try to protect twenty­one of the world’s most important food crops. This is a joint project of two organizations, the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the United Nations Foundation. It will be the largest such effort ever made.The aim is to collect seeds or reproductive material fro


m one hundred sixty­five thousand varieties of the crops. The effort will secure more than ninety­five percent of the endangered crop diversity represented in gene banks in developing countries.The fight against hunger cannot be won without securing crops that are in danger of being lost. Many of the crops are known as “orphan crops ”. Orphan crops do not get much attention from modern plant breeders but are especially important in poor countries.Some orphan crops cannot be grown from seeds. Instead, cuttings, roots and cell cultures will be gathered from gene banks.Still another goal is to improve communications between farmers and plant breeders. The organizers say they look forward to a time when breeders in Africa can find the same crop genetic information as those in Europe and North America.The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has agreed to provide thirty million dollars for the project. Norway will provide seven and one­half million dollars.The Global Crop Diversity Trust says at least four hundred fifty thousand seed samples will go into the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Seeds from around the world will be stored there in case the planet suffers a terrible disaster.Title:1. ______ ProjectProject Two 2.______ PurposeThe Global Crop Diversity Trust and the United Nations Foundation. To protect 3.______of the world’s most important food crops.Its 4._____ Aspects Desired 7.______□To collect seeds orreproductive5.______.□To improve 6.______ between farmers and plant breeders. □Securing over 95% of the endangered8.______diversity.□Breeders in Africa can find the same crop genetic information as those in Europe and North America.Help provided 9.______.□30,000,000 dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.□7,500,000 dollars from 10.______.

課時訓練10Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using LanguageⅠ.品句填詞1.Nowadays students are put under great ________(壓力) to enter a good university.2.The soldier was presented with an


award for his ________(勇敢)in the battle.3.I can’t believe that I will have an opportunity to give a speech at the graduation ________(儀式).4.An ________(救護車)arrived in 5 minutes after the accident.5.Before ________(申請) for the job, he turned to his father for some advice.6.It was our teacher who ________(款待)us to lunch.Ⅱ.選詞填空treat; give first aid on; make a difference; look out for;put one’s hands on1.I know their address is here somewhere, but I can’t            it right now.2.Do ____________________ spelling mistakes when you check your work.3.My mother always lived alone, so having someone to talk to____________________ to her.4.____________________him at the scene of the accident,Jack survived.5.____________yourself to a glass of beer to help you relax.Ⅲ.單項填空1.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.A.which      B.whatC.that D.whether2.—I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.—________good.A.Sound B.SoundedC.Sounding D.Sounds3.If you ________ yourself to the textbook, you’ll find the question is no more difficult.A.absorb B.applyC.interest D.appeal4.(2011年青島高二檢測)We had tried everything, but it made little ________.A.good B.usewww.C.result D.difference5.You can take anything from the shelf and read,but please ________the books when you’ve finished with them.A.put on B.put downC.put back D.put off6.—I think you’d better type this letter again before Mr.Smith sees it.—Oh,dear! ________A.Who cares? B.No problem.C.I don’t mind at all. D.Is it as bad as that?7.________ students with their teachers ________ outing to have a good weekend.A.Many a;goesB.A large number of;wentC.A large amount of;wentD.A lot of;has gone8.Tonight I am going to treat my good friends ________ an opera.A.as B.toC.with D. for9.—________ that he man


aged to get the information?—Oh, a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was itC.How was it D.Why was it10.The man was about to tell the policeman the secret ________ someone shot him death.A.as B.untilC.while D.whenⅣ.完形填空On a warm Monday,Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees.Rolling down the windows to __1__ in fresh air,she settled back to enjoy her lunch.Suddenly she __2__ a big bald(禿頂?shù)?man running through the parking lot.Before she came to __3__ what would happen,the man was there,shouting through her window,“Get out!”Neilson __4__.Pulling open her door,the man seized her __5__ the neck and hair,and threw her out of the car onto the ground.She screamed,__6__ her purse and the keys.Two reporters of the local newspaper,Robert Bruce and Jeff Jackson,just outside their office building on a __7__,heard the screams and began running.When they __8__ Neilson’s car,the attacker had jumped into the driver’s seat and was __9__ searching for the keys.Bruce opened the door,and he and Jackson dragged the man out.The attacker __10__ back.But even in his cornered panic,he was no __11__ for the two athletic men.Reggie Miller,a worker of the local newspaper,heard the screams,too.He rushed back to the office to __12__ the police,and then ran back with some plastic ropes-used to tie up newspapers.With his arms __13__ tightly behind him,the prisoner looked up and said __14__,“I hope you guys feel good about yourselves-you just caught one of the most wanted men.”They __15__ him and waited for the police.Later,Bruce and Jackson were shocked to learn the man was the __16__ carjacker(劫車者)and suspected murderer,whose __17__-but with a full head of hair-h(huán)ad been recently printed in their own newspaper.Neilson considers herself lucky __18__ she suffered injuries.She believes the story might have had a __19__ ending if those good people had not come to her aid.“Unfortunately,”she says,“many


people would __20__ have done what they did,and that is the real truth.”1.A.bring      B.letC.gather D.send2.A.recognized B.watchedC.noticed D.met3.A.realize B.understandC.imagine D.conclude4.A.escaped B.struggledC.refused D.obeyed5.A.by B.aroundC.with D.on6.A.burying B.forgettingC.offering D.grabbing7.A.trip B.visitC.break D.holiday8.A.started B.stoppedC.entered D.reached9.A.carefully B.madlyC.disappointedly D.patiently10.A.fought B.turnedC.jumped D.shouted11.A.match B.targetC.equal D.companion12.A.remind B.phoneC.invite D.beg13.A.rolled B.foldedC.bent D.tied14.A.angrily B.kindlyC.coldly D.warmly15.A.caught B.thankedC.comforted D.ignored16.A.ordinary B.professionalC.honest D.outstanding17.A.picture B.backgroundC.character D.story18.A.and B.butC.though D.when19.A.ridiculous B.similarC.strange D.different20.A.sometimes B.neverC.often D.foreverⅤ.閱讀理解A nosebleed can be frightening to get or see,but try to stay calm.Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are.Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home.If you get a nosebleed,sit down and lean slightly forward.Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less.Lean forwards so that the blood will flow out of your nose instead of down the back of your throat.If you lean back,you may swallow the blood.This can make you uncomfortable.Use your thumb and index fingers to press together the soft part of your nose.Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops.Don’t let go for at least 5 minutes.If it’s still bleeding after that,hold it again for 10 minutes straight.You can also place an ice pack across the toe of your nose.Once the bleeding stops,don’t do anything that may make it start again,such


as bending over or blowing your nose.The most common causes of nosebleeds are dryness(often caused by indoor heat in the winter)and nose picking.These two things work together-nose picking occurs more often when the liquid in the nose is dry.Other,less common causes include injuries,colds or cocaine use.Children may stick small objects up their nose.Old people may have infections or high blood pressure.The cause of nosebleeds is often unknown.Most nosebleeds aren’t serious.They occur in the front part of the nose and stop in a few minutes.A few nosebleeds start in large vessels(血管)in the back of the nose,which can be dangerous.They may occur after an injury.This type of nosebleed is more common in the elderly and is often due to high blood pressure,daily aspirin use or bleeding disorders.1.According to the text,nosebleeds ________.A.are not frightening to get or seeB.are usually not serious and can be cured with the right method at homeC.must be treated by doctors in the hospitalD.aren’t dangerous at all2.Which of the following is NOT the right way to treat nosebleeds?A.Cool your nose with ice or other cold things.B.Press your nose slightly with your fingers.C.Lean backwards to slow down the flow of flood.D.Lean your head forwards,just above your chest.3.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?A.Nosebleeds are caused by some diseases.B.Nosebleeds are caused by the dry weather.C.Your nose may be infected.D.The causes of nosebleed.4.When does nose picking often cause nosebleeds?A.When your nose feels dry.B.When you have a cold.C.When you have a headache.D.When the liquid in your nose is wet.5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.It may be more dangerous if the back part of your nosebleeds.B.Nosebleeds can cause the disease related to blood pressure in older people.C.Nosebleeds occur to kids because of infections.D.Many nosebleeds are not as serious as they look.優(yōu)化方案•成功相伴                   英語必修5(配 教•安徽專用)Un


it 1 Great scientistsSection Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading-Language PointsⅠ.品句填詞1.characteristics 2.enquiries 3.instructed4.challenges 5.suspect 6.cureⅡ.選詞填空1.drawing a conclusion 2.was absorbed in 3.cured4.attended on 5.exposeⅢ.單項填空1.【解析】選C。本題考查一組相似動詞短語的辨析。句意“迄今沒有人提出比正在考慮的計劃更好的方案”。put forward意為“提出”;come up出現(xiàn);想出,后應接介詞with。2.【解析】選D。本題考查一組相似形容詞的辨析。eager“急切的”;extra“額外的”;exact“確切的”;expert“熟練的,專家的”。根據(jù)語境“以史密斯先生專家的目光來看,這幅畫很糟糕”可知正確答案為D。3.【解析】選B。本題考查suggest不同詞義時后面的賓語從句中的語氣不同。第一個suggest意思是“暗示”,故用陳述語氣。而第二個suggest意思是“建議”,應用虛擬語氣,即should do結構。4.【解析】選C。在so+adj....+that...句型中,當so+adj.置于句首時,其所在句子的謂語應用完全倒裝形式。5.【解析】選B?疾楣潭ǘ陶Z。be absorbed in...全神貫注于……,專心致志于……。6.【解析】選D。句意:不管是在外貌還是在性格方面他都不像他的哥哥。注意:isn’t與either...or...連用,相當于neither...nor...。即:He likes his brother neither in appearance nor in character。7.【解析】選C。to blame作定語,修飾the one,意為“應受責備”。8.【解析】選D。句意“當你回到家的時候,別忘了給我打電話,好讓我知道你已經安全地到家了!薄拔也粫浀模莅!薄白D懵猛居淇臁!盬ith pleasure 樂意地;It’s kind of you你真貼心;Don’t mention it不用客氣;Have a nice trip祝你旅途愉快。根據(jù)上下語境及句意應選D。9.【解析】選B。句意:“蘇珊長得什么樣?”“她很可愛,有一雙大大的眼睛!贝鹁涫菍δ橙送饷驳拿鑼,故選B。What does sb.look like?“某人長得什么樣?”。What do you think of sb.?“你覺著某人怎樣?”,是詢問對某人的看法;How is sb.?“某人怎么樣了?”,是對某人身體狀況的詢問;What is sb.?是對某人職業(yè)的詢問。10.【解析】選A。句意:(聯(lián)合國)糧農組織說每年需要在農業(yè)上投資400多億美元以戰(zhàn)勝世界饑荒,這個問題越來越嚴重了。defeat“打敗;戰(zhàn)勝”,符合題意。expand“使變大;伸展”;reject“拒絕;不接受;拋棄”;cure“治愈;痊愈”。Ⅳ.閱讀理解【解題導語】 他家境貧寒,未受過系統(tǒng)的正規(guī)教育,但卻在眾多領域做出驚人的成就,堪稱刻苦勤奮、探索真理的典范。他就是英國著名物理學家、化學家邁克爾•法拉第。1.【解析】選D。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段的敘述可知,法拉第年幼時家境貧寒,上不起正規(guī)的學校,只好上了周日學校。2.【解析】選B。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段“These were very basic because Faraday had to make all of his equipment himself.”可知,法拉第自己動手制造實驗器材。3.【解析】選B。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段“Determined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application and included his laboratory reports on the experiments he had carried out.”可知B項正確。4.【解析】選C。推理判斷題。通過最后一段介紹法拉第在物理、化學不同領域的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造可推知,他的研究涉及到不同領域。Ⅴ.任務型讀寫1.bodies/health 2.Reasons 3.curious 4.forbid5.behavior/behaviour 6.illnesses/diseases 7.Damage/Harm 8.result 9.feeling 10.sickSection Ⅲ Learning about Language& Usi


ng LanguageⅠ.品句填詞1.universe 2.movement 3.contributes 4.enthusiastic 5.positive 6.rejectedⅡ.選詞填空1.make sense of 2.had been rejected 3.was;strict with4.makes sense 5.cautious 6.enthusiasticⅢ.單項填空1.【解析】選B?疾閙ake構成的短語的區(qū)別。句意:我認為他遲到的理由沒有道理。make sense在這里是“有道理,講得通”。2.【解析】選C。confused感到困惑的。而mixed意為“混雜的”不合題意。3.【解析】選D。break out爆發(fā),相當于不及物動詞;result from后接原因,意為“由……引起”;lead to意為“導致,造成(后果)”符合題意,故選D。4.【解析】選B?疾檫^去分詞作定語。The power station與build之間為被動關系,句中時間狀語也暗示了應用過去分詞形式作定語。注意having been built不用作定語。5.【解析】選C。句意:只有通過這種方法你才有希望提前到達那里。only修飾狀語放在句首,主句要部分倒裝,所以選C。B、D兩項時態(tài)與句意不符。6.【解析】選B?疾樾稳菰~的辨析。句意:運動員們進入場地時,雖少卻熱情的人群歡呼起來。energetic精力旺盛的;enjoyable令人愉快的;encouraged深受鼓舞的,都不合題意。7.【解析】選D。本題考查介詞短語的意義和用法。根據(jù)題干語境意義,尤其是wonderful一詞,可以推斷講話者只喜歡這件生日禮物,in addition to和as well as一樣,表示并列關系,不符合題干意義;而in addition意為“另外”,后不接賓語,且不符合題意;apart from意為“除……之外”。8.【解析】選B。句意:富蘭克林通過觀察和經驗學習的能力有助于他的成功!皁we...to...”表示“把……歸于……”,應該是“Franklin owed his success in public life to his ability to learn from observations and experience.”;attach...to...表示“把……附屬在……”;related是形容詞,而句中缺少謂語動詞,因此不恰當。9.【解析】選D。根據(jù)答語可知,此處應選擇suggest,意為“建議”。10.【解析】選A。考查動詞詞義辨析。contribute意為“奉獻,貢獻”。句意:我們應該為即將在我市舉辦的大學生運動會奉獻自己的力量。而construct意為“建設”;instruct意為“指導”;introduce意為“介紹”,都不符合句子語境意義。Ⅳ.完形填空【解題導語】 一個偶然的機會,作者的朋友把一份早餐給了一個流浪者,從此她和兒子開始了給流浪者買早餐的行動,這也成了他們的一個傳統(tǒng),她的兒子參加工作后依然繼續(xù)著這種行動。1.【解析】選B。根據(jù)句中at school可知,作者的朋友開車把兒子送到學校。drop sb.off讓……下車。2.【解析】選D。根據(jù)下文內容可知,作者的朋友把一份早餐給了一個流浪者,這說明那份早餐是多出來的。3.【解析】選A。作者的朋友和一個流浪者說話并給他早餐,說明她停了下來。4.【解析】選D。作者的朋友剛吃完早餐出來,由此可推斷那個流浪者在飯店門口。5.【解析】選C。根據(jù)常理,作者的朋友給那個流浪者早餐,他應該表示感謝。6.【解析】選A。根據(jù)下一段every day that week可知,這個流浪者已經好幾天沒有吃東西了。7.【解析】選B。根據(jù)后半句中was glad可知,作者感到很開心。8.【解析】選A。這里用短語take action,指的是她幫助了那個流浪者買早飯。作者的朋友每天早晨都在這里吃飯,今天是第一次給那個流浪者買早餐,所以是終于采取了行動。9.【解析】選C。根據(jù)第二段it was his first meal可知,那個星期里,在她給那個流浪者早餐前,沒有人幫助他,包括她自己在內。10.【解析】選C。與句中support,fo

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