高二英語下冊(cè)單元課時(shí)質(zhì)量測(cè)試題及答案:Unit 4[1]

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1.?What a shame!It turned out to be a failure.

?We missed a process,________ we could not succeed in the experiment.

A.and otherwise       B.and therefore

C.or perhaps D.but luckily


2.Only guests of the hotel enjoy the ________ of using the private beach.

A.privilege B.possibility

C.favor D.advantage


3.The criminal,as well as some ________ people,was arrested by the police yesterday.

A.relevant B.skilled

C.released D.lucky


4.A live program on TV is calling on people to ________ money or some other things to the people who have suffered from the Sichuan earthquakes.

A.donate B.lend

C.put D.pay


5.I ________ invite Mr.Green to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.

A.do B.does

C.did D.doing


6.Good news!Maybe I ________ a job soon.I had an interview at an engineering firm yesterday.

A.has been offered B.would be offered

C.will be offered D.is offered

答案與解析:C 考查動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)。由soon可以看出,該題應(yīng)該用一般將來時(shí)。如果不注意分析語境,受后面yesterday的干擾很容易誤選B。

7.________ to tell him the news;he has been told of it.

A.There is no need B.It is no need

C.You are no need D.It needn't

答案與解析:A 此處表示“沒有必要……”,need 是名詞,因此用there be 句型。

8.The river, ________ the banks are covered with trees,is very long.

A.whose B.which

C.of which D.which of


9.He is________ know the result of the examination and even can't eat or sleep well for that.

A.leading to B.dying to

C.addicted to D.accustomed to

答案與解析:B 由“他吃不下,睡不著”可知,他非常想知道考試結(jié)果,應(yīng)選B項(xiàng)。be dying to do sth.“渴望、極想做某事”為固定搭配。

10.Some people can never go above 4,000 meters because their body is unable to ________ to those extreme conditions.

A.adopt B.adjust

C.addict D.access

答案與解析:B ad

djust to“適應(yīng)”。句意:一些人不能到超過(海拔)4,000米的高度,因?yàn)樗麄兊纳眢w不能適應(yīng)那里極端的條件。adopt“采納,收養(yǎng)”;addict“使上癮”;access“接近”。

11.As the Beijing Olympics logo says,‘One world,One dream’,China has provided best services for the competitors and ________.

A.interpreters B.receptionists

C.spectators D.volunteers

答案與解析:C spectator“觀眾”。句意:正如北京奧運(yùn)會(huì)的口號(hào)“同一個(gè)世界,同一個(gè)夢(mèng)想”所說的那樣,中國(guó)已經(jīng)向參賽者和觀眾提供了最好的服務(wù)。volunteer“志愿者”是提供服務(wù)的,而不是接受服務(wù)的,所以應(yīng)該排除。interpreter“翻譯員”,receptionist“招待員”。

12.Let's look up the word in the dictionary.Do you have one ________?

A.in hand B.in need

C.at once D.at your hands

答案與解析:A in hand在手頭上。句意:讓我們?cè)谧值淅锊椴檫@個(gè)單詞吧,你手上有一本嗎?in need“在危難中,在危機(jī)中”;at once“立刻,馬上”;at your hands“在某人手下”。

13.The new couple spent some money for the ________ of the furniture necessary for their new house.

A.distribution B.manufacture

C.donation D.purchase

答案與解析:D purchase“購(gòu)買”。句意:這對(duì)新婚夫婦花費(fèi)了一些錢購(gòu)買新房子里必需的家具。distribution“分配,分發(fā)”;manufacture“制造“;donation“捐贈(zèng)”。

14.We were married on 20 May 1964,so every year we have a party on our ________.

A.congratulation B.awareness

C.anniversary D.operation

答案與解析:C anniversary“周年紀(jì)念”。句意:我們是1964年5月20日結(jié)婚的,因此我們每年在結(jié)婚周年紀(jì)念日都要辦一個(gè)聚會(huì)。congratulation“慶!;awareness“意識(shí),知道”;operation“運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),操作”。

15.Never did we have to play“stand up”,“sit down”,“speak out”but I don't ________ one student who didn't try his best.

A.hear from B.feel like

C.think about D.know of

答案與解析:D know of“知道,聽說”。句意:我們沒有必要練習(xí)“站“,“坐”!罢f”,但我未聽說有哪個(gè)學(xué)生不盡力的。A(收到……的來信),B(想……),C(考慮),三項(xiàng)都不符合句意。


In the middle of the first term of school,the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills.Steve hurried through his tests,and continued to dream of other things.His heart was not in school,but in the woods.

One day,Miss White's impatient voice broke into his daydreams.“Steve!!Pay attention!”Steve turned to look at her,fixing his eyes on Miss White,as she began to go over the test resu

lts for the seventh grade.

“You all did pretty well,”she told the class,“except for one boy,and it breaks my heart to tell you this,but...”She hesitated,her eyes searching his face.“...The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!”She just stared at Steve.Steve dropped his eyes.

After that,it was war!!Steve still wouldn't do his homework.Even as the punishments became more severe,he remained stubborn.“Just try it!ONE WEEK!”He was unmoved.

“You're smart enough!You'll see a change!”Nothing touched him.

“Give yourself a chance!Don't give up on your life!”Nothing.

“Steve!Please!I care about you!”

Wow!Suddenly,Steve got it!!Someone cared about him?Steve went home from school,thoughtful,that afternoon.Walking into the house,he found both parents were out.He,quickly,gathered up a jar of peanut butter,a loaf of bread,a bottle of water,and this time...his schoolbooks.

The following Monday he arrived at school on time,and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom.She walked in,all smiles!God,she was beautiful!

Miss White,immediately,gave a quiz on the weekend homework.Steve hurried through the test and was the first to hand in his paper.With a look of surprise,Miss White took his paper.Obviously puzzled,she began to look it over.Miss White's face was in total shock!The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!

From that moment nothing was the same for Steve.Life at home remained the same,but life still changed.He discovered that not only could he learn,but he was good at it!

He discovered that he could understand knowledge and translate the things he learned into his own life.Steve began to go ahead!

1.Steve used to be bad at his lessons because ________.

A.the teacher blamed him from time to time

B.he was not a smart boy in his class

C.the test for the seventh grade challenged his confidence

D.he hadn't put his heart into his studies


析:D 考查細(xì)節(jié)理解。通過第一段最后一句:他的心思不在學(xué)校,而是在樹林里?芍xD。

2.The underlined word“stubborn”in the passage probably refers to“________”.

A.severely punished

B.completely unchanged

C.careless with the homework

D.lost in the test

答案與解析:B 考查詞義猜測(cè)。從stubborn前后老師的言語和史蒂夫的行動(dòng)舉止(unmoved,nothing)可以推測(cè):沒有變化。

3.It was the ________ that made Steve begin to work hard at his lessons later.

A.teacher's encouragement

B.help from his classmates

C.care from the teacher

D.failure in the test for the seventh grade

答案與解析:C 考查細(xì)節(jié)理解。從“I care about you!”“Suddenly,Steve got it!Someone cared about him?”以及后面的翻天覆地的變化,可以得知是老師的關(guān)心使史蒂夫開始努力學(xué)習(xí)。

4.Which of the following descriptions is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Steve often helped his parents work in the woods instead of going to school.

B.The teacher punished Steve for his failure in the test for the seventh grade.

C.Steve not only made progress but finally became a good student of the class.

D.Steve was actually a clever boy,but Miss White hadn't realized it at first.

答案與解析:C  考查細(xì)節(jié)理解。從倒數(shù)第二段最后一句至結(jié)束,可以得知:史蒂夫不僅取得了進(jìn)步且最終成了一名優(yōu)秀學(xué)生,故答案選C。


We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life,but most of us don't do a very good job.__1__.

So,you have to give a speech?and you are terrified.You get nervous,you forget what you want to say,you stumble(結(jié)結(jié)巴巴)over words,you talk too long,and you bore your audience.Later you think,“Thank Goodness,it's over.I'm just not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again.”

Cheep up!__2__.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making.Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion?Why are you speaking?Then,gather as many facts as you can on your subject.Spend plenty of your time doing your research.Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.Use as many examples as possible,and use pictures

,charts,and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly.__3__.Don't talk over their heads,and don't talk down to them.Treat your audience with respect.They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Just remember:Be prepared.Know your subject,your audience,and the occasion.Be brief.__4__.And be yourself.Let your personality come through so that you make person­to­person contact with your audience.

If you follow these simple steps,you will see that you don't have to be afraid of public speaking.In fact,you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!You're not convinced yet?__5__.

A.It doesn't have to be that bad.

B.Take several deep breaths after your speech.

C.This article gives some advice on how to give a good speech.

D.Say what you have to say and then stop.

E.Don't say what you aren't familiar with.

F.Never forget your audience.

G.Give it a try and see what happens.

答案:1.C 2.A 3.F 4.D 5.G


Dear Editor,

I'm a Senior 3 student who take the College Entrance Examination next year.Now I have a problem in choosing major.My parents want me to study international business as they want me to be a businessman.Therefore,my head teacher suggested that it is better for me to choose software engineering.As for me,I have a totally different idea from them.I want to take environmental science as my major so that I can use I have learned to help improve environment in my hometown after graduation.But can I possible make a decision on my own against the will of my parents and my teacher?I'm written to you for your opinion.I'll be very thankful to you if you can spare some time to give me some advices.


Wang Hua


Dear Editor,

I'm a Senior 3 student who∧willtake the College Entrance Examination next year.Now I have a problem in choosing ∧a major.My parents want me to study international business as they want me

to be a businessman.ThereforeHowever,my head teacher suggested that it isbe better for me to choose software engineering.As for me,I have a totally different idea from themtheirs.I want to take environmental science as my major so that I can use∧whatI have learned to help improve∧theenvironment in my hometown after graduation.But can I possiblepossibly make a decision on my own against the will of my parents and my teacher?I'm writtenwriting to you for your opinion.I'll be very thankful to you if you can spare some time to give me some advicesadvice.


Wang Hua

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/1181021.html
