
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Ⅰ.Listening (聽力)(共20小題;每小題1分,共20分)



1.What does Lisa want to do today?

A.She wants to go boating.

B.She wants to go swimming.

C.She wants to go to a shop.

2.Sam wants to go to the department store    .

A.to buy a coat      B.to play football      C.to buy some school things

3.How will they go to the shop?

A.By bike.     B.By bus.       C.By car.

4.What’s the time when they are talking?

A.It’s about 2:30.     B.It’s about 3:30.      C.It’s about 1:30.

5.Lisa wants to be back at four because there will be a football match    .

A.at four o’clock   B.at half past three  C.at half past four

答案:1~5 ACBAC


Name David Black

Age 6

City 7

School 8

Family 9

Favourite subject 10 

答案:6.15 7.Sydney,Australia 8.New Town School

9.One brother,two sisters 10.Physics




1.What is David going to do?

2.What does the man have to do now?

A.Complete the research. B.Put the material in order. C.Finish typing the paper.

3.What do you know about the woman?

A.Perhaps she is a doctor. B.She was badly ill.C.She didn’t like to see the film.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The light isn’t bright enough.

B.The dining hall isn’t large enough.

C.She agrees with the man.

5.What does the man mean?

A.His daughter is not old enough.B.His daughter can join the club.C.His daughter is the eldest.



(Text 1)

W:Hi,Sam.It’s a fine day today.Let’s go boating.

M:Sorry,Lisa.I’ll buy some school things for this term.Do you want to go with me?

W:All right.Which shop will you go?

M:The department store.

W:But it’s very far and we have only one bike.

M:Let’s put it away and go there by bus.



W:Oh,it’s half past two.Let’s hurry.I must come back at four o’clock.


W:There will be a football match at half past four.I want to watch it.

M:All right.The bus stop is over there.Let’s go.

(Text 2)?

David Black is my new penfriend.He is fifteen years old.He is from Sydney,Australia.He studies at New Town School.He has one brother and two sisters.His favourite subject is physics.






6.What time is it now?

A.It’s 10:10 p.m.    B.It’s 10:30 p.m.        C.It’s 9:50 p.m.

7.How long will it take the woman to the railway station?

A.Less than fifteen minutes. B.More than fifteen minutes. C.Less than fifty minutes.

8.Why did the man invite the woman to his house?

A.They had a tea party. B.They had a dinner party. C.They had a dancing party.


9.Why does the man want to have a word with the waitress?

A.Because he has been kept waiting for a long time.

B.Because he wants to complain of the food.

C.Because he wants to pay the bill.

10.What do we learn about the restaurant?

A.It must be a new one.

B.They don’t know how to serve the people.

C.They need more waiters.

答案:6~10 CABAC


(Text 1)

W:David,come along,let’s go to the supermarket.

M:No,I’d prefer to watch the live Athens 2004 Olympic Games on Channel 1.

(Text 2)

W:How are you coming on your research paper?

M:I’ve finished all my research,but I haven’t been able to organize it,therefore I haven’t begun the paper yet.

(Text 3)

M:What a pity you missed the film last night.It was wonderful.

W:I would have gone to see it.But there was a patient seriously ill.

(Text 4)

M:The light in this dining hall is a little too bright,don’t you think?<



W:I say it’s perfect for a football stadium.

(Text 5)

W:Can I join your club,Dad?

M:You can when you get a bit older.

(Text 6)

W:What’s the time by your watch,David?

M:Just minute.It’s ten to ten by my watch.

W:Is it?I had no idea it was so late.I must be going now.

M:Can’t you stay a bit longer?

W:I’m afraid not.I must catch the ten-thirty train back.

M:You’ve got plenty of time yet.The railway station’s very near.It won’t take you more than fifteen minutes to get there.

W:Well,I hate to rush at the last minute.

M :OK,drop in whenever you like.

W:Yes,I’ll do that.Thank you for asking me to dinner.It was a nice dinner party and I’ve enjoyed your cooking.

M:I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.Good night.

W:Good night.

(Text 7)

M:Head waitress!I want to have a word with you.

W:Yes,sir.I’ll be with you in a minute.Is there anything else you’d like to have,sir?

M:Anything else?We have been kept waiting here for almost an hour for the meal!

W:I’m terribly sorry about that,sir.There might be something wrong.You see,we’re short of help today.I’ll see to it at once.Would you like to try some drink while waiting?

M:Well,another martinis.

W:Yes,sir.One moment.Here you are.I’ll be back in a minute.Here are the dishes you ordered,sir.

M:Thank you.

W:I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting.I wish I could have known earlier.

M:That’s all right.

W:Thank you for your understanding.I assure you it won’t happen again.

Ⅱ.Multiple choice(單項選擇)(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)

1.E-mail,as well as telephone,_______an important part in daily communication.

A.is playing    B.have played    C.are playing    D.play

答案:A as well as連接并列主語時,謂語的形式應(yīng)同as well as之前的主語保持一致,所以該句謂語應(yīng)同E-mail一致,用單數(shù)形式。

2.Every possible means _______to prevent air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.

A.is used    B.are used    C.has been used  


  D.have been used

答案:C means用作名詞時,意為“方式,手段”,單、復(fù)數(shù)形式相同,在具體的語境中可通過其修飾語判斷。該句中means前有every修飾,說明用作單數(shù)形式,可排除B、D兩項;再由后面的結(jié)果看出,應(yīng)用完成時表示“已經(jīng)使用了”。

3.It was where there had been a theatre_______they built a new modern school.

A.where    B.in which    C.that     D.so

答案:C 該題考查強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)了句中的時間狀語從句where there had been a theatre。

4.It was not until 1920 _______regular radio broadcasts began.

A.while     B.which     C.that     D.since

答案:C 該題考查強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)了句中的時間狀語not until 1920。

5.Only in this way_______to make improvement in the operating system.

A.you can hope    B.you did hope    C.can you hope   D.did you hope

答案:C only位于句首,修飾狀語時,句子應(yīng)采用倒裝語序,可排除A、B兩項;根據(jù)句意判斷該句是提出了下一步的建議,不能使用過去時,答案為C項。

6.I stopped to listen;my son seemed _______himself shut in the living room.

A.enjoying      B.to enjoy

C.that he was enjoying     D.to be enjoying

答案:D 該句不是it seems that句型,而是seem to do結(jié)構(gòu),故可排除A、C兩項;B項不定式的一般式表示通常情況,D項不定式的進行式表示正在發(fā)生的情況,根據(jù)語境“停下來聽”判斷應(yīng)是進行著的情況,所以答案為D項。

7.There isn’t any difference between the two.I really don’t know_______.

A.where to choose      B.which to choose

C.to choose what      D.to choose which

答案:B 由句意可知兩者一樣,所以我真不知道該選哪一個,在know后面用“疑問詞+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)作賓語。which to choose相當(dāng)于賓語從句which I should choose

8.Walking around,I found the city was full of people _______ for the festival.

A.wearing    B.had new clothes on    C.dressing up   D.dressed up

答案:D 從句子結(jié)構(gòu)來看,I found the city was full of people為“主謂賓”結(jié)構(gòu)的句子,后面為定語修飾people,可排除謂語形式的B項;wear為及物動詞,后面需接賓語,應(yīng)排除;dress與“人”之間為動賓關(guān)系,應(yīng)排除現(xiàn)在分詞形式的C項;D項與people為動賓關(guān)系,表示“被打扮起來的”。

9.—I’m sorry I broke your mirror.

—Oh,really? _______.

A.It’s OK with me      B.It doesn’t matter

C.Don’t be sorry      D.I don’t care

答案:B 對方表示了誠摯的歉意,你應(yīng)該予以安慰,用it doesn’t matter回答,意為“不要緊,沒關(guān)系”。

10.—What do you think of the book?

—Oh,excellent.It’s worth _______a second time.

A.to read    B.to be read    C.reading    D.being read


答案:C be worth意為“值得的”,后面接動詞-ing形式作賓語,并且用主動形式表示被動意義。該題應(yīng)選C項表示“值得再讀一遍”。

11.I mean_______the work ahead of time any way.

A.finishing    B.finished    C.to finishing    D.to finish

答案:D mean doing意為“意味著”;mean to do意為“企圖,打算,計劃”。根據(jù)句意判斷,該題中的mean表示“打算”,所以答案為D項。

12.The problem will be_______discussed.www.

A.further    B.farther    C.more further    D.far

答案:A far有兩個比較級形式:farther表示距離,意為“更遠的,較遠的”;further除相當(dāng)于farther表示距離外,還可表示程度,意為“更進一步”。該題應(yīng)選A項,表示“進一步討論”。C項中的more不可修飾比較級。

13.—How is the article you are reading?

—It is no more than an ordinary one.It is _______.

A.excellent    B.terrible    C.attractive    D.of little value

答案:D no more than意為“僅僅,只不過”,所以選D項表示“沒大有用處”。

14.In Britain today women_______ 44% of the workforce,and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A.build up    B.make up    C.stand for    D.rise to

答案:B build up意為“增強,增進健康,鼓舞”;make up意為“構(gòu)成”;stand for意為“代表”;rise to意為“升高到”。根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選B項,表示“女性組成了44%的勞動力”。15.It won’t be a very long time_______he is in business for himself.

A.until     B.when     C.before     D.that

答案:C before本義為“在……之前”,it is long before意為“過好久才會……”,it is not long before意為“不久就會……”。


“I will donate blood as long as I am healthy,that’s a citizen’s responsibility,” said Peter Weber,Swiss by birth and general manager of Four Seasons Shanghai, 1  donating blood in a blood collection bus on Friday morning.?

Despite the heat wave  2  the city,nearly 40 employees of the local leading hotel donated this precious gift,400 ml of blood each,to  3  in need of transfusion.?

4  last week,the city’s blood centres have been thirsty for healthy blood because the need for blood  5  in summer when traffic and burn accidents are more  6 .But the number of donors decreases significantly(明顯減少)  7  the hot weather.During the first half of the year,blood donation increased  8  about 5.5 per cent but the clinical(醫(yī)學(xué)的) use of


blood jumped by 11.2 per cent.?

“Right after we heard that the blood centre was short of healthy blood last week,we sent  9  to our employees calling them to donate,” said Stanley Ng,the hotel’s human resources director.?

“Our staff(工作人員) feel  10  to help the hotel make a contribution to public welfare events.”?

Meanwhile,the hotel also  11  leaflets(傳單) to 50 nearby office buildings informing and encouraging their employees  12  the Friday donation effort.?

“I hope my blood will help  13  in need,especially the patients with financial difficulty,” said one donor.?

“Donating blood is good for others and also good for oneself and family.One day,if I or my family members need to use blood,we  14  receive such help from others.”?

According to the China Blood Donation Law,blood donors can use blood up to  15  they have donated within five years free of charge.Their family members can also use the same amount of donated blood,also free of charge.?

In addition,public education on the  16  of blood donation should be improved and more convenient procedures adapted.?

“The arrival of the blood collection bus at our hotel makes giving blood  17  more convenient.Otherwise,it’s quite complicated,with the need to make a trip to a hospital(blood collection centre),” Weber  18 .?

All local residents who are  19  to donate their blood,are invited to contact the city’s Blood Centre via two blood donation  20 :6219-1114,6275-8257.

1.A.while      B.if      C.than      D.because

2.A.reaching     B.washing      C.striking    D.leaving

3.A.doctors      B.patients      C.nurses     D.customers

4.A.By      B.At      C.In      D.Since

5.A.falls      B.drops      C.raises     D.grows

6.A.ordinary     B.usual      C.common    D.average

7.A.in spite of    B.instead of     C.as a result of   D.in face of

8.A.by      B.at      C.for      D.from

9.A.announcements     B.notices     C.


advertisements     D.letters

10.A.sorry      B.satisfied      C.interested      D.proud

11.A.made up    B.gave off      C.sent out      D.put on

12.A.to join     B.join      C.joining      D.joins

13.A.that      B.which      C.those      D.what

14.A.must      B.can      C.may      D.need

15.A.five times the amount      B.the amount five times

C.five times the number      D.the number five times

16.A.difficulty   B.possibility      C.reality      D.importance

17.A.very     B.quite      C.far      D.really

18.A.wondered   B.said      C.doubted      D.answered

19.A.likely     B.possible      C.willing      D.unwilling

20.A.calls     B.telephones      C.addresses     D.hotlines

答案:1.A 根據(jù)文意,Peter Weber獻血的同時在說著這些話,所以應(yīng)用“while+現(xiàn)在分詞”作狀語,while donating blood相當(dāng)于while he was donating blood。

2.C despite為介詞,意為“盡管,雖然”,后面接動名詞形式。reach意為“到達”;wash意為“洗”;strike意為“敲打,襲擊”;leave意為“離開,遺留”。根據(jù)上下文意義,應(yīng)選striking表示“熱浪襲擊了這座城市”。

3.B 需要“輸血”的當(dāng)然是“病人”。

4.D 由后面的現(xiàn)在完成時判斷應(yīng)選since,表示“自從上周以來”。

5.D 根據(jù)上下文,血庫急需血液,說明對血的需求量在“增加”,所以應(yīng)選grows。raise為及物動詞。

6.B ordinary意為“普通的,平凡的”;usual意為“通常的,慣常的”;common意為“普通的,常見的”;average意為“平均的”。血液需求量增加是由于交通事故和火災(zāi)事故的發(fā)生,按往常慣例看在夏季更常見。

7.C in spite of意為“盡管,雖然”;instead of意為“代替,而不是”;as a result of意為“由于,因為”;in face of意為“在……面前;縱然,不顧”。根據(jù)語境,此處應(yīng)說明獻血人數(shù)明顯減少的原因。

8.A 表示增減的幅度時,應(yīng)用介詞by。

9.B announcement意為“宣布,通告”,一般是很正式的情況;notice意為“通知,布告,啟事”,多指非正式情況;advertisement意為“廣告”;letter意為“信件”。由于是同一家公司,此處用notice最佳。

10.D 由員工們積極獻血的態(tài)度看出,此處應(yīng)選proud,表示他們感到很“自豪”。

11.C make up意為“組成,構(gòu)成”,give off意為“發(fā)出、放出(氣體、液體等)”;send out意為“發(fā)出,送出”;put on意為“穿上”。根據(jù)句意判斷應(yīng)選C項,表示“送出傳單”。

12.A 該句為encourage sb.to do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),所以答案為A項。

13.C help后面需要賓語,應(yīng)用those表示“需要的那些人”。

14.B 根據(jù)獻血的規(guī)定,獻血者和家人在需要時,“能夠”得到別人的幫助。

15.A 因為血液不可數(shù),應(yīng)用amount表示數(shù)量而不用number;倍數(shù)作定語時應(yīng)放the amount的前面。

16.D 根據(jù)句意,對公眾教育當(dāng)然是介紹獻血的“重要性”,鼓勵人們獻血,而不是“困難”“可能性”或“現(xiàn)實”。

17.C 該題考查比較級的修飾語,very,quite和really都不能作狀語修飾比較級


,而常用much,far,a lot等。

18.B 該段為Weber所說的話,所以選said。

19.C 獻血是自愿行為,所以應(yīng)選willing表示“愿意的”。

20.D 空后有兩個電話號碼,此處應(yīng)是指“熱線,專線”,所以hotlines最佳。

Ⅳ.Reading comprehension(閱讀理解)(共15小題;每小題2分,共30分)


China’s 5000-metre Olympic champion Wang Junxia is suffering from a serious nervous condition brought on by stress and her heavy training schedule,according to her coach.Wang was China’s only athletic medallist in the Atlanta Olympic Games,winning gold in the women’s 5000 meters and silver in the 10 000 meters.?

“Wang Junxia is suffering from serious neurasthenia(神經(jīng)衰弱),which is causing her insomnia(失眠) and even making it painful for her to run,” coach Mao Dezhen told reporters.In an interview with China’s National Television Station CCTV,Wang said that her headaches come whenever she runs.Neurasthenia is a general term for a condition whose symptoms range(癥狀范圍) from fatigue(疲勞) and anxiety to listlessness(倦怠無力).?

“The condition has been brought on by her hard training schedule these past few years and she needs a good rest,” said Mao,who took over Wang’s training when the long-distance star split with long-time coach Ma Junren in late 1994.?

“Wang is currently recuperating(復(fù)原) in Shenyang,the capital of her home Liaoning Province.And she will join the rest of the provincial team in the southern city of Nanning for winter training in February,”Mao said.

1.Which of the following is the reason for which Wang Junxia suffers from a serious nervous condition?

A.Poor health.      B.Too much stress.

C.Heavy training.     D.Both B and C.

答案:D 根據(jù)文章第一句話可知,王軍霞神經(jīng)衰弱是由于壓力和高強度的訓(xùn)練引起的。

2.According to the passage, _______.

A.she had stopped training B.she has been training very hard

C.she had been a serious neurasthenia D.she has been in poor health

答案:B 由最后一段可知,王軍霞正在沈陽進行恢復(fù),并將參加二月份在南寧的冬訓(xùn),所以她一直在努力地訓(xùn)練,才造成了神經(jīng)衰弱。

3.Which of the following is right?

A.She got two gold medals in the Atlanta Olympic Games.<



B.She is from Northeast of China.

C.She is now training in southern city of Nanning.

D.She has been guided by Coach Mao Dezhen for five years.

答案:B 由最后一段可知,她的家鄉(xiāng)在遼寧省,所以答案為B項。根據(jù)第一段可知,她在亞特蘭大奧運會上獲得了5000米金牌和10000米的銀牌,所以A項錯誤;根據(jù)最后一段可知,她現(xiàn)在在沈陽,將參加在南寧的冬訓(xùn),所以C項錯誤;她與原教練馬俊仁于1994年分手,但文章沒有說明由毛德鎮(zhèn)指導(dǎo)了多長時間,可排除D項。

4.The best title of the passage is    .

A.Wang Needs a Good Rest

B.Wang’s Schedule Isn’t Scientific

C.Wang Faces a Serious Problem of Neurasthenia

D.Coach Mao’s New Challenge

答案:C 綜觀全文,主要講述了王軍霞患有神經(jīng)衰弱。

5.The passage probably is taken from _______ .

A.novel    B.both A and D    C.newspaper    D.magazine

答案:C 從文章來看,這是一篇新聞報道,所以最可能是選自報紙上。


During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the life of women.A woman marrying at the end of nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,and would be likely to have seven or eight children,of whom four or five lived till they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen,the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,during which chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work.Today women marry younger and have fewer children.Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.?

This is an important change in women’s life and has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic(經(jīng)濟的) position.Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full-time job.However,when they married they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the school-learning age is sixteen,many girls stay at school after that age,and though women marry younger,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born.Very many more afterwards return to full or part-time work.Such changes ha


ve led to a new relationship in marriage(婚姻),with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life.

6.We are told that in a family about 1900 _______.

A.few children died before they were five

B.seven or eight children lived to be more than five

C.the youngest child would be fifteen

D.four or five children died before they were five

答案:D 根據(jù)文章第一段第二句話可知,19世紀(jì)末的婦女結(jié)婚晚,可能要生育7~8個孩子,其中4~5個只能活到5歲,也就是說有4~5個在5歲之前就夭折。

7.One reason why a married woman of today may take a job is that she _______.

A.is younger when her children are old enough to look after themselves

B.does not like children herself

C.needn’t worry about food for her children

D.can be free from family duties when she reaches sixty

答案:A 根據(jù)文章第一段最后一句話可知,現(xiàn)在的婦女結(jié)婚早、生育孩子少,最小的孩子15歲時,她也就是45歲,還能夠活35年的時間,很可能會找工作掙錢,一直干到60歲。所以現(xiàn)在的婦女可以工作是因為孩子們能夠自理的時候她還依然年輕。

8.Many women are now likely to_______.

A.give up their jobs after they are married

B.leave school as soon as they can

C.marry so that they get a job

D.continue working until they are going to have a baby

答案:D 根據(jù)第二段第四句話后半部分可知,很多已婚婦女一直工作到第一個孩子出生之前不久。

9.According to the passage,it is now quite usual for women to _______.

A.stay at home after leaving school

B.marry men younger than themselves

C.start working when their children old enough

D.marry while still at school

答案:C 從第一段和第二段的結(jié)尾可知,已婚婦女在孩子們長大后又回到工作崗位上,可以工作到60歲,而以前在結(jié)婚生孩子后往往就不工作了。

10.Now a husband probably_______.

A.plays a greater part in looking after the children

B.helps his wife by doing most of the housework

C.feels dissatisfied with his part in the family

D.takes a part-time job so that he can help in the home

答案:B 文章結(jié)尾告訴讀者,丈夫會分擔(dān)家庭生活的更大一部分責(zé)任。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/1169271.html
