
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高二上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題聽力(每小題1.5分,共計(jì)30分)第一節(jié)(7.5分)1. How did the woman get home? A. By plane.B. By train.C. By bus.2. What did the man do? A. He criticized Jane. B. He made the woman angry. C. He had a fight with Jane.3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. A child.B. A jacket.C. A birthday party.4. What does the woman think of computer science? A. Easy.B. Difficult.C. Rewarding.5. Who is the woman probably? A. A high school student.B. A college student.C. A college teacher.第二節(jié)(22.5分) 聽第六段材料,回答6、7題6. How much will the man pay for the package? A.?8.00B.?8.25C. ?2.507. When will the package get to China? A. In one month.B. In two weeks.C. In one week.聽第七段材料,回答8、9題8. What does the man next to the girl probably do? A. A computer engineer. B. An account.C. A secretary.9. What do we know about the office? A. It is next to the coffee bar. B. It’s very comfortable.C. It’s very small.聽第八段材料,回答第10至12 題10. How long will the man stay at the hotel? A. One night.B. Two nights.C. Three nights.11. Which telephone can the man use? A. The phone in the hall.B. The phone on the woman’s desk. C. The phone at the business center.12. What do we know about the man? A. He will pay 60 dollars a night. B. He needs help with his luggage.C. He needs the service of a wake-up call.聽第九段材料,回答第13至16 題13. For whom is the man choosing a present? A. Ann.B. The woman.C. His father.14. What did the woman buy for her father last year? A. A phone.B. A tie.C. A computer.15. Why does the woman want to buy a new watch for her dad this year? A. Her dad has no watch.B. Her dad’s watch walks fast. C. Her dad’s watch has stopped.16. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Go to the mall with her.B. Buy a present online. C. Arrange a birthday party.聽第十段材料,回答第17至20題17. Why did the two speakers go to the bank? A. To change some money.B. To open an account.C. To cash a check.18. Who paid the taxi fare? A. The man.B. The woman.C. The man’s friend.19. Why didn’t the man think he had left his wallet in the bank?A. The teller reminded him of it.B. He used it after leaving the bank. C. He didn’t feel it slip out of his pocket.20.Where did the man probably lose his wallet? A. In the taxi company.B. In the coffee shop.C. In the bookshop.單項(xiàng)填空(每小題1分,共計(jì)15分)21. —If you are driving to _____ airport, could you please give me _____ lift? — With pleasure. Get in, please. A. the, a B. an, a C. the, the D. an, the22. The moment the bell rang, announcing the end of class, ________. A. out did they rush B. out rushed they C. out did the boys rush D. out rushed the boys 23. The old driver would have been killed in the crash; fortunately, he _____ off the truck. A. had jumped B. jumped C. would jump D. was jumping24. A. The new city is said to be _____ the old one. A. three times as large as B. three times larger as C. as three times large as D. three times the size as 25. You are saying that everyone should be equal and this is _____ I disagree. A. how B. why C. where D. what26. Mom found the broken glass when she was back, red with anger, for which she didn’t know who _____ . A. was to be blamedB. was to blameC. to be blamedD. should to blame.27. Though _____ many times, Tom still didn’t understand what the teacher said. A. being toldB. tellingC. having toldD. having been told28. They _____ the repair work and walking along the river bank when suddenly the storm started pouring. A. had just finishedB. was about to finish C. have just finishedD. was already finishing 29.He felt it really difficult to _____ the knowledge his teacher could give him in class. A. attachB. absorbC. take onD. appeal to30. Very few people like _____ when others look sideways during a formal conversation. A. themB. thatC. thisD. it31. Professor Mayer’s study into EQs suggests that people’s EQs _____ by education. A. should be improvedB. can be improved C. be improvedD. ought to be improved32. Was it in this very place _____ the tour guide mentioned yesterday on the bus _____ the last emperor died? A. where, thatB. which, thatC. that, thatD. that, where33. The research is so designed that once _____ , nothing can be done to change it. A. beginsB. having begunC. beginningD. begun34. They _____ the plane or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reasons. A. can have missedB. may have missedC. needn’t have missedD. must have missed 35. ?Linda refused to make any change to her plan though it wasnt’t so practical. ?_____ We mhave many others to choose from, anyway. A. For what?A. It depends.C. So what?D. It’s up to you.三.完形填空(每小題1.5分 共計(jì)30分)I used to hate myself because I wasn’t “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not 36 . I had a serious spinal cord disorder(脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much 37 than others. I hated going to school and I hated others 38 at me. I hated seeing others smiling and standing 39 and tall. And most of all, I hated looking into the 40 and seeing an ugly hunchback(駝背).My friends found me distant because I didn’t let others get 41 to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life 42 Angela appeared. That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school—a spot where no one would 43 me. That’s when I first heard her voice.“Hi. Can I sit down?” I raised my head and there she was, with a smile on her round face.“What are you looking at?” she asked.“Ants.”“What are they doing?”“I have no 44 .”“I bet they’re playing games and making friends. Don’t you think so?”That was how our 45 started and it didn’t stop. We talked about everything under the sun—the ants, the clouds, my little niche(處境)—until it was sunset.Then suddenly, she saw my 46 . She just stared. My heart 47 . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would 48 me now. She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know 49 your back is hunched.” I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be 50 . I begged in my heart for her to 51 , but she just kept on going. “I know what you’ve got in there. Do you?”“No,” I answered weakly.She bent and 52 in my ears.“Your back is bunched because you’ve got a pair of wings from the angels.” I was 53 . I looked into her eyes and her 54 touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to 55 myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind ? hearted friend. 36.A.themB.itC.meD.her37.A.sadderB.shorterC.weakerD.slower38.A.lookingB.smilingC.a(chǎn)imingD.glaring39.A.still B.a(chǎn)lone C.straight D.together40.A.streetB.sunC.corner D.mirror41.A.closeB.closely C.help D.friendly42.A.a(chǎn)fterB.before C.since D.until43.A.disturbB.seekC.interrupt D.ignore44.A.wonderB.ideaC.signD.a(chǎn)ction45.A.connectionB.competitionC.conversationD.comprehension46.A.faceB.backC.eyesD.shoulders47.A.sank B.beat C.brokeD. hurt48.A.care forB.rely on C.look down upon D.put up with49.A.that B.howC.whether D.why50.A.a(chǎn)ccusedB.a(chǎn)rrestedC.punished D.sentenced51.A.relax B.leaveC.stop D.pause52.A.shouted B.whisperedC.laughedD安徽省太湖中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二上學(xué)期期中考試(英語)無答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/151193.html
