
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)



Several days ago, a 16 (shock) news broke out. A Malaysian airplane (MH370) with 239 passengers just disappeared after its departure from the airport. Almost two hours later, the plane just vanished into air,as if it never existed before.

Rumors about its 17 (disappear) have spread fast around the world. Some people said that the plane was kidnapped by the space aliens,the so called UFO. 18 has never been proved or confirmed true. Some people claim 19 the aircraft exploded in the midair before landing. This might be true to some extent,but we still need more confirmative proof.

The people 20 care most about the passengers are the family members of the passengers. They 21 _(wait) anxiously and even getting desperate after waiting 22 (hope) for almost four days. 23 tortures them most is not the sad news of their beloved ones' death, 24 the newsless. They could get no news from anywhere or anybody about the wreckage失事.This has been driving them into craziness day by day.

We hope these people 25 board will soon be found well and safe, and with their family members they could get together and reunited.

II. 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分50分)

第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)



Daniel Defoe (about 1660?1731) was an important novelist in the English literature. When he was young, he served as a soldier and had been to Spain, Italy, France and Germany. At the same time, he went in for politics. He cared much about the development of capitalism(資本主義). He had written a lot of articles against it and he was put into prison twice for that. It was not until that he was nearly sixty that he began to write the famous n

novel “Robinson Crusoe”, which was published in May, 1709. It spread so rapidly that the story was known to every household very soon.

“Robinson Crusoe” can be divided into three parts. The first part is about Crusoe’s three voyages, the second part about his hunting, hiding in caves farming and his hard struggles against nature on a small island, the third about the things which happened after his return from the island. The second part is the body of the novel, in which Robinson’s characters are clearly shown. Defoe wrote his novel in a simple style and his language is easy to understand. His novel writing set a milestone of the modern English novel. In his later part of life, He was in poor health and lived very poorly. He died on April 24, 1731.

26. Deniel Defoe was _______ and the writer of _______.

A. an Englishman, “A Tale of Two Cities” B. an American, “A Million Pound Note”

C. a French, “The Lost Necklace” D. an English, “Robinson Crusoe”

27. How old was he when he began to write his famous novel Robinson Crusoe?

A. He was in his sixties. B. He was in his fifties.

C. He was over 60. D. He was sixty.

28. Robinson Crusoe can be divided into ______ parts and the first is about _______.

A. three, his journeys by sea B. three, his characters

C. two, his lonely life D. four, his fame

29. “Every household” in this passage means ________.

A. all members of a family B. all people

C. every building D. persons living in the same house

30.What was Defoe’s contribution(貢獻(xiàn)) to the English literature?

A. He wrote a very interesting story.

B. He made people happy while reading his story.

C. He set a milestone of the modern English novel.

D. He was active in politics and was against capitalism.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/1162520.html
