
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. Which word means “勇敢”?
A. bravery B. basin C. base D. brave
2. Which of the following is not the meaning of “instant”?
A. 瞬間 B. 立即的 C. 立刻的 D. 不斷的
3. What’s the meaning of the word “admirable”?
A. 承認 B. 羨慕 C. 值得贊揚的 D. 風(fēng)俗 4 What’s the meaning of the word “conflict”?
A. 確定 B. 矛盾;沖突 C. 通貨 D. 風(fēng)俗
5. Which is the meaning of the phrase “put forward”?
A. 放下 B. 收起 C. 結(jié)束 D. 提出
6. What’s the meaning of the word “announce”?
A. 通知 B. 命令 C. 宣布 D. 講述
7. Which word has the meaning of “暫時的,臨時的”?
A. contemporary B. temporary C. ceremony D. complex
8. What’s the meaning of the word “imitate”?
A. 模仿 B. 重建 C. 吞下 D. 再利用
9. What’s the meaning of the word “delight” ?
A. 快樂的 B. (使)高興 C. 傳遞 D. 需要
10. What’s the meaning of the word “convenience”?
A. 方便的 B. 方便;便利 C. 傳統(tǒng) D. 貨幣
11. What’s the meaning of the word “royal”?
A. 快樂的 B. 輝煌的 C. 王室的 D. 一致
12. What’s the meaning of the word “acquire”?
A. 譴責(zé) B. 獲得 C. 控告 D. 指責(zé)
13. Which is not the meaning of the word “recycle”?
A. 回收利用 B. 再利用 C. 重復(fù)利用 D. 初次使用;
14. Which word means “繃帶”?
A. band
B. brand 1 C. bandage D. baggage 15. Which is not the meaning of the word “absorb”?A. 理解 B. 吸收 C. 使專心 D. 治愈
16. What does the word “cautious” mean?
A. 謹慎的 B. 好奇的 C.熱情的 D. 積極的
17. Which word has the meaning of “最重要的;不可缺少的;本質(zhì)的”?
A. essential B. electric C. convenience D. barrier
18. Which is the meaning of the word “exhausted”?
A. 困倦的 B. 筋疲力盡的 C. 貪吃的 D. 早先的;
19. What’s the meaning of the word “demand”?
A. 要求 B. 管理;行政部門 C. 贊美 D. 允許
20. What’s the meaning of the word “alike”?
A. 爭吵 B. 羅馬的 C. 類似的 D. 導(dǎo)航
21. What’s the meaning of the word “currency”?
A. 目前的 B. 好奇心 C. 貨幣;通貨 D. 習(xí)慣
22. What’s the meaning of the word “publish”?
A. 公共的 B. 出版 C. 懲罰 D. 一致
23. Which is not the meaning of the word “pour”?
A. 倒 B. 灌 C. 吸 D. 注
24. Which word has the meaning of “水泡”?
A. scar B. blister C. ballet D. watery
25. Which of the fol

llowing is not the meaning of “attend”?
A. 出席
B. 照顧 C. 注意 D. 趨向
1. I am ____________(樂觀的) about the outlook of our country.
2. __________(折疊) other clothes as flat as possible.
3. I began to ______________(懷疑) they were trying to get rid of me.
4. There’s no need for too much (禮節(jié)) between friends.
5. In a cold winter, many wild animals can die from _______________(缺乏) of food.
6. They often _________(爭吵) with each other.
7. The author of the guidebook is an architect by ____________(職業(yè)). 8. Climate and weather affect every ________________(方面) of our lives.
9. The bank will put (壓力) on you if you don’t pay.
10. They were always very ____________(嚴格的) with their children.
11. His behavior is______________(一致的) with his teaching.
12. This______________(版本) of the dictionary is sold out.
13. I felt___________(內(nèi)疚) after breaking my promise.
14. If you are too______________(貪心的), you may lose everything.
15. A cold, fever and headache are the usual (癥狀) of a flu.
16. Having been ______________(暴露) to the wind for a long time, the meat has become dry.
17. Her gentleness has given me a deep ___________________(印象).
18. I’m _________(感到高興) at your success.
19. They believe that the house was__________(故意地) set fire to.
20. The room was ___________(配備好裝備的) in warm reds and browns.
21. The school cannot___________________(容忍) cheating on exams.
22. These clothes are not dry yet; they are still (潮濕的).
23. No one could have _______________(預(yù)料) that things would turn out this way.
24. With a careful investigation, the police reached a ________________(結(jié)論) finally.
25. I wish to turn on the light, and where is the _______________(開關(guān))?
26. Did you have a chance to do any__________(觀光)?
27. I’m rather____________(懷疑的) about what he said.
28. People like to live a life full of (多樣化).
29. TB is a serious illness, but it can be ______________(治愈).
30. After (擠出) the water out of the

shirt, she hung it in the sun.
1. Can those _________(seat) at the back hear me?
2. There was an __________(excite) look on his face when the actress appeared.
3. He has _______ _______ a post in England. (apply)4. I lost sight ____Wang Ping when we reached _____ looked like a market.
5. She had a _____ for poem and was an extremely__________(gift) poet.
6. I have _____________(inform) him ______the time for the opening
7. There are many people ____________(absorb) in the public square dancing
at the gate of the park every night.
8. The dog _________ ________ the small hole in the wall. (squeeze)
9. His performance made a strong________( impress)____ the audience.
10. Everybody was ____________(delight) to see her.
11. The teacher was ______( surround) _____his students.
12. It is reported that the doctor has made great _________(contribute) in this
13. I spent all afternoon_________(polish) the silver.
14. He made several necessary________(adjust) ______ his plan.
15. Thank you for __________ me _______ the work. (aid)
16. He __________(accuse) his boss _____keeping back his money.
17. She ______ each of the children_______ an ice cream. (treat)
18. ________(exhaust),I slid ______bed and fell asleep.
第4 / 8頁
I. 單詞拼寫 競賽答題紙 1x1900
1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10._________
11. _________ 12 __________ 13 __________ 14 _________ 15 _________
16 __________ 17 __________ 18 _________ 19__________ 20 _________
21 _________ 22 __________ 23 __________ 24 __________ 25 _________
26 _________ 27 __________28 __________ 29___________ 30 _________
II. 語法填空
1. _________ 2 ________ 3 _______ _______ 4 _______ ________
5 _______ ______ 6 _________ _______ 7 ___________________
8 ______ _______ 9 _________ ______ 10 __________________
11 ______ ______ 12 ________

13 ________14 _______ ________
15 ______ ______ 16 ______ _______ 17 _______ ___________
18 _________ _________
1. We arranged an interview between the footballer and the man suppose to bribe him.
2. John Snow was a famous doctor in London ----such expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.
3. In another part of London, he found supporting evidences from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.
4. He had not foreseen this, so he made farther investigations.
第5 / 8頁
5. My first visit was to a space station considering the most modern in space.
6. They have different educational and legal systems as well different football
teams for competitions like the World Cup.
7. It is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at
school saved her life.
8. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the
affecting person died.
9. John was studying in his room where he heard screaming.
10. Wales was linked to it in thirteenth century.
11. You’ll have a professional photographer with you to take photograph.
12. Now when people refer to England you find Wales including as well.
13. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid which saved Ms Slade’s
14. That interested her most was the longitude line.
15. It contained statues on memory of dead poets and writers.
16. This is similar in the “jet lag “you get from flying, but it seems that you keep
getting flashbacks from your previous time period.
17. Worrying about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.
18. I took an amateur course at university update my skills.
19. First degree burns turn white when pressing.
20. Here come my list of dos and don’ts.
21. Hit by a lack for fresh air, my head ached.
22. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of
第6 / 8頁
cold water, squ

eezing them out and place them on the burned area.
23. His parents’ company, calling “Future Tours” ,transported me safely into the
future in a time capsule
24. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depend on what the person
25. First he marked on a map the exact places which all the dead people had
V. 短語
1. 應(yīng)受指責(zé)
2. 找到
3. 切斷,隔絕
4. 加速
5. 省去;遺漏;不考慮
6. 為了紀念
7. 依靠;依賴
8. 使……暴露
9. 值得贊揚
10. 由………組成
11.(快捷而悄聲地)移動;溜進 12. 區(qū)別對待,有影響,起作用
13. 既不……也不…… 14. 恢復(fù),完全恢復(fù)
第7 / 8頁
15. 對……有靈敏的嗅覺 16. 把………分成 17. 采訪一個故事 18. 打掃;橫掃 19. 渴望干某事 20. 反復(fù),多次
21. 注意力集中在 22. 談到;涉及;指的是 23. 看不見
24. take up ①②④
25. take off ①③

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/1212881.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高二英語下冊單元課時質(zhì)量測試題及答案:Unit 4[1]